TNA Bound For Glory Results – October 26, 2024

The following are complete TNA Bound For Glory 2024 pay-per-view results from October 26 in Detroit, MI.

Ash and Heather by Elegance vs. Xia Brookside and NXT’s Brinley Reece

Winners by pinfall: Ash and Heather by Elegance

The Call Your Shot Battle Royal (Frankie Kazarian will enter at No. 1 and AJ Francis will enter at No. 20)

Winner by pinfall: Frankie Kazarian

TNA Hall of Fame inductions of Rhino and Bob Ryder

Tommy Dreamer inducted Rhino into the 2024 TNA Wrestling Hall of Fame

Eric Young inducted Bob Ryder into the 2024 TNA Wrestling Hall of Fame

We go live to an outside shot of the city of Detroit as we get a TNA chant. We now go inside the arena. Singer Ilona starts things off with the National Anthem. The venue is sold-out!

We now go to a Bound For Glory intro package.

Back inside the arena we get a big TNA chant with Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt at ringside, welcoming us to the show.

El Hiko del Vikingo comes out first as we get ready for our first match of the night. Out next is the champion in Mike Bailey.

TNA X Division Championship Match: Mike Bailey defends against El Hijo del Vikingo

The bell rings as we are underway. We get a big this awesome chant even before both men lockup. Both men shake hands. Both men slap each other and attempt some kicks. Bailey takes down Vikingo. It was noted this is the highest attendance for a TNA event in eleven years…both men take each other down. Vikingo sends Bailey to the floor and then takes down Bailey with a dive over the ropes to the outside. Vikingo goes to the top rope as Bailey is back in the ring. Bailey moves out of the way as Vikingo comes down from the top. Bailey takes down Vikingo and locks up his legs…Vikingo makes it to the ropes to break the hold.

Vikingo is back up as Bailey kicks Vikingo in the mid-section. Vikingo fires back with a kick on Bailey. Vikingo nails Bailey in the face. Vikingo comes off the ropes and sends Bailey to the floor with a big missile drop kick. Bailey slaps Vikingo, but he is up and walks the barricade and takes down Bailey! Bailey hits the ropes and drops Vikingo with a big corkscrew. Vikingo is back in the ring as Bailey is up on the top rope. Bailey goes for a shooting star, but Vikingo moves out of the way…Vikingo is up and kicks Bailey in the side of the head. Vikingo locks up the arms of Bailey with his legs. Bailey gets to the ropes to break the hold. Bailey takes down Vikingo with a dragon screw. Bailey scoops up Vikingo and drops him. Bailey goes up to the top and lands on Vikingo with a big shooting star press. Bailey covers Vikingo, but he kicks out at two…Vikingo comes back and kicks Bailey, dropping him to the mat. Both men are down. The ref begins the ten count. Both men are up at eight. Vikingo slaps Bailey with a big chop. Vikingo hits another big chop on Vikingo. Bailey then nails Vikingo with a cradle kick, dropping Vikingo. Bailey is up on the top rope and comes down with an ultimo weapon and covers Vikingo, but he kicks out at two! Bailey picks up Vikingo, but he counters with a destroyer! Bailey is on the floor…Vikingo walks the ropes and takes out Bailey with a big corkscrew moonsault! Vikingo is on the apron. Bailey goes for a double knee flip, but Vikingo moves…Vikingo goes on the top rope and drops Bailey with a big destroyer on the apron! We a big holy s— chant!

Bailey is down as Vikingo is up on the second rope. He grabs Bailey and pull him up. Both men are on the top rope. Bailey headbutts Vikingo. Bailey drops Vikingo from the top and covers him to retain the title!

Winner and still X-Division Champion: Mike Bailey

The French announce team is introduced. Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt now run down the rest of the card for tonight’s show.

