AEW Collision Results – August 24, 2024

All Elite Wrestling returns from Cardiff, Wales, with the latest installment of AEW Collision, a taped show premiering at 8/7c on TNT.

On tap for tonight’s installment of the weekly two-hour prime time Saturday night AEW on TNT program is The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly) vs. Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett, Matt Taven & Roderick Strong), HOOK vs. Big Bill, as well as Willow Nightingale vs. Harley Cameron.

Also scheduled for the AEW All In: London 2024 “go-home” show this evening is Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) & Lio Rush vs. Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, & PAC in a London Ladders Qualifying match, Jeff Jarrett vs. Ariya Daivari, Katsuyori Shibata vs. Jay Lethal, TCM’s Ben Mankiewicz narrates the story of Toni Storm vs. Mariah May, plus Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway will be in action.


The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, and Kyle O’Reilly) vs The Undisputed Kingdom (Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett, and Matt Taven)

Tomihiro Ishii joins commentary and makes Tommy Dreamer look loquacious.

Bennett and Briscoe start with, and they trade chops and forearms. Briscoe shoots Bennett into the ropes and Bennett gets a sunset flip but Briscoe rolls through. Briscoe shoots off the ropes into a sliding side headlock. Kyle tags in and gets a big boot. Kyle gets a series of knee lifts, but Bennett escapes with a strike. He tags in Strong, who grabs an arm bar.

Kyle lays in kicks and Strong fires back with strikes. Strong goes after Kyle’s team on the apron and then runs into a back body drop from Kyle. Strong tags in Taven. Bennett tries a run in and gets shot to the corner and Kyle drops Taven with a series of kicks. Bennett and Taven try to team up, but Kyle is able to get a double dragon screw leg whip on them.

Kyle tags in Cassidy. Cassidy does the soft into hatred kicks on both Taven and Bennett.He then hits a double hurricanrana on the two. Strong gets in the ring and it’s time for Cassidy to start handing out spinning DDTs. Taven is left in the ring and Cassidy runs into a big boot. Taven is put on top and Bennett takes out Kyle and Briscoe on the apron. They try to set for a spike piledriver, but Cassidy reverses it into the set up for a beach break. Strong comes in and pulls Cassidy down and this time Taven hits the spike piledriver for a two count broken up by Briscoe.

Briscoe is tossed and Strong stays in the ring, and it’s time for Cassidy to be the babyface in peril as they work him over with quick tags. They aren’t able to do it for long as Bennett tries for a sunset flip. Cassidy struggles, but then just pulls Bennett’s hands off his legs and walks over to tag in Briscoe, who cleans house.

This leads to a series of divest and the pile of people dived into gets bigger until Bricoe does the chair launch and is blocked by Bennett. Bennett picks up the chair which causes the ref to admonish him. This allows Strong to grab Briscoe and slam him into the chair. Bennett covers for two as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Briscoe has been the babyface in peril through the break. Briscoe is able to get the hot tag after hitting a suplex on Taven. Kyle runs wild and after he hangs up Bennett in the ropes, Briscoe tags. Kyle gets a leap onto Bennet, Briscoe hits the froggie bo, and Cassidy tags in for a flying elbow for two. Cassidy escapes a fireman’s carry and Kyle gets a blind tag.

Cassidy hits the stundog millionaire, and Kyle follows with a big boot. Bennett picks up Kyle and uses him to knock down Cassidy, Taven gets a running knee on Cassidy and Bennett hits a Death Valley driver on Kyle. Strong tags in and gets a backbreaker on Kyle for two.  The tag team siren goes off, and all six men are fighting with Strong getting another backbreaker for two. Kyle is able to get a guillotine choke and Cassidy and Briscoe also get sleepers. All six men run into each other in the middle of the ring.

Time for everyone to get a finisher on the last person to get one. Briscoe finally gets the chair assisted launch, but the chair gives way and Briscoe almost face-plants. Kyle is able to get into the ring and lock in the guillotine choke on Bennett, who passes out.

Winners: The Conglomeration

We get a video promoting the Trios championship match at All In.

Willow Nightingale vs Harley Cameron

Willow gives Ishii, who is still at commentary, a big hug.

They lock up and Willow forces them to the corner. Cameron is able to lay in a series of kicks, but Willow cartwheels out and then gets a shoulder tackle on Cameron. Willow gets a scoop slam and then a senton for one. Willow hits a splash in the corner and then whips Cameron across for another slam. She whips Cameron into the corner again for a series of clotheslines. Willow goes for the power bomb, but Cameron escapes.

