NXT kicks off with Vic Joseph and Booker T taking us back to NXT 2300 with clips from the show.
Match 1: Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend -vs- Guilia & Stephanie Vaquer
Guilia and Legend start the match and Guilia has Legend in a headlock and she powers out and kicks Guilia down. Jackson is tagged in and The MetaGirls double team Guilia and Jackson covers for a near fall. Jackson rolls up Guilia again a couple times for a two count. Guilia throws Jackson in the corner and she kicks Guilia and then hits a top rope missile drop kick and covers for two. Guilia slaps Jackson into a submission hold and tags out to Vaquer. Guilia and Vaquer double team Jackson and Vaquer covers for a near fall. Jackson attempts a sunset flip but Vaquer hits a leg drop countering it. Vaquer slams Jackson’s head into the mat over and over again until she tags out to Legend. Legend smokes Vaquer a few times and Guilia comes in and they double team Legend. Both ladies jump on Legend who uses her strength to woman handle Guilia and Vaquer. Jackson tags in and she gets on Legend’s shoulders and jumps from the ring on her shoulder outside onto Guilia and Vaquer and we cut to commercial break.
Back from break, Legend has Vaquer in a stalled suplex and tags out Jackson after slamming down Vaquer. Jackson gets Vaquer in a chokehold, Vaquer powers out and Jackson throws her back in the hold and then sends her into the corner. Vaquer evades Jackson and tags out to Guilia. Guilia takes down Jackson with some punches and then takes out Legend. Jackson kicks Guilia and Guilia counters and hits a suplex on Jackson for a near falls. Vaquer is tagged in and they both double team Jackson and Vaquer covers and Legend breaks the pinfall. Guilia gets on Legend’s back and Vaquer kicks Legend and send her out of the ring. Guilia hits a drop kick from the apron outside to Legend. In the ring, Jackson rolls up Vaquer for a near fall. Guilia is tagged in and hits a missile drop kick on Jackson. Vaquer hits a backbreaker and Guilia knees her for the win.
Winners: Stephanie Vaquer & Guilia
Mike Rome gets in the ring and talks to Guilia and Stephanie about the Iron Survivor Challenge. Guilia and Stephanie Vaquer say they’re ready to face each other at Dead Line if they both advance.
Match 2 – Women’s Iron Survivor Qualifier Match: Sol Ruca -vs- Cora Jade
The bell rings and Jade sits on the top turnbuckle taunting Ruca. Ruca knocks Jade down who scurries to the other corner and now Ruca sits on the turnbuckle taunting Jade. Ruca throws Jade down with a facebuster and kicks her in the face. Jade returns the favour and kicks Ruca and stomps on her and covers for a two count. Jade beats on Ruca in the corner and stomps her. Jade chokes Ruca on the middle rope and hits her with a running elbow and covers for a near fall. Ruca fights back and the ladies trade shots and Ruca takes down Jade with a clothesline and middle rope cross body splashes. Ruca connects with a kick to the head and tries to for a springboard move but Jade trips her up. Jade goes for a knee to the corner and misses and Ruca hits the Sol Snatcher for the win.
Winner: Sol Ruca
Je’Von Evans and Uncle Ceddy are walking backstage. Karmen Petrovic is talking with Dion Lennox. Brinley Reece comes by as does Ashante Thee Adonis and they suggest a mix tag match.
Ava Raine is with tag teams of NXT discussing the next contenders for Fraxiom. The tag teams start arguing and Ava says she wants them to show her who deserves the title shot.
Match 3 – Men’s Iron Survivor Qualifier Match: Wes Lee -vs- Cedric Alexander
The bell rings and the men lock up and Alexander throws Lee on the mat. The lock up again and Alexander throws Lee down again. Lee takes a break on the ropes and comes back and they grapple again. Lee gets Alexander in a headlock and Alexander counters and slaps Lee in a headlock on the mat. They get on their feet and Lee is still in a headlock and the ref makes them break the hold. Alexander hip tosses Lee and puts him in another headlock. Lee counters out and puts Alexander in an armbar. Alexander breaks free and Lee takes down Alexander. Alexander now punches out Lee and kicks him as he’s caught up in the ropes. Alexander chops Lee and tries for an over the top rope flip splash but doesn’t connect and we cut to commercial break.