The challengers for the next match come out next, as we get ready for next title match of the night. The reigning and defending Knockouts Tag Champs are out next to a big ovation, as they make their way down to the ring.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship Match: Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna) defends against Rosemary and NXT star Wendy Choo

Choo and Threat start off. Threat sends Choo to the corner…Choo pulls the hair of Luna who was tagged in. Rosemary is now tagged in. She sends Luna to the corner, but Luna reverses it and takes down Rosemary. Luna kicks Rosemary in the chest and picks her up, slams her and covers her for only a two count. Luna picks up Rosemary as Threat is tagged in. She body splashes Rosemary, but Rosemary kicks out at two. Threat grabs a pillow from Choo and tosses it out of the ring. Choo is tagged in and neck snaps Threat. She covers Threat, but she kicks out at two! Choo runs the ropes and kicks Threat…Rosemary is tagged in. She nails Threat with a big right hand. Rosemary picks up Threat and tags in Choo.

Threat is set upside on the ropes as we get running drop kicks from Rosemary and Choo. Choo is tagged in and is taken down by Threat and comes back with a big clothesline on Choo. Both women are down. Choo tags in Rosemary and Threat tags in Luna. Rosemary sends Luna to the ropes, but she drops Rosemary with a big boot. Luna comes off the top with a missile drop kick on Rosemary…Luna powerbombs Rosemary and covers her, but Rosemary kicks out and rolls to the floor. Luna runs the ropes and takes out Rosemary as she tries to get back in the ring. Threat is on the top rope and wipes out Rosemary and Choo on the floor! Threat tosses Rosemary back in the ring. Luna is back in the ring as Threat is back on the ring apron. Luna goes for a tag, but Choo sends Threat to the floor. Rosemary spears Luna and covers her but picks her up at two. Luna then drops Rosemary and Choo and all three women are down. Threat drops Choo…Choo then comes back and takes out Threat with double knees. Threat sends Rosemary and Choo down, taking them down with double knees…Threat then German suplexes both women. Luna is tagged in and delivers a pressure drop on Choo and covers her to retain the titles.

Winners by pinfall and still TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions: Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna)

After the match, Rosemary spears Wendy Choo! Rosemary then kisses her on the forehead.

We go to a video package of Frankie Kazarian winning the Call Your Shot Gauntlet from the pre-show. Gia Miller is backstage with Kaz who is reading a book on how to referee a match…Kaz says by the end of the night he will raise the hand of the real TNA World Champion…

We then see Joe Hendry from earlier today entering the building, followed by another from earlier today with Nic Nemeth entering the building.

Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin

Up next is the music of Steve Maclin, as he comes out and makes his way to the ring. The lights go out, as the music of Josh Alexander is up next. Maclin runs up the ramp and nails Josh. Both men fight outside the ring…Maclin sends Josh to the barricade. Maclin again sends Josh into the barricade as this match still has not officially started. The action continues on the floor as Maclin chops Josh, but he is then sent face first into the steel post. Alexander chops Maclin in the chest. Alexander rolls Maclin in the ring and grabs his legs and wraps them around the steel post, applying a figure four…the hold is broken as both men are in the ring.

The bell finally rings as Josh rushes Maclin and kicks him in the chest and then puts a big boot to the face. Maclin fires back, sending Alexander down. Maclin picks him up and chops him. Maclin sends Alexander to the ropes and nails him with an elbow and drops him. Maclin covers Josh, but he kicks out…Maclin drops double knees on the back of Alexander. Josh rushes in as Maclin is on the ropes…Alexander sends him to the mat and delivers a backbreaker. Josh covers Maclin, but he kicks out at two. Alexander picks up Maclin and drops him with a knee to the mid-section. Alexander picks him as we get a walking wiener chat…funny stuff. Alexander drops Maclin and then picks him and nails him in the back of the neck with an elbow. Alexander German suplexes Maclin and holds on and delivers five, as Maclin then turns it around and fires off multiple German Suplexes on Alexander! The fans go crazy! Both men are down as the ref starts the ten count! Both men are up at right before the nine count.

