TNA Sacrifice 2025 starts … NOW!
The “Countdown to TNA Sacrifice 2025” pre-show kicks off inside a sold out El Paso County Coliseum in El Paso, TX. with First Class duo AJ Francis and KC Navarro defeating The Aztec Warriors team of Laredo Kid & Octagon JR.
Afterwards, Tessa Blanchard punks out Arianna Grace during a backstage interview with Gia Miller. The System are shown in an additional backstage segment, vowing victory in their ten man steel cage match.
Inside the sold out arena, Ryan Nemeth’s theme music hits. He comes out and gets on the microphone. “My big brother returns tonight!”
Street Fight: Mance Warner (w/Steph De Lander) vs. Sami Callihan
Sami props a trash can in the corner, of course he ends up running into it when Mance evades him. Trash can lid sends Sami outside, and there’s another one to the back. Mance gets a chain and tries to hang Sami with it. Sami escapes with the trash can lid, and powerbombs Mance through the table as we change streams. Back in the ring, Sami gets a Sacrifice poster and gives Mance the dreaded papercut! Is this a thing in the indies now? I saw a indy fed Facebook post with some poor sap getting a papercut earlier today. Now Sami cuts Mance’s mouth with the poster. Sami attempts a piledriver on Mance on the trash can, but Mance hits a backdrop instead. They exchange punches, Mance goes to the eyes and then gets sent into a folding chair. Steph acts like she’s shocked and appalled, but I get the feeling it takes more than this to really shock & appall her. Sami gets a staple gun, so Steph hands Mance one. Both wrestlers get stapled in the skull. The fans chant about fecal matter. The wrestlers exchange staples to various parts of their bodies. After Mance staples Sami in the lower nutsac region, he staples Sami’s hand. Sami counts with a staple to Mance’s cachnballs. Sami grabs Mance’s tongue and staples it to the turnbuckle pad. DVD on the steel chair only gets two. Mance with a clothesline, then Steph hands Mance a screwdriver. Mance licks it, then tries to implant it in Sami’s skull. Sami blocks, then bites Mance before hitting the Stunner for two. Sami gets the screwdriver, but Steph throws the powder before Sami can strike! Big running knee gets the three count.
Winner: Mance Warner (10:55 via pinfall)
Tessa Blanchard vs. Lei Ying Lee
McKenzie Mitchell introduces Krystall Poppin, who sings Tessa Blanchard to the ring. Lei is of course the former Xia Li, while Tessa is the former future of the business . Tieup into the corner, Tessa breaks then stomps Lei down. Whip into the opposite corner, then a fake charge followed by a slap. Tessa didn’t impress Lei there, and Lei delivers some shots. Lei sent over the top, shoulderblock, back in the ring and a German suplex by Lei. Lei delivers some punches in the corner, then suplexes Tessa for two. Tessa blocks the running boot, then begs off before pulling Lei through the ropes. Lei with some punches on the outside, Tessa runs away, back in the ring she delivers a back elbow, then bounces Lei off the ropes to fall off the apron. Tessa bounces Lei’s head off the ringpost and soaks in the reaction. Back into the ring. Tessa with a couple of covers for a nearfall. Tessa throws Lei back outside and does more posing in the ring. Well, it’s not terrible posing. Tessa attacks Lei outside and rolls her back in the ring. Lei with a rollup for two, but Tessa responds with some kicks for two. Rear chinlock by Tessa. Jumping knee, kicks by Lei. Suplex by Lei, then a dropkick to Tessa while she was propped on the bottom rope. Spinning torture rack into a TKO gets two for Lei. Tessa fights back, hits a slingshot splash for two. Boots to Lei, who counters into a stepover toehold. Tessa gets out quickly, but evades Lei in the corner and hits a chop. Places Lei up top, they end up fighting over a superplex and Lei hits a twisting one into the ring for two that everybody bought because it probably should have been the finish. I can guess why it won’t be. Lei places Tessa on her shoulders, Tessa goes to her face then hits a cutter. Tessa up top, hits the Magnum and gets the three count!