Cameron gets knee lifts and a Russian leg sweep for two. Cameron lays in kicks in the corner and then a back elbow off the ropes for two. Willow gets a jawbreaker and Cameron is able to reply with a series of strikes and soul food. Harley gets a running knee for two. Cameron lays in a series of shots on a seated Willow. Willow gets to her feet and starts shaking off Cameron’s shots. Willow knocks Cameron down with a forearm and hits a power bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Ishii raises Willow’s hand in victory.

Backstage, Lexi Nair is with Private Party who are the official MCs for All In. Next in are Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara, the new Ring of Honor Tag Team champions, and they issue an open challenge and they are not coming alone as the Von Erichs are coming with them as well as Shibata.

Katsuyori Shibata w/Dustin Rhodes and Sammy Guevara vs Jay Lethal w/Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh

Interesting that Jeff Jarrett isn’t with Lethal.

They start with a handshake, so it looks like Lethal’s heel run is over. They work a series of arm bars and waistlocks. Lethal gets a headlock takeover and Shibata gets a head scissors escape. Lethal break it with a foot on the ropes. They lock up again, this time a headlock into running the ropes. They trade shots and Shibata grabs a double wristlock. Lethal gets a hip toss and then gets a cartwheel into a shotgun dropkick. Lethal starts working the leg.

Lethal calls for the figure four and Shibata kicks him off. Shibata gets a snap mare and stomps on the arm. He does it a second time. Shibata kicks Lethal to the floor and we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Lethal gets a dragon whip in the ropes. He holds on and then gets the figure four. Shibata tries to pry Lethal’s legs apart. Shibata is able to drag them to the ropes for the break. Lethal gets an arm bar and goes back to work on the leg. Shibata gets a rear chinlock, but Lethal gets a jawbreaker, a Lethal combination and then goes to the top for a flying elbow, but Shibata grabs him for the jugi gitame. Lethal gets a rope break.

Shibata lays in blows in the corner. Shibata hits a running drop-kick and covers for two after a butterfly suplex. They trade kicks in the middle of the ring. Shibata gets a STO and then a ripcord slap. Shibata locks on the claw and then transitions to the jugi gitame and Lethal has to tap out.

Winner: Shibata

Shibata and Lethal shake hands after the match.

We then get a video of Kris Statlander training Stokley Hathaway for their match at All In.  Sadly, it was a serious video.

Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway vs The Already In The Ring Kid Lycos 2 and Nina Samuals

Well, we need to see Stokely in the ring, I guess.

Stokely shakes hands and Kris clotheslines them both down. Stokely tags in and gets a spinebuster on Lycos. Kris tags in and gets a face plant slam and then the blue thunder bomb. Stokely tags in and slams him on Lycos because no one wins with a blue thunder bomb. Stokey stays on Lycos for the pin and the win.

Winners: Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway

Stokely grabs the mic and says that was a preview of their match at All In. He says they will win at All In and pick the stipulation for Willow and Statlander’s match at All Out.

Ben Mankiewicz from Turner Classic Movies narrates a video promo for Toni Storm’s match at All In.

Hook vs Big Bill w/Brian Keith and Chris Jericho

Hook has black tape of the “injured” eye. Jericho joins commentary.

Hook goes right at Bill with strikes and body blows. Bill gets a knee lift after the ref pulls him off, and then slams him. Bill lays in a big strike and then chokes Hook on the middle rope. Hook gets a series of body blows and then Bill clubs him down. Bill stands on Hook in the corner. Bill lays in blows in the corner and beats Hook down.

Bill whips Hook to the corner and then hits a splash. Bill wraps Hook in the ropes, clubs him down and then knocks him to the floor with a big boot as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, the crowd is going wild and Bill is bear hugging Hook and tosses him to the ground. Bill mocks Hook and then does the ground and pound. Bill gets a scoop slam and a pair of elbow drops for two. Bill misses a big elbow drop and when he charges at Hook, Hook gets a low bridge. Hook dodges a splash in the corner and Bill hits his head on the turnbuckle.

Hook gets ten in the corner and the crowd will NOT count along. Hook gets a running clothesline and then hits a suplex to loud boos. Keith gets in the ring and he takes a judo suplex from Hook. Bill tries for a chokeslam, but Hook escapes. He goes to the top and Bill stops him. Hook leaps onto Bill’s back and gets the Redrum while on his back and Bill has to tap out.

Winner: Hook

The crowd reaction was WEIRD.

We then get a video about Jack Perry vs Darby Allin for the TNT Title at All in.