Both men slug it out with big elbow shots. Maclin then nails Alexander with a big elbow strike, sending him to the corner…Alexander is hanging upside on the ropes, but moves as Maclin charges him…Alexander scoops him and drops him. Maclin hits the floor, as Alexander then sends him back in the ring and covers him for only a two count. Alexander picks up Maclin as we get walking wiener chants again. Alexander nails Maclin with a big knee and then goes for an Olympic Slam, but Maclin counters…Both men are up top as Maclin sends Alexnder down with a superplex. Maclin picks up Josh and then drops him with a Death Valley driver and covers Alexander, but he kicks out at two! Alexander has Maclin up and swings him, hitting the ref. Alexander low blows Maclin as the ref is down. Alexander rolls to the floor and grabs zip-ties and ties up the hands of Maclin behind his back. Alexander stops on Maclin as the ref comes to. Alexander pummels Maclin as the ref gets scissors, but Maclin is up and drops Alexander even with his hands tied behind his back! Alexander is on the floor…Maclin with his hand still tied behind his back, takes out Maclin. Maclin drops Alexander with two knee shots and lays on top of Alexander, but he kicks out a two. Maclin tells the ref he does not want to be free from the zip ties. Alexender kicks Maclin and drops him with a big tombstone piledriver and covers him, but Maclin kicks out! Maclin headbutts Alexander, but Alexander counters and puts Maclin in an ankle lock! Maclin can’t tap…Maclin finally passes out as the ref then calls the match.

Winner: Josh Alexander

After the match, Alexander cuts the zip ties and stands tall over Maclin. The ref checks on Maclin, as Alexander makes his way to the back.

We go to a video package that gives us a history between PCO, Steph De Lander and Matt Cardona.

Matt Cardona is out first. The challenger makes his way down to the ring. He dressed in ring-gear that resembles Ghostbusters. PCO’s music is up next as the double champion makes his way to the ring.

Monster’s Ball Match for the TNA Digital Media and International Championship: PCO defends against Matt Cardona

The bell rings as Cardona tries to bait PCO, but he drops Cardona. PCO runs the ropes, but Cardona is up and sends PCO to the floor. Cardona then kicks PCO as he tries to get back i the ring. Cardona goes to the floor and sends PCO into the ring post, face first. Cardona then sends PCO into the steel steps shoulder first. Cardona then kicks PCO and talks to Steph De Lander by the camera…PCO is up and drops Cardona. PCO grabs a trash can and nails Cardona repeatedly with it. PCO picks up Cardona, but he counters and drops PCO on the steel steps back first.

Cardona sends PCO back in the ring and pulls out a door from under the ring. Cardona sets up the door against the ropes. PCO then back drops Cardona through the door as it breaks. PCO grabs Cardona and dumps over the ropes to the floor. PCO runs the ropes, but is nailed in the head with a trash can by Cardona! Both men are on the floor. Cardona picks up the trash can and nails PCO in the back repeatedly. Cardona goes under the ring and pulls out a number of chairs and gets another door. Cardona puts the door and the chairs in the ring. Cardona says his picture should be on the chair. He is back in the ring and sets up chairs and puts the door on the chairs. Cardona sets up some chairs sideways under the door. PCO is back in the ring. PCO is up on the second rope as Cardona drops PCO on the door as it breaks in half! Cardona covers PC for only a two count! Cardona then grabs a bag of thumb tacks and puts a handful in PCO’s mouth and then knees him in the face. Cardona then picks up tacks and sticks them in the face of PCO. PCO gets up and is fired up! Cardona then drops PCO on his back and covers him, but PCO stays alive and kicks out at two!

Cardona goes to the floor and grabs a third door. Cardona get in the ring with the door, but PCO hits him with it, breaking it in half. PCO covers Cardona, but he kicks out at two! PCO then goes to the floor and grabs a black bag. PCO is bleeding from his head. PCO opens the back and scatters thumb tacks. Cardona is up and low-blows PCO. Cardona then goes to the floor and has a barbed wire baseball bat…He then goes in the ring and nails PCO in the back…PCO grabs Cardona by the throat and picks him up and slams him on the tacks. PCO goes to the top and comes down with a huge moonsault. PCO covers Cardona who doesn’t kick out.