Back to the action, Lee has Alexander on the mat. Alexander punches away at Lee to fight back, but Lee gets him on the mat with a face plant. Lee attempts a spring board splash but Alexander dropkicks him. Both men get to their feet, Alexander chops Lee down over and over again. Alexander hits Lee with a knee to the gut and both men go to the apron and Alexander hits a rock bottom on the apron. Alexander hits a spingboard flatliner and covers for a two count. Alexander sets up Lee for a suplex and Lee counters out and superkicks Alexander and connects with the cardiac kick and covers for a near fall. Lee goes up top and tries for a 450 splash but Alexander moves out of the way and connects with a clothesline on Lee. Lee takes off the turnbuckle and Alexander hits a Michinoku Driver and covers for a two count. Lee throws Alexander into the exposed turnbuckle and connects with a basement meteora for the win.
Winner: Wes Lee
Tony D’Angelo is eating at a restaurant and Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen approach him. Spears says he’s interested in Tony’s title. Spears says Tony’s built one hell of a family and he feels The North American Championship will give him what he needs. He suggests Brooks Jensen to challenge him. Tony says Spears is smart having Jensen fight for him.
Trick William is walking backstage towards the ring to talk to the NXT Universe.
Byron Saxton catches up with Kelani Jordan about her upcoming match against Fallon Henley. Jordan says she’s ready to dethrone Henley. Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx come back and tell Jordan that they’ll take care of Jordan if she gets the better of Henley.
Trick Williams is in the ring discussing Dead Line PLE. Williams says he’s not here to talk about Dead Line or how he and Bubba Ray Dudley beat up Ethan Page. He’s here to talk about Ridge Holland. Andre Chase interrupts Williams and says he has beef with Holland so he gets Holland first. Williams talks about Chase’s resiliency and asks the crowd to recognize Andre Chase for all that he’s done. Williams says Chase has done everything in NXT except win the NXT Championship. Ridge Holland comes out and says Chase doesn’t deserve an NXT Title shot. Holland questions Williams about dodging him and going for Chase. Holland throws in Williams’ face that he pinned him at NXT 2300. Andre Chase says he wants one more match and Holland says no. Chase says he’s putting the University on the line and if Holland wins Chase U is his. Holland says he doesn’t want Chase U but he wants the NXT Title. Williams says they should talk to Ava and make a Holland -vs- Chase match and the winner gets a shot as his title. Williams says he hopes Andre wins – Holland says if he wins Andre Chase has to end all his relationships with Osborne, Hudson and Hail will be done. Holland says it’s a gamble for Andre Chase and asks if he accepts. Chase accepts the conditions for their match next week. Holland cheap shots Chase and Williams drops Holland. Williams and Chase stomp on Holland and send him out of the ring.
Jaida Parker cuts a promo on all the women vying for the Iron Survivor Match.
Josh Briggs, Yokishi Inamura and Ava Raine are talking backstage. Eddy Thorpe comes by and we find out he’s in a qualifier match.
Match 4: Nikkita Lyons -vs- Adriana Rizzo
The women go at right from the bell and trade punches and kicks. Rizzo is thrown over the ropes onto the apron and she gets on the top rope and gets caught coming off the top and Lyons gets her in a full Nelson and throws her around like a rag doll and slams her down. Lyons throws Rizzo around some more and covers for a near fall. Lyons kicks Rizzo and hip checks her several times. Lyons covers and Rizzo kicks out and puts Rizzo in a sitting full Nelson. Rizzo tries powering out and instead tries rolling out of the move. Rizzo gets on her feet and arm drags Lyons. Rizzo hits a series of forearms and hits a springboard cross body. Rizzo takes down Lyons and covers for two. Rizzo come off the top rope onto Lyons. Lyons kicks Rizzo and hits a splash for the win.
