Ted DiBiase Criticizes Mantaur’s WWE Gimmick: “I Was Never Impressed”

WWE Hall of Famer “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase recently appeared on an episode of his “Everybody’s Got a Pod” podcast. He discussed several topics, including never being impressed with Mantaur in the company.

DiBiase said, “I was never impressed. I really wasn’t… And even him wearing a silly, you know, monster — whatever that thing was to the ring. I know that we want to attract and a big part of our audience are younger people, but there’s still a large portion of the fans that are full-grown adults. I’m just — sorry. I think if you even asked Vince about Mantaur today, he’d say, ‘Oops.’ [laughs] I just — I don’t know. Just wasn’t there for me at all, you know.”

On Jeff Jarrett:

“Well, God bless him. You know, I never had any problems with Jeff. He wasn’t one of those guys that everybody shunned, you know what I’m saying? And some guys — and I can’t think of any right now — but you know, like, ‘Oh, my, my dad’s the promoter. You gotta treat me nice.’ No, you know, he was a normal guy.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)