Winner and still TNA Digital Media and International Champion: PCO

We go to a video package hyping up our next match.

The lights go out in the venue as the music of Moose is up next. The former TNA/IMPACT World Champion comes out first with Moose chants from the crowd. JDC is with Moose. Rapper Westside Gunn is shown at ringside wearing a TNA Wrestling T-Shirt.

The music of Mike Santana hits next, as he makes his way to the ring from the upper-level seating of the venue. Santana has a great ovation from the fans.

Moose vs. Mike Santana

The bell rings as Santana charges, but Moose rolls out of the ring. Santana chops Moose and then sends him to the barricade. Santana runs at Moose and connects with a big boot to the face…Santana rolls Moose back in the ring. Moose charges at Santana, but sends him to the floor. Santana kicks JDC, but Moose kicks him and then powerbombs him on the apron and then JDC sends Santana into the steel steps. JDC rolls Santana in ring. Moose covers him, but Santana kicks out at two. Moose picks up Santana, but Santana counters. Santana runs at Moose, but is caught and then dropped. Moose covers Santana, but he kicks out at two. Moose has Santana in a headlock as the ref checks on him. Santana is up and fights out of the hold. Santana chops Moose, but he fires back, dropping Santana hard to the mat.

Moose taunts Santana who tells Moose to bring it. Moose slaps Santana, who gets up and chops Moose…Santana then drops Moose and covers him, but Moose kicks out at two. Santana grabs Moose and points to the ropes…Santana goes to the top, but Moose rolls out of the ring. Santana leaps from the top and takes out both Moose and JDC. Moose picks up Santana, but he counters and sends Moose into the ring…Santana then drops Moose with a dropkick to the face and covers him, but Moose kicks out at two. Santans calls for the STB as Moose gets up. Moose blocks it, but Santana sends Moose into the corner. Santana comes off the top and lands on Moose with a big 450 splash! Santana covers Moose, but he finds a way to stay alive! Santana is up on the ropes again, but JDC causes a distraction. Both Moose and Santana are up on the top rope as both men crash to the mat! Moose covers Santana, but he kicks out at two!

Both men are down as the ref starts the ten count. Moose is up quickly. Santana is on the ring apron. Moose goes to the apron and grabs Santana, but Santans counters and nails Moose in the face. Santana tries to pick up Moose, but he picks up Santana and drops him with a big powerbomb on the ring apron. Moose is lying down as Santana is on the floor. The ref starts the ten count…at nine, Santana quickly rolls back in the ring. JDC has a steel chain. He enters the ring as Santana is down. JDC wraps his fist, and charges at Santana who up, but Santana moves. JDC almost hits Moose. Moose then spears Santana and covers him, but he kicks out. Santana then drops JDC from the ring and comes back with a big spin the block and drops Moose to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: Mike Santana

We go to a hype video for our next match…

The challenger is out first to a mix of boos and cheers. Next up is the music for the champion, as she makes her way to the ring to a big ovation. It was noted on commentary that Jordynne Grace is at 287 days at champion and has won more matches than anyone in the company.

We get old school ring announcing as this is the first in the triple main event for tonight’s card.

TNA Knockouts World Championship Match: Jordynne Grace defends against Masha Slamovich

The bell rings as we are underway! Both women shake hands. We get a lock up as Grace grabs the arms of Masha. Masha then sends Grace to the mat as she gets up. Both women lock up hands for a test of strength. Grace sends Masha to her knees, but she gets back up. Grace drops Masha. Grace sends Masha to the ropes. Masha then sends Grace to the ropes face first…Masha then sends Grace to the floor. Masha runs the ropes and leaps through the ropes and drops Grace on the outside of the ring. Grace is back in the ring. Masha is up on the apron. Grace kicks Masha, dropping her on the mat. Grace then leaps off the second rope, landing her feet on Masha…the action hits the floor as Grace drops Masha with a rolling throw on the floor. Masha is back in the ring. Grace gets back in the ring and covers her for a two count.