Ariya Davari introduces himself and cuts a cheap heat promo about the local sports team.

Ariya Davari vs Jeff Jarrett w/Karen Jarrett

Davari starts with shenanigans and has Jarrett chase him around the ring and then grabs Karen to hold in front of him, so Jarrett doesn’t attack. Davari knocks Jeff down and then puts him on the steel steps before tossing him into the ring. Davari works over Jeff both in the ring and on the floor. Jeff takes over on the floor and batters Davari into the barricade and then the steel steps. Davari is tossed into the ring, but he gets a kick to keep Jeff from getting back in the ring. He rolls Jeff into the ring and they run the ropes.

Jeff gets a sleeper, but Davari reverses it. Jeff goes down to the mat and then Jeff works to his feet and backs into the turnbuckle. Jeff gets a belly to back suplex and when Davari pops up, Jeff batters him down. Jeff gets an atomic drop followed by a Russian leg sweep for two. Davari gets an eye rake to escape a pickup. Jeff is able to get an insigiri, and knocks Davari into the ropes, where Jeff leaps onto his back. Davari charges at Jeff in the corner and Jeff lifts him up and over. Jeff dodges a cross body and hits the stroke for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

This was an old school meat and potatoes Heel vs Babyface match and both guys did a solid, workmanlike job. I like this kind of match rather than a squash, and it serves the same function: To make one guy look good before a bigger match later.

We then get a promo video for Hologram.

Lio Rush with Top Flight (Dante and Darius Martin) w/Action Andretti vs Pac and The Blackpool Combat Club (Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli)

The winner is the fourth team in the Trios Championship Match at All In.

Yuta starts with Darius and they go with arm bars and headlocks. Yuta picks the leg and gets a bow and arrow stretch. He switches to a cover for one. They trade headlock takeovers and Darius gets a springboard arm drag into a drop-kick. Dante is tagged in and they set too soon for a back body drop. Yuta takes advantage of this by kicking Darius. Top Flight gets a two-man clothesline on Yuta for a two count.

Pac tags in and he and Dante do opposing flips over the other. Pac is whipped to the corner, floats over and flips to the other side of the ring. They run the ropes and Dante gets a super high hurricanrana. Claudio is tagged in and he slowly stalks into the ring. Rush is tagged in and they stare each other down. Claudio goes for the giant swing, and Lio works out of it. Rush gets a rollup into a giant swing, but Claudio fights out of it before he starts.

Claudio nails uppercuts on both members of Top Flight as they enter, but this allows Rush’s team to attack Claudio and the tag team siren goes off and everyone is in the ring and we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Yuta covers Darius for two. Yuta hits a suplex on Darius, who was trying to fight out of a chinlock. Pac is tagged in and is whipped into Darius in the corner. Darius grabs Pac and then is able to grab Yuta and hits them with a double DDT. All three men are on the mat, and Claudio rushes the ring to stop the tag. Darius dumps him to the floor and Dante is tagged in.

Dante cleans house with lots of high-flying moves. Dante gets a big cross body of Pac for two after Rush gets a backflip onto Yuta on and floor. Rush tags in. Rush then spears Pac into the announcers table on the floor, rolls him in and covers Pac for two. Rush and Pac trade blows. Pac gets a quick series of kicks. Rush gets a running clothesline and a blue thunder bomb for two, broken up by Yuta.,

It’s now time for everyone to get a big move on the last person in the ring. Claudio is that last man standing and Rush tries for a rollup and Claudio goes to the floor when Dante dives onto him. Rush gets a jawbreaker on Pac. Pac gets a belly to back release suplex. Pac goes to the top and is cut off by Dante. Darius gets a cutter from the top.

Rush gets a frog splash for two, broken up by Claudio and Yuta. Claudio gets a popup uppercut on Dante. Everyone is rolled to the floor, but Claudio cuts off his dive and puts him in the Giant Swing. Yuta gets the drop-kick onto Rush to end it. Pac gets the Black Arrow for the pin and the win.

Winners: Pac and the Blackpool Combat Club

This brings out Cristian Cage who heels the crowd. He then says he is the Godfather of ladder matches and gives friendly advice. He says you have to have eyes in the back of your head, and this means Nick Wayne and Killswitch attacks with chairs from behind. Cage sets for a con-chair-to. This brings out the Bang Bang Gang and they grab tables from under the ring.

The lights go out and we get the House of Black’s entrance. They stroll to the ring and then they and the Bang Bang Gang hit the ring.  The Patriarchy bails and the other three teams start fighting as we are out of time!
