WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry spoke with Monopoly Events on various topics, including his childhood memory of meeting Andre the Giant and why he will never forget that moment.
Henry said, “I’ll tell everybody that will listen that Andre The Giant was my favorite. I came down this ramp, and I slapped five and touched people on my way to the ring. I had a bunch of kids knock me over to where my hands were on the ground, and Andre walked into the ring, picked me up, and put me back on the other side of the barricade, and kept coming to the ring. Bro, I will never forget that moment. I’ve tried in my mind to recreate those memories for other people. You think, man, how can I make them feel this way, and what do I need to do to get them there, that’s what makes great wrestling, and I don’t think that enough of that is being done. A lot of guys wanna do 450s and Canadian Destroyers, when they should be trying to focus on the people sitting out there that spent $150 for their family to come to a show, and they don’t get what they want.”
You can check out Henry’s comments in the video below.