Winner: Tessa Blanchard (11:15)
Gia Miller is with most of the babyfaces on this show. Jeff Hardy says he’s going to be the next X Division Champion. Nic Nemeth says he’s glad to be back, and in the cage they’ll prove who’s the best of the best. Elijah says they’re walking into a war. Leon Salter is happy to be with a team of legends and has two objectives: beat the opponents and prove he belongs with this group. Matt Hardy says that this is an all-star team, and the System & Colons will be deleted. Joe Hendry says you said their names and they appeared. There will be no escape, and after they win everyone will be chanting “We Believe”. Gia says she’s excited after they all leave, then Ryan Nemeth appears to argue with Gia. OK.
Trey Miguel, Zachary Wentz & Ace Austin vs. Wes Lee, Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe
This will be contested under “lucha rules”, which means no tags and likely more chaos. Ace & Wes start. Ace with a kick, then a dropkick to Wes, gets tossed over the rope and elbowed to the floor. Ace pulls Wes out and punches him down. Trey gets caught by Tyson and ranaed to the floor. Wentz with a second rope rana on Igwe, then a twisting press out of the corner for two. The Rascalz & Ace fly outside, but the Rascalz get caught and planted. Ace hits some kicks before Wes sends Ace into the steps. Ace gets stomped down in the corner and uppercut by Dupont, who pounds Ace on the mat. Tag to Igwe, he plants Ace down for two. Frequent tags between Wes, Igwe & Dupont. Wes misses a running shooting star on Ace, Ace rolls out and Wes superkicks the Rascalz to the outside so they can’t get in the ring. Ace goes back on the defensive as Igwe applies the abdominal stretch. Back to the corner, Dupont tags in and Ace dropkicks both Igwe & Dupont in. Wes runs back in, the Rascalz tag in and do some double teaming. Spinebuster, catapult into a Meteora for two on Wes. Trey gets isolated and double chokeslammed for a two count. Trey with a superkick in the corner, then a Meteora. Popup powerslam by Dupont. Knee strike by Wentz. Meteora by Wes. Ace with a stalling suplex that Wes gets out of. Ace & Wentz with some kicks on the apron. Trey with a DDT on the floor. Wes is isolated in the ring and the crowd chants that he messed up. Wes talks some stuff before getting the Ligthning Spiral & the Fold. Wentz up top, Spiral Tap gets the win!
Winners: The Rascalz & Ace Austin (9:56 via pinfall)
Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin
Gia is with Steve Maclin, who says that right now is the right time. He’s calling his shot, which is mayhem for Frankie Kazarian. Eric Young makes his way to the commentary table for our next match. Frankie puts the Call Your Shot trophy right in front of Eric. Elbowblock by Maclin, he forearms Frankie in the corner before delivering a sliding clothesline for two. Backstabber by Kaz, then he punches Maclin down. Slam, then the springboard legdrop gets one for Kaz. Kaz hits a Perfectplex for two. Then he does a Shawn Michaels pose. Maclin responds with some clotheslines, then a Thesz press! Elbow, then an Olympic Slam by Maclin. Northern Lariat in the corner, Kaz placed in the Tree of Woe, then Maclin crossbodies him in the corner for two. Kaz goes to the apron, then drops Maclin’s neck on the apron. Springboard DDT gets two for Kaz. Maclin evades the Chicken Wing, Kaz evades KIA and locks in a double-arm cross submission. Maclin kicks his way out of the hold. Kaz accidentally legdrops the apron, then Maclin hits a tope suicida! Maclin goes up top but Kaz meets him there. Kaz goes for Fade to Black, but Maclin slides out for two. Busiaku knee by Maclin gets two. Chicken wing is rolled through by Maclin for a rollup, then an attempted armbar. Maclin back into the Chicken wing, then he runs Kaz outside. Kaz still has the dang hold in before the referee breaks it. Kazarian walks over towards EY and slips on some brass knocks! EY points it out, then gets the knucks and hits him! Kaz rolled back into the ring, Maclin hits the KIA and gets the three count!
