Scott Steiner Reveals He Nearly Died After Throat Injury In Puerto Rico

WWE Hall of Famer Scott Steiner appeared on Talk Is Jericho, where he discussed a number of topics, including how he nearly died after suffering a throat injury during a match in Puerto Rico.

Steiner said, “It was really strange because I started feeling cold, and I went to eat and my throat–it was very hard to swallow. Finally I jumped in the shower, take a hot shower and nothing would work and I started shaking, and finally I called the ambulance…I actually went to the same hospital that Bruiser Brody died [in]… I talked to the [doctor] and he says, ‘You’ve got five hours to live.’”

On going into a coma following surgery:

“I remember waking up to them pulling the chord, the breathing tube out of my throat…but I come to find out I was in a coma for two days. It didn’t feel like any other surgery that I had.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.