During a recent episode of his podcast, WWE star Logan Paul addressed the surprising reaction he received from fans in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio, where he was heavily booed at a WWE event.
“It bothered me. There is a guy named Bruce Prichard. Legend. Went to Cleveland. Walked out and everyone fucking booed me. In my hometown. I went backstage to Bruce and was like, ‘Do they understand that I could get out of that ring and pull any single one of them out and beat the fucking shit out of them? Anyone. Any age, gender, form.’ It hurt my feelings. Booed in my hometown. He made a comment about Cleveland, ‘It is Cleveland. What is this place?’ I was upset.
Something happened where, a flip was switched and I realized how much power there was in being able to puppeteer and really artfully manipulate the crowd to play on the exact emotion you want them to feel or not. It’s a dance, and sometimes they are fucking with me and are booing me out the building so it’s harder to get through my promos. Other times, I diss their favorite superstar or city. I found so much pleasure in it. Truthfully, at this point, I can never imagine being a babyface. I have no interest in it. I am in my pocket at the moment. I love it.”
Despite being a Cleveland native, Paul has often received a mixed reaction from WWE crowds, with his polarizing persona making him one of WWE’s most talked-about stars.