Tommy Dreamer Praises CM Punk vs. Seth Rollins Steel Cage Match On WWE RAW

ECW original Tommy Dreamer appeared on Busted Open Radio to discuss several topics, including the Steel Cage Match between CM Punk and Seth Rollins from Monday’s episode of WWE RAW.

Dreamer said, “What a great f’n match from Seth ‘Freakin’ Rollins and CM Punk. Starting it off was awesome, you can tell a story, you can wrestle, it’s something I tell people they need to watch where you can tell a story, you don’t need to kill each other with weapons, usage of the cage, all these other things, they told an amazing story. Why finishers are so protected is because when you have big matches like this, that’s when your opponent can kick out of an established finish. Not happy about Netflix going black during the middle finger. I do not understand it, ’cause I have seen a lot go out on Netflix that is way worse than the middle finger.”

On how the WWE production team handled Roman Reigns’ return to TV during the match:

“You heard the rumble of something is going on, but you never saw it until the time they wanted you to see it. This is why production, agents, all the behind the scenes things are perfect, ’cause once somebody grabbed Seth Rollins when he was in the corner and pulled him out, you were like, what the hell.”

On what the moment reminded him off:

“There’s millions of people watching on Netflix. There’s millions of people watching on social media. The pull out, and then the reveal, once it happened and you saw it, oh my God. If I could compare this to movies, the roar of the crowd was like [a] Friday the 13th, the more that music’s coming, and then it stops, and then you have the reveal of Jason, that’s what you got with Roman Reigns.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.