Tony Schiavone Recalls Animosity Between Jim Ross And Jesse Ventura

All-Elite Wrestling commentator Tony Schiavone recently discussed several professional wrestling topics on his podcast, “What Happened When. ” One topic was that WWE Hall of Famer Arn Anderson was stabbed by Sid Vicious with a pair of scissors.

Schiavone said, “I thought he’d be out for quite a while, from just the reports I heard. And back then you just hear word of mouth stuff. But I thought Arn would be out quite a while. And then Arn didn’t talk about it that much, you know, afterward. There really wasn’t much discussion about it from Arn. I didn’t go up to Arn and say, ‘Hey, tell me about how that happened.’ But it’s something I wouldn’t mind talking to him about now.”

On the animosity between Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura:

“I remember Jesse, when JR showed up at — and I think I’ve told this story before. JR showed up at the WrestleMania, right? His first show. Wearing a toga? And Jesse said on [WCW] Saturday Night, ‘There’s nothing worse on television seeing a fat man in the toga.’ And he was talking about JR, and JR came back to the office to, I guess, to clear his desk. This was after WrestleMania, and he heard about the comment, and he jumped on me about it. He said, ‘Do you think that was funny? Did you?’ He was really upset. I said, ‘Jim, I didn’t think it was funny. But listen, that’s him saying it not me, so don’t jump on me.’ And then Jim calm down later, he said, ‘I apologize. I know it wasn’t you. I’m just pissed off at what Jesse had to say.’ So I do remember that. And I do remember he and Jesse just did not get along. Because when Jesse came to work for WCW and was working with JR on Saturday night, Jesse was making more money than JR. And that pissed JR off, from what I remember. And so JR didn’t take too kindly to it, and that’s why the animosity brewed and bubbled over between the two.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)