Winner: Steve Maclin (8:36 via pinfall)
TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match: Dani Luna & Jody Threat (c) vs. Ash & Heather by Elegance & the Personal Concierge
Gia is with Spitfire, who say they will take care of Ash & Heather for the last time tonight, then make the Concierge their Personal punching bag. The Concierge makes the introduction, which El Paso doesn’t seem to like very much. Ash & Dani start, Dani with an arm drag into a bar. Ash reverses with a wristlock and tags Heather, who comes off the top with an elbow. The Concierge tags in and mounts the bottom rope for a elbow. He tries a wristlock and tags out to Ash before he gets hurt. Slam on Ash by Dani. Backbreaker out of an Ash head scissor attempt. Threat tags in for the doubleteam. Stalling suplex by Dani with a push down by Jody for two. Dani slams Ash, then slams Jody onto Ash for two. Dani goes up top, gets distracted by the Concierge. Ash knocks her to the floor, the Concierge does the Das Wunderkind dance. Heather gets the upper hand in the ring. Concierge with two stomps in the corner on Dani. Ash breaks up a murder attempt on the Concierge, then hits a handspring elbow in the corner. Heather with a dropkick & Ash covers for two. The Concierge gets kicked off a leglock attempt. Ash catapults Dani into a lungblower by Heather for two. Dani fights back with a forearm, then a suplex on Heather. Tags to Ash & Jody. Jody chops both Elegances for awhile, they miscommunicate, Double clothesline and a crotch chop in the direction of the Concierge. Concierge gets dumped. Heather launched outside by Jody. Jody with a tope suicida on Ash & Heather. Ash up in a torture rack, then a spin into a powerbomb for two. Concierge breaks the count then does some dancing. Spitfire hits the Pressure Drop on the Concierge. Dani gets sent out of the ring, then the Elegances hit a submission into a double stomp off the top rope for three! HISTORY HAS BEEN MADE IN EL PASO! NXT duo Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend come out and stare the new champs down.
Winners and NEW TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions: Ash & Heather by Elegance & the Personal Concierge (9:08 via pinfall)
Mustafa Ali (w/Jason Hotch, John Skyler & Tasha Steelz) vs. Mike Santana
Local media personality Adrian Ochoa is here to introduce Mike Santana, who enters in a low-rider & wears an Eddie Guerrero t-shirt. I’m guessing he was a fan! A bit of a pause at the start for some Eddie chants, and then Ali bails out of the ring. Ali gets grabbed by the hair by Santana, they trade some arm holds. Shoulderblock by Ali, off the ropes, big DVD by Santana. Mike goes for the three amigos, but Ali small packages him after the second for two. Some shots exchanged. Ali goes for the tornado DDT, Santana blocks and hits the three amigos. Santana with a flip dive onto Ali on the floor. Santana poses, then chops Ali on the floor. Ali fights back, gets kicked off the apron by Santana. Santana mounts the turnbuckle, brings Ali with him but gets sent to the floor. Ali tears the padding off the steel beam and does a 450 to the floor! He caught Santana in the arm, which will affect his finishing move. Santana is tossed in the ring and Ali rolls him up, but the referee sees Ali’s feet on the ropes. Roll into a neckbreaker by Ali gets two, he then goes into an arm lock. Santana fights out but Ali reverses into a crossface. Santana reaches the ropes. Ali dropkicks Santana off the apron to the floor. Ali dives out of the ring, but Santana catches him with a Cutter! That looked cool but probably affected that injured arm too. Both wrestlers slide in on the nine count. They slowly get up and exchange shots. Clotheslines in the corner by Santana, then a kick in the corner. Ali blocks Santana’s spinning clothesline. Ali with a big German suplex, Santana no-sells then gets suplexed again for two. Ali climbs the turnbuckle, rolls through the 450 attempt then tornado DDTs Santana for two. Ali walks over Santana to get some heat, then goes up top. This time the 450 hits mat. Santana runs into a superkick, no-sells, gets kicked again, rolls backward into a rolling cutter for two! Santana goes up top and hits the frog splash for two. Santana with a back suplex. Ali with a nearfall, then Santana with a nearfall off a powerbomb. Tasha Steelz up on the apron, she slaps Santana! The Great Hands are distracting the referee while this is happening, and Ali hits a rollup and uses the ropes to get the three count. Ali grabs a beer from a fan and places it in the ring while Santana is in dismay.