Grace works on the leg of Masha. She makes her way to the ropes to break the hold. Grace picks up Masha, but she counters with a roll up. Grace kicks out at two. Masha lands a big spinning heel kick on Grace, dropping her to the mat. Masha covers the champ, but she kicks out at two. Grace picks up Masha, but she counters. Masha drops Grace with a big DDT, but Grace picks up Masha and drops her with a jackhammer! Grace covers the challenger, who kicks out at two! Grace picks up Masha looking for the juggernaut driver. Masha counters…Masha is up on the top turnbuckle. Grace is up on the second rope, as Masha tries for a powerbomb, but Grace counters…Masha drops Grace with a snowplow, but Grace kicks out for the near fall! Both women are down. Masha nails Grace in the back with big fists. Grace fires back, but Masha counters. Grace kicks the hurt knee of Masha…Masha comes back with a crossbody and covers Grace, who kicks out at two!

Masha hits Grace with a big boot to the face. Masha runs the ropes and kicks Grace, dropping her. Masha covers Grace, but she kicks out at two. We get a this is wrestling chant from the fans. Masha tries to set up Grace for a snowplow, but Grace counters and drops her on her back and covers Masha, but Masha kicks out at two! Masha is up on the apron and grabs Grace, trying to send her out of the ring. Grace counters and Masha lands on the floor onto her hurt leg. Masha is back in the ring. Grace gets up and nails Masha. Masha headbutts Grace and goes to the top…Masha kicks Grace and drops her with a burning hammer…Masha covers Grace, but she kicks out at two! We get a big TNA chant from the sold-out crowd! Both women are up…Grace slaps Masha…Masha goes for a kick, but Grace counters with a juggernaut driver! Grace covers Masha, but she kicks out at two! Grace grabs the hurt leg of Masha and bends it…Masha makes it to the ropes to break the hold.

Both women are on the top rope. Masha nails Grace and then headbutts Grace. Masha snowplows Grace from the top rope and then hits her with piledriver….Masha covers Grace and we have new Knockouts World Champion!

Winner and new TNA World Knockouts Champion: Masha Slamovich

After the match, both women hug.

We go to video package hyping up our next match…

The music of Frankie Kazarian and the 2024 Call Your Shot Gauntlet winner comes down to the ring, as he is the special referee for the world title match. His is booed heavily by the fans.

We go backstage with Ace Steel talking to Joe Hendry. He says that we believe. The lights go out as we get a shot of Detroit. A big we believe chant starts…Before Hendry makes his way to the ring, we get a video package of Hendry. Back in the arena, Hendry is out with a chainsaw, as his music hits. He makes his way to the ring as we get a big we believe chant.

Nic Nemeth is shown backstage in the Gorilla position as the champ makes his way out to a big ovation.

We get another old school ring announcement for this match. We get a big Frankie sucks chant as Jade Chung does the introductions. Joe Hendry is way over in Detroit.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Nic Nemeth defends against Joe Hendry (Frankie Kazarian is the special referee)

The bell rings as we are underway! Nic jaws at Hendry. Both men lock up. Hendry sends Nic to the mat as he rolls and then gets up. Both men lock up again as Hendry grabs the arm of Nemeth. The fans are going crazy for Hendry! Hendry sends Nemeth to the mat. Nic gets up as he then rolls Hendry who kicks out at one. Nemeth nails Hendry as the fans boo.

