AEW Collision Results – August 3, 2024

It’s Saturday, and you know what that means …

All Elite Wrestling returns with the latest installment of their weekly AEW Collision show on TNT, which this week emanated from eSports Stadium in Arlington, TX.

Featured below are complete results of the show courtesy of


Collision began with the AEW Trios Champions The Patriarchy coming to the ring. As always, Tony Schiavone & Nigel McGuinness were on the call.

Christian Cage, holding all three Trios Titles, said that his road back to the AEW World Championship began with the Trios Titles and disciplined the fans in the difference between a belt and a championship. In a showing of good grace, he awarded Nick Wayne with his title belt. Cage told Killswitch that the Patriarchy does not work without their finisher and gave him a hug to show him how much he meant to him. With that said, Killswitch didn’t give birth to a Prodigy. Cage awarded Shayna Wayne with the third Trios Title to Killswitch’s dismay.

Killswitch put his hand on Cage’s shoulder, but Malakai Black & Brody King made their entrance. Cage called King “Jelly Roll,” and reminded them that Buddy Matthews was on the shelf because of the Patriarchy. Cage ran down the two of them before the lights went out. When the lights came back up, Buddy Matthews was in the ring to run them off. As the Patriarchy bailed, The Bang Bang Gang came out through the ramp.

Cage, Killswitch, and Mother Wayne bailed through the crowd. Nick Wayne bailed out through the other side of the crowd, but Kip Sabian intercepted him and dumped him over the railing. The House of Black pinballed Wayne around and sent him packing. Both Malakai Black and Juice Robinson grabbed Wayne’s Trios title belt before both trios stared each other down.

(A solid opening segment to start the show, with the Patriarchy’s past actions coming back to bite them.)

Lexy Nair was backstage with Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs. Rhodes put over the connection between the two families, and the Von Erichs talked about how proud they were to be champions alongside Rhodes. Sammy Guevara entered the frame and spoke about how he wanted to earn their trust going forward as proud Texans. Rhodes shook Guevara’s hand.

Hologram & Mistico defeated The Premier Athletes (Ari Daivari & Tony Nese) (w/Mark Sterling)

We got footage of Chris Jericho’s recent attack on Mistico in Arena Mexico, with the two set to compete at CMLL’s 91st Anniversary show in September. Mark Sterling mocked Hologram and Mistico, saying that they should be in Paris with the other gymnasts. He said that they would be losing here instead, “in Texas, in front of fat people.” Now now, I’m sure Paris has its share of tubby folks. Someone’s gotta be eating all those baguettes.

Hologram and Daivari started, with Hologram having the advantage until Daivari used the mask to pull Hologram into his corner. Hologram slipped by Nese to get the tag into Mistico, who vaulted off of Hologram’s back to hit a headscissors on Nese. Mistico caught both Athletes with an armdrag/headscissors combo before the luchadores sent the Athletes to the floor with dual dropkicks.

After a commercial break, the Athletes had the advantage on Mistico until he hit a handspring back elbow to both men. Mistico got both men out of his way before tagging Hologram, who ran wild on both Athletes. Hologram hit a wild hammerlock slam for a nearfall. Nese got a blind tag and caught Hologram with Greetings From Asbury Park for a nearfall broken up by Mistico.

Hologram got cut off by Sterling, and after sending Daivari to the floor, Hologram dove into Sterling for a big pop. Mistico got back in the mix and vaulted off of Hologram to hit a tornillo onto both Athletes. Hologram followed with a ropewalk dive to the floor before scoring the win with a 450 Splash on Daivari.

We got a recap package of the events that led to Jeff Jarrett vs. Bryan Danielson on next week’s Dynamite.

Mariah May made her way to the announce desk, with her Owen Hart Foundation Title and her bloody shoe. Nigel McGuinness lost any semblance of composure as May gave Tony Schiavone grief for his curt comments a few weeks ago. Toni Storm made her entrance before bolting to the announce desk to brawl with May. Vice Principal Christopher Daniels tried to break it up, but Storm dove off of the stage onto both of them. Security broke the two of them up before Storm’s scheduled opponent Rache Chanel jumped Storm from behind.

Toni Storm defeated Rache Chanel

Storm took quick control with a German suplex and a hip attack before scoring the quick win with the Storm Zero.

We got a video package with Kyle Fletcher speaking about his friendship with Will Ospreay before his match with MJF on Dynamite.

We got footage of MJF’s American Title defense against Templario from Friday night’s CMLL event.

Kyle Fletcher defeated Brian Cage

Don Callis joined commentary as he watched his charge Fletcher make his way to the ring. Fletcher quickly sent Cage to the floor before hitting a dive to the floor. Cage sent Fletcher into the apron and the stairs, but Fletcher reversed a suplex on the ramp. In a page out of the Great Muta’s playbook, Fletcher charged up the ramp before charging Cage with a cannonball as we went to a commercial.

After a commercial, Cage took Fletcher off the top rope with a scary twisting powerslam for a nearfall. The two traded strikes until Fletcher caught Cage with a Hammerlock Tombstone for the win.

Fletcher took the mic after the match and warned MJF that if he dropped him on his head like he did to Cage, he may not make it to Wembley. Fletcher said that if MJF was the American Hero he believed himself to be, he would put the American Championship on the line on Wednesday.

MJF appeared on the screen, saying that Fletcher was a typical foreigner coming to take from hard-working Americans. He said that he didn’t become famous by riding Ospreay’s coattails, he did it by beating Ospreay without breaking a sweat. MJF offered Fletcher an Eliminator match for the title, saying that if Fletcher won on Wednesday, MJF would defend the title against him the following week.

We got a video package of Bryan Danielson training for his World Title match at All In. Danielson talked about training at 100 percent, where 101 percent is not possible. Wheeler Yuta was training with him and said that people had forgotten about how dangerous Danielson was. Yuta said that Swerve Strickland was just putting his title on the line, while Danielson was putting his life on the line. Danielson warned Strickland that this was the biggest match of his life and that he was training like it.

Jeff Jarrett & his crew were backstage with Renee Paquette. Jay Lethal said that if it wasn’t for Hangman Page, Jarrett would have won the Royal Rampage. Sonjay Dutt said that it wasn’t for Page, Jarrett would have won the Owen Hart Tournament. Karen Jarrett said that those two needed to do something about Page, before Jeff told everyone to calm down. Jeff said that neither he nor Page got what they wanted before moving on to Bryan Danielson.

Jarrett said that Danielson needed to be ready for Swerve Strickland, who was the most dangerous man in wrestling. Jarrett offered Danielson to take their match back to his roots in Memphis, where they did hardcore wrestling before it was called hardcore wrestling. He wanted their match to be Anything Goes and promised to introduce Danielson to the Last Outlaw. The match was made official, with Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat to be a special guest for the match.

Continental Collision Three-Way Match – Claudio Castagnoli defeated Tomohiro Ishii & Lee Moriarty (w/ Shane Taylor)

It was announced here that the winner of this match would get a future Continental Championship match against Kazuchika Okada at a future date. The three men traded forearms to start before Moriarty sent both Castagnoli & Ishii flying with a dropkick. Moriarty used his technique to clear both men out of the ring before hitting a low tope to both of them as we went to a commercial.

We came back to bodies flying everywhere as the men traded German suplexes. Castagnoli took both of his opponents down with a double clothesline. Ishii and Castagnoli were left in the ring to trade strikes, with Moriarty shoving Ishii out of the ring to attempt to steal the pin. Castagnoli snatched Moriarty up in the Giant Swing. Castagnoli went for a move, but Ishii yanked him out of the ring. Moriarty caught a sliding lariat into a crucifix pin, but Ishii came back with a running lariat for a nearfall. Ishii and Castagnoli traded more strikes before Ishii scored with an enzuigiri that Moriarty tried to steal the pin for again.

Moriarty caught Ishii in the Border City Stretch before Ishii rolled him onto his shoulders for a nearfall. Moriarty hit a sunset flip on Castagnoli that resulted in Ishii getting suplexed. Castagnoli yanked Moriarty up into a Neutralizer, then yanked Ishii out of the ring and hit a diving uppercut on Moriarty for the win and the future title match against Okada.

Top Flight was backstage with their new flight attendant, Leila Grey. Grey said that with her help, Top Flight was headed straight to the top. MxM Collection interrupted them, figuring out that TSA stood for “Their Style: Ass.” They argued before MxM proclaimed Top Flight’s interview over.

Thunder Rosa defeated Taya Valkyrie (w/ Johnny TV)

Johnny involved himself early to give Valkyrie the early advantage, but Rosa came back with double knees in the corner and a sliding lariat that sent Valkyrie to the floor. After a commercial, Rosa came back strong, rolling through a Road To Valhalla attempt to hit a double stomp. Johnny yanked Valkyrie out of the ring, then got in Rosa’s way to allow Valkyrie to hit a spear.

Rosa caught Johnny with a baseball slide, then slid out of the way of a curb stomp before locking on the seated Cobra Clutch for the win. Rosa immediately called out Deonna Purrazzo, who congratulated her on her winning streak. Purrazzo noted that she has a winning streak as well, having beaten Rosa three times in a row. Rosa challenged Purrazzo to a bullrope match next week, which was quickly confirmed.

Darby Allin, FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) & Mark Briscoe defeated The Beast Mortos & The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett & Roderick Strong)

Harwood and Strong started with some hard grappling before the tecnicos made quick tags to keep control of him. Strong booted Harwood before getting Bennett tagged in. Bennett and Harwood traded hard chops before Briscoe hit the double shoulder block with Harwood. The announcers noted upcoming October dates for Dynamite, including the Dynamite 5th Anniversary show as well as a Title Tuesday Dynamite as well.

Allin and Taven tagged in, with Allin scoring several flash pins before Taven ran to tag Mortos. Mortos laid everybody out, including dumping Allin straight onto his head and shoulder. Darby, the match just started. Wheeler got caught in the wrong corner before Strong hit an Olympic Slam to take control into the commercial break.

After the break, Wheeler fought for the tag before Bennett ripped Allin off of the apron with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Briscoe got on the apron and made the tag, running wild on the rudos. The match broke down into a Pier Six brawl before Briscoe hit Taven with the Death Valley Driver. FTR hit the Redneck Boogie before Briscoe followed up with the Froggy Bow, with the pin being broken up by Taven’s partners.

The match broke down again before Mortos hit a tornillo onto Briscoe and a cannonball on Harwood. Mortos hit a Tumbleweed on Harwood for a nearfall before tagging Strong in. Harwood fought his way to the corner, where Briscoe was taken out by the Kingdom. Strong took Harwood and hit a gutbuster before Mortos followed with a spear for a nearfall. Harwood traded strikes with Mortos before hitting a main event spinebuster – in the main event, no less.

Allin tagged in and ran wild on Taven and Strong, crushing them with Coffin Splashes. Allin hit a Code Red on Strong for a nearfall. The Kingdom triple-teamed Allin with strikes but couldn’t keep him down. The Kingdom went for Hail Mary on Allin, but Allin got an inside cradle on Taven for a nearfall. Harwood snuck a blind tag in before Allin fought off the Kingdom. We got huge dives from everyone before FTR hit the Powerplex on Taven. Briscoe and Allin followed with a Froggy Bow and a Coffin Drop respectively for the win.

After the match, Harwood took the mic and talked about being the heart and soul of AEW when The Acclaimed came out. Max Caster asked where FTR was when the Acclaimed was in Blood and Guts. Caster said that Harwood’s body couldn’t hold up, while Wheeler wasn’t good enough to get on TV without his partner.

Anthony Bowens took the mic and said that the Acclaimed fought to give FTR the right to complain about their legacies, which the Acclaimed don’t care about. Bowens told FTR that they didn’t get to cut the line and reminded them that they held a win over FTR. Bowens told them to nut up or shut up and shoved the mic into Harwood’s chest, starting a shoving match.

Mark Briscoe said that this is exactly what the EVPs wanted and asked for a show of unity. FTR offered a handshake, but the Acclaimed walked away.