Winner: Mustafa Ali (13:02 via pinfall)
TNA Knockouts World Championship Match: Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Cora Jade
Arianna Grace is on commentary here, and will make things happen. The introduction is interrupted by Cora attacking Masha. Unfortunately for Cora, Masha fights right back and kicks her down. Cora backs away from a Masha dive that doesn’t happen. Cora pauses outside and Masha chases her around. Cora gives Masha a shot to the throat and throws her shoulder first into the ringpost for two. Double stomp to the back gets two for Cora. Cora with a running elbow to Masha’s back, a nearfall and then a rear chinlock. Masha fights out, but gets superkicked down for two. Vertical suplex by Cora. Cora yanks Masha down by her hair for two. Knee in the corner by Cora, Masha blocks another attempt, gets some strikes and kicks Cora down. Both are slow to get up, Cora runs into a boot and is sent to the corner. Some kicks by Masha, then a rolling heel kick gets two. Back up, Cora blocks a move with a kick to the shoulder. Cora keeps targeting it in the corner with kicks, then on the ropes. Onto the apron, Cora hits a Destroyer! I wouldn’t want to be anybody involved there. Cora back into the ring, hits the Jaded DDT on Masha for two! Foot on the ropes! Masha with a jackknife pin for two, Cora with more kicks to the shoulder. Masha fights back and it’s time to exchange some strikes! Cora runs into a spinning heel kick, and Masha hits the Requiem piledriver for three!
Winner: Masha Slamovich (9:25 via pinfall)
TNA X-Division Championship Ladder Match: Moose vs. Jeff Hardy
They exchange stares, then go out opposite sides of the ring and get ladders. Jeff is much quicker than Moose, so he almost makes it up to the belt before Moose gives up and breaks that up. Jeff hits a clothesline from the apron to the floor. Moose goes for a suplex, Jeff blocks but gets pump kicked. Jeff suplexes Moose. Then Jeff goes for a Twist of Fate, but Moose sends him into the steps. Moose sets up a chair and drops Jeff on the apron. Moose props a ladder between the apron and a chair, he sets up a powerbomb, but Hardy blocks and kicks him on the ground. Jeff looks under the ring and finds a rainbow ladder! He used this at last year’s Bound For Glory, and he places Moose under it so he can jump on it. The fans chant for tables since they saw one under the ring while Jeff was looking for his ladder. Speaking of which, Jeff places it under the belt and climbs up. Moose breaks it up with a chair, then hits a Last Ride on Jeff. Moose gets the other ladder and places it in the ring. He props it on the Hardy ladder and the middle turnbuckle. Moose hits a chair to Jeff’s back, then hits the power bomb on the propped up ladder. That breaks a rung on the Hardy ladder. Moose goes under the ring and finds the table, which makes him the biggest babyface in El Paso for a few seconds. He props it in the corner. Jeff drops Moose outside on a powerbomb attempt, then dives onto him. Jeff & Moose try to use another ladder to climb the Hardy ladder. They end up standing on the propped ladder, and Jeff hits a Twist of Fate. Jeff goes up top, but Moose meets him and drops him on his meat. Moose tosses a ladder out of the ring and knocks a camera off the cameraman’s shoulders! Alisha nearly got hit too, I think. Moose hits a superplex, Jeff no-sells and hits a Twist of Fate, Moose no-sells and hits a spear. Strikes are exchanged. Jeff backdrops Moose into the ladder propped between the ring and chair! I almost forgot about that one. Jeff finds a table and gets it ready over Moose’s carcass. Moose gets sent into the ringpost and placed on the table so Jeff can throw a chair at him. The shirt is torn, Jeff goes up top, hits the Swanton Bomb through Moose, the table, and a chair placed next to said table! Pretty sure Jeff landed pretty bad on that chair, but you can never tell with that guy. Jeff climbs a ladder, but Alisha is in the ring and hitting Jeff with Kendra the Kendo Stick! Jeff hits Alisha with the Twist of Fate, then Moose spears him through the table! Moose begins climbing the ladder, he’s very unsure of it but he makes it up top and gets the belt!
