WWE NXT Champion Oba Femi spoke with The Takedown on a number of topics, including how he and Tony D’Angelo have mututal respect for each other and how their matches pushed each other to the limit.
Femi said, “We definitely hurt one another, three hard-hitting matches, pushing each other to the limit. Tony knows that we have mutual respect for one another now, he knows that. And he knows why we have that respect, because as hard as he and his family hit, I hit that much harder. … Tony can talk all the trash he wants. Tony knows he was rocked. I had him on the back foot the entire feud. I think I’m done and dusted with Tony until our paths cross again. It still hurts me that he took that title from me, but yeah, it’s something that right now, I’m the Iron Survivor, it’s behind me.”
You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.