I saw a video of a young Shaun Ricker, now known as LA KNIGHT, on The Hero – a show hosted by The Rock. In the clip, The Rock baits a genuinely unaware LA into one of his “it doesnt matter!” lines. LA acknowledges walking straight into that one by getting up and walking around. Watching the video and attending SmackDown at Madison Square Garden earlier this month inspired me to come up with a theory on LA Knight.
So the first part of this theory of mine has to do with a top star like The Rock possibly being afraid of LA’s charisma.
I move on to the second part of my theory: what is WWE doing with him?
OK. Give Priest the MITB case. He truly did earn it. I mean, all of the guys in that ring, except Logan Paul, ALL earned it. But WHY is LA Knight not getting main television time?
Enter the machine.
I think someone in WWE might be afraid to pull the trigger on this guy, and go full steam ahead. I personally believe that there is an internal struggle backstage about his creative future.
Third part of my theory: LA Knight, as Eli Drake, was completely wasted at TNA. They had such a gem in him, but they too were afraid to pull the trigger. After getting on the mic and overshadowing his boss, Drew Galloway, the powers that be literally ripped the mic out of his hands. Why? Because they are scared of how good he is.
WWE too.
And that is because some top guys were never as handsome, and never as good on the mic as he is. And he is just as talented as them in the ring. Let’s face it. The man has a face of a star, the build of a star, and the skill of a star. Yes, he is the most perfect derivative of The Rock and Stone Cold; this is very obvious with him. But that does not mean he is not original. The powers that be are for some reason subsiding his wave of momentum.
Austin Theory needs to drop the title to LA KNIGHT in August at SummerSlam.
Wasting LA Knight on digital exclusives better be an absolute one-off, because this man deserves ALL the glory. Give him the US Title, let him set a record, and then strap one of the main titles on him and watch the company soar.
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