Winner: Moose (16:36 via retrieval of X Division Championship)
First Class Penthouse
Santino Marella is backstage to be yelled at by Mike Santana. The gutter is where he thrives, but he needs Santino’s help. Santino says Mustafa is a sneaky son of a gun. This Thursday, there will be a rematch, and the Great Hands & Tasha Steelz will be banned from ringside. Tom & Matthew talk to us while the steel cage gets assembled. This ain’t one of those buildings where they can lower a cage. First Class come out to talk to the people of El Paso. AJ Francis & KC Navarro have decided to bless us with an episode of the First Class Penthouse. They pimp their merchandise and coupons. They now have a record label called First Class Records and will hold auditions with audience members live tonight. Laredo & Octagon Jr. come out and speak Spanish, which is proper in El Paso. AJ Francis tells them what you’d expect the heel to say in a border town. Laredo calls them a couple of cheaters & assholes. There’s a brief physical interaction before the referees break them up. AJ gets mad because they don’t play his music at the end.
Steel Cage 10-Man Tag Team Match: Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Elijah, Leon Slater & Nic Nemeth vs. Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers, JDC, Eddie & Orlando Colon
In what is essentially a modern War Games rules main event, our ten-man steel cage match gets underway as the final bout of TNA Sacrifice. Eddie Edwards & Elijah are our first two entrants. Elijah is obviously first for his team because he’s coming out on a horse and singing a song. Elijah with a backdrop, Eddie fights back with headbutts. Elijah with a big clothesline. Elijah walks the ropes and hits the Old School. Eddie rakes the face and gets the advantage. Chop. Elijah blocks the cage, then hits a big boot. Brian Myers enters as the second man. Elijah goes right after him, but Myers hits a spear off the middle rope. Myers & Edwards double-team Elijah, hitting a backpack stunner followed by the elbow-drop. Nic Nemeth is the next man out and is a little wary since Elijah isn’t much help now. Splashes in the corner by Nic, then a neck-breaker/DDT combo. Elijah is back up, but now Orlando Colon comes in to make it 3 on 2. Big vertical suplex on Nemeth, then a backstabber on Elijah. Elijah & Nic get stomped down. Leon Slater comes out to even things. He hits a top rope rana on Edwards to introduce himself. Eddie Colon is next, and he takes Leon down, catapulting him into the cage. Elijah runs into EC’s boots and the beatdown continues until Matt Hardy comes out. Clotheslines, Side Effect, people being rammed into turnbuckles in four corners. Twist of Fate into a Neckbreaker by Slater. JDC is the final System member and he has a chair with him. He powerbombs Slater into the side of the cage and stomps him down. Myers rams the chair into Slater and smacks him with it. Joe Hendry is our final entrant and wastes no time getting down…but Myers manages to hold the door shut for a few seconds. Hendry comes in and now the bell rings after about 11 minutes or so. Fall-away slam by Hendry and a nip up. Hendry fall-away slams Edwards off the middle rope and poses until Myers delivers a low blow. Hendry is held for a double superkick, and then a super gut buster gets two. Nic eats a blue thunder bomb from Edwards for two. Here comes Nic’s brother Ryan for some moral support! Slater mounts the turnbuckle and then gets crotched. JDC & EE follow Slater up top. They place Slater on top of the cage, then go for a superplex. Noggin knocker by Slater crotches both of them on the ropes, Slater climbs all the way up and hits a 450 off the top of the cage! Four opponents catch him! Some near-falls are broken up, Ryan accidentally distracted the referee during one of them. Myers takes a Standing Ovation from Hendry. Hendry places the chair in the middle of the ring, Elijah uses it to deliver a running knee in the corner. JDC gets crotched on the chair, Matt hits the Twist of Fate on him. He does another one with the chair wrapped around JDC’s neck! That will get the three count. Ryan seems to be locking the cage while Nic & Matt are the last two men in the ring…Nic hits the Danger Zone! What the heck? Nic DDTs Matt on the chair! The other teammates try to get in but are fended off by the Nemeths swinging a chair. They ram Matt into the cage and rake his face against it. Some blood on the face of Matt. Nic headbutts him down. Ryan bounces Matt’s head off the cage. We go off the air with Nic raking at Matt’s bloody face on the cage fence.
Winners: Joe Hendry, Matt Hardy, Elijah, Leon Slater & Nic Nemeth (17:02 via pinfall)
Refresh this page often for the latest TNA Sacrifice 2025 results from El Paso, TX.
(H/T to Steve Cook and 411Mania.com)