Hendry is up as we get a f— Ohio chant, directed at Nemeth. Both men lock up as the hold is broke. Hendry fires back and drops the champ. Hendry then picks up Nic and walks to all sides of the ring and drops him hard to the mat. Hendry then picks up Nic, but he turns it around into a neck breaker. Nemeth then drops ten elbow drops on Hendry. Nemeth covers Hendry, but he kicks out at two. Hendry is up and picks up Nemeth, spins him around and drops him. Nic stumbles as he gets up. Hendry nails the champ and then scoops him and drops him with a fall away slam! Hendry gets the fans fired up…Hendry goes for a standing ovation, but Nemeth counters it with a sleeper. Kaz checks on Hendry, who won’t give up. Hendry muscles up and drops Nemeth with a big powerbomb…Hendry puts Nic in an ankle lock. Nemeth makes it to the bottom rope and Kaz calls for Hendry to break the hold.

Nemeth is on the top rope as Hendry follows. Hendry sets up Nemeth, but he fights back. Hendry headbutts Nemeth and then drops him with a fall away slam from the top! Both men are down. Kaz grabs the Call Your Shot Gauntlet trophy…Hendry tells him no and to get back in the ring and call the match. Nemeth then drops Hendry…Kaz counts, but Hendry kicks out! Nemeth then drops Hendry with a DDT and covers him, but he kicks out at two. Nemeth goes to the top and comes down with a crossbody, but is caught by Hendry. Hendry then drops Nemeth with an AA. Hendry covers Nemeth, but he kicks out a two!

Nemeth is up and nails Hendry with big elbows to the face. Hendry comes back with a big pumpkick to the face. Both men are on the apron. Hendry headbutts Nic, but he fires back with a superkick. Hendry then drops Nemeth with a cutter! Bothe men are down. Kaz grabs his trophy and calls for another ref to call his shot! John Layfield comes from the crowd, enters the ring and hits Kaz with a big lariat! Outside the ring, Layfield grabs Hendry and drops him with a huge lariat. Ryan Nemeth comes out of the crowd to confront Layfield, but he is laide out. Nemeth then drops Hendry with a dangerzone…another ref runs to the ring as Nemeth covers him. Hendry kicks out! Nemeth then comes back and superkicks Hendry and then drops him with a dangerzone and covers him to get retain.

Winner and still TNA World Champion: Nic Nemeth

After the match, Nemeth confronts Kaz and then goes to check on his brother.

We go to footage from earlier in the night with Eric Young inducting Bob Ryder into the TNA Wrestling Hall of Fame and then Tommy Dreamer inducting Rhino into the TNA Wrestling Hall of Fame.

We get a video package announcing TNA Genesis in Dallas, Texas on January 19. No venue was announced.

After the commentary team ran down dates and locations for future events, we get a video package hyping up the final match of the night.

The Hardys are up first as they come out to their WWE theme music. The ring is all set up for Full Metal Mayhem. We geta short delete chant. Next up is Ace Austin and Chris Bey. Finally, out next are the tag team champions – The System’s Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers.

Full Metal Mayhem Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championships: Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers vs. Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy

The Tag Team Titles Hang High Above The Ring

The bell rings as we are underway! We start with a big brawl. This match will be a challenge to keep up with for sure…

Bey nails Myers. The Hardys send The System to the floor. Bey then leaps over the top and wipes out The System on the floor. There are ladders, chairs and a ramp of some kind set up by the ring. The Hardys and The System take the action into the crowd. Matt nails Eddie with a chair. Jeff takes a chair and nails Eddie in the ribs. Myers is on a table, being held by Bey as Ace comes off the mid-level area and crashes onto Myers and the table breaks in half! Jeff grabs a table and sets up Eddie on it….Matt is up on top of a ladder and comes down with a big leg drop, landing on Eddie as the table breaks…back in the ring, the Hardys take out Bey. The Hardys climb a ladder, but Ace Austin is up and pushes the ladder, sending Matt and Jeff to the mat. ABC double Matt and Jeff.

Ace grabs the ladder and he and Bey slam it into Matt. They double superkick Matt in the corner. Ace sets up Matt on the ladