Scott Norton Looks Back On His Past Heat With Vince McMahon

Former WCW star Scott Norton spoke with Wrestling Shoot Interviews about several topics, including wrestling one match against Bob Holly in WWE after a run in NJPW.

Norton said, “New Japan, after you start with them, they want you to go someplace else for a year or two. I went and visited Vince [McMahon], and had the big talk with him … they flew me and my wife to Fort Lauderdale, and I spent the weekend there, and I wrestled Bob. We had a pretty good little match.”

On having heat with Vince McMahon over his lack of guarantees:

“They wouldn’t guarantee a dime. There’s no way I could just say I’m gonna leave New Japan … It would’ve just been the worst move. And the thing about it is, [Vince] was offended. … and I kinda got heat with Vince over it.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.