Winner: Nikkita Lyons
After the match Rizzo attacks Lyons with a crowbar.
The rest of Chase U runs up to Andre Chase regarding the stipulation for his match with Ridge Holland. Andre promises he won’t let anyone break them up.
We get a video package for Zaria.
Match 5 – Men’s Iron Survivor Qualifier Match: Je’Von Evans -vs- Lexis King
The bell rings and King rolls up Evans and he does the same back to King. Evans flips around King who has him in an arm bar and counters to place King into an arm bar. King flips around Evans and breaks the hold. Evans rolls up King, King rolls up Evans. The go back and forth covering each other. They lock up and Evans takes down King with shoulder check and hits a springboard headscissors on King and sends him outside the ring. Evans flies out with suicide dives and throws King back in the ring. Evans goes for a leap frog and King runs into Evan’s groin and Evans falls and we cut to commercial.
We come back from commercial break and King has Evans in a half crab submission. Evans kicks out of it and chops King. Evans clothesline King and hits a stunner on King. Evans suplexes King and hits a springboard elbow for a near fall. Evans gets in the top rope and tries for a moonsault but misses and King hits him with a superkick for a near fall. King and Evan trade blows and slaps and Evans gets him down with a kick and heads to the top rope and hits a frog splash and King kicks out at two. King hits a backstabber and hits a Michinoku driver and Evans kicks out at two. King runs into a super kick and Evans hits a corkscrew senton for the win.
Winners: Je’Von Evans
Evans and King embrace in the ring after the match.
Fraxiom is backstage and Nathan Frazer tells Axiom he has a Iron Survivor Match. Axiom gets pissed as the tag teams are breathing down their necks and he’s focusing on The Iron Survivor Match. OTM and The D’Angelo Family come by and they get in each other’s faces.
Fatal Influence and Kelani Jordan are shown walking in different parts of the arena ahead of Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan’s main event match up next.
Dion Lennox and Ashante Thee Adonis make up backstage and Lexis King comes into the locker room, Dante Chen, Gallus, and Hank and Tank come up and they start arguing.
Match 6 – NXT Women’s North American Championship Match: Fallon Henley(c) w/Fatal Influence -vs- Kelani Jordan
The match starts and both women lock up and Henley and Jordan roll around the ring. Henley armdrags Jordan and the ref breaks them up. Henley chops Jordan after a series of quick moves and counters. Jordan gets Henley down and hits a floating armbrag. Henley pounds at Jordan in the corner and Jordan gets Henley down with a corner headscissor and kicks her out of the ring. Outside the ring, Henley slams Jordan’s head on the announce table. Jordan gets on the announce table and hits a moonsault on Henley and we cut to commercial.
Back to the action, Henley has Jordan in a headlock and Jordan hammers her way out of it. Both women take each other down with face plants. Henley and Jordan trade punches. Jordan pummels Henley and takes her down with some clotheslines and collides with her flattening her on the mat. Jordan does a somersault into a shooting star press for a two count. Jordan goes for her split legged moonsault but Henley gets to her first and knocks her around for a near fall. Jordan sets Henley on the top rope and kicks her and climbs up with her and hits a spanish fly/phoenix splash for a near fall. Jordan then comes off the top rope in an 450 splash attempt but Henley moves out of the way and rolls her up for a two count. Jordan hits a standout slam and a split legged moonsault and covers Henley and Jayne puts Henley’s foot on the rope breaking the pin. Jordan then attacks all members of Fatal Influence and rolls up Henley who kicks out. Jayne punches out Jordan and Henley hits the Famouser for the win.
Winner and STILL North American Champion: Fallon Henley
After the match, OTM crashes the announce table and says they’ll win the Tag Titles. The D’Angelo boys, Hank and Tank and Gallus run out and they all start fighting and all hell breaks loose as the show goes off the air.