AEW Battle Of The Belts IV Results – October 7, 2022

Battle Of The Belts IV Results
AEW Battle Of The Belts IV Results (10/7/2022)

It’s Friday night, and you know what that means …

All Elite Wrestling returns from the Entertainment & Sports Arena in Washington, D.C. for a special live episode of AEW Battle Of The Belts IV on TNT.

On tap for tonight’s show is AEW TBS Champion Jade Cargill defends against Willow Nightingale, IWGP & AAA World Tag Team Champions FTR defend their ROH World Tag Team Titles against Gates of Agony and AEW World Trios Champion PAC defends his AEW All-Atlantic Title against Trent Beretta.

Featured below are complete AEW Battle Of The Belts IV results from Friday, October 7, 2022. The following report was written by Matt Boone (@MattBoone0709) as the show aired live on TNT.


And we’re off-and-running with the fourth-ever AEW Battle Of The Belts special event here on TNT via the Entertainment & Sports Arena in Washington, D.C.

AEW All-Atlantic Championship
PAC (C) vs. Trent Beretta

We see PAC still in the ring fresh off of his match in the main event of the AEW Rampage show that just wrapped up and he is ready for another championship defense. “The Bastard” will be putting his AEW All-Atlantic Championship on-the-line against Trent Beretta.

The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this one. The commentators sing the praises of PAC for being a fighting champion defending two titles in back-to-back matches, first along with The Lucha Bros in an AEW Trios Tag-Team Championship contest and then completely shifting gears and duking it out in one-on-one action with his title up-for-grabs.

Now we see these two going at it and Trent of The Best Friends gets off to a strong start, taking it to PAC in the early goings of this one. As he continues to occupy the offensive driver’s seat, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

We see a big high spot upon returning from the break and then things see PAC start to settle into the offensive lead. As he does, the action spills out to the floor at ringside where the Death Triangle member sets up a table. He hoists Trent up and connects with a brainbuster that puts Trent through the table on the floor. The D.C. crowd pops big for that spot.

After that things finally start to pick up as we head into the finish of this one, as Trent starts to put together some great offense of his own as he begins to fight back into competitive form and ultimately back in the offensive lead. Unfortunately for him, as he hoists PAC up for a back-suplex over the ropes, we see PAC once again pull put the hammer for the ring bell and blast him with it. He then steals the win with a pin fall victory to retain the AEW All-Atlantic Championship.

Winner and STILL AEW All-Atlantic Champion: PAC

“The Ocho” Chris Jericho Hypes ROH Title Defense Against Bryan Danielson

Once the opening title contest wraps up, we shoot backstage for a quick word from Chris Jericho and the Jericho Appreciation Society. Chris Jericho hypes his upcoming ROH World Championship defense against Bryan Danielson and then wraps things up with a reference to being “The Ocho,” as he and the other J.A.S. members hold up 8 fingers to end the segment.

TBS Women’s Champion
Jade Cargill (C) vs. Willow Nightingale

Now we head back to the ring for our second of three championship matches scheduled for this one-hour AEW Battle Of The Belts IV special event here on TNT. We hear the familiar sounds of Willow Nightingale’s theme music and she settles in the ring for this title bout.

The theme for the champion hits now and out comes the TBS Women’s Champion Jade Cargill for her scheduled defense against the rising women’s division contender. The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this one. After the early dominant offense from “That B*tch,” we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

We see Willow hoisted up by Jade on the floor and she brings her down face and stomach first, with authority, onto the steel ringside steps. We see Jade controlling the action for a few minutes after that and then finally the challenger starts to take over and she begins mounting her own offensive run.

After putting together a little offensive flurry of her own, finally Jade Cargill takes over once more and eventually she hits her finisher and scores the pin fall victory. With the win, Jade Cargill keeps her undefeated streak in tact and is still the TBS Women’s Champion.

Once the match wraps up, we hear the screeching sounds of Vickie Guerrero’s voice. After she asks the packed house in D.C. to “Excuse Her” more times than anyone with two ears would care to hear, out comes Nyla Rose. Rose ends up making her way over to the TBS Women’s Championship. She takes the belt and walks off with it.

Winner and STILL TBS Women’s Champion: Jade Cargill

Hook Isn’t Interested In Trustbusters & Matt Hardy Threatens To “DELETE!”

We shoot backstage for a pair of quick segments before transitioning to the main event of the evening. First, “The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil” Hook is shown for an interview. The FTW Champion talks about not being interested in the offer made to him by The Trustbusters.

From there, we see Matt Hardy, who is talking with The Firm’s “All Ego” Ethan Page and Stokely Hathaway. Hardy tells the duo that if they don’t quit sticking their respective noses in his business, he will “DELETE” them.

ROH World Tag-Team Championships
FTR (C) vs. The Gates Of Agony

The Embassy’s tag-team representatives The Gates of Agony (Toa & Kaun) make their way out accompanied by Prince Nana and they head to the ring. They settle inside and their music dies down.

Now the theme for the reigning and defending ROH World Tag-Team Champions plays and out comes the duo of FTR. Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood head to the ring and they look ready for action. It’s main event time here on the AEW Battle Of The Belts IV special event.

After some hard-hitting back-and-forth early action, we see the team of The Gates of Agony start to shift the offensive momentum into their favor. As they do, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues in our headline bout of the show.

When we return from the break, we see Harwood and Wheeler start to fight their way back into competitive form after making a much-needed tag. From there, they start to get some momentum going. Harwood comes in fresh and starts taking it to both members of the opposition.

Eventually, we see The Prince try to interfere, however this backfires as FTR overcomes the obstacle and ultimately end up scoring the pin fall victory to retain their ROH World Tag-Team Championships.

Once the match wraps up, we see “The Machine” Brian Cage make his way down to the ring to join The Prince and The Gates of Agony in a post-match beatdown of Harwood and Wheeler. This continues until finally Samoa Joe runs down to make the save and level out the numbers game disadvantage enough that he and FTR clear the ring of the heel squad. The show ends on that note. Thanks for joining us!

Winners and STILL ROH World Tag-Team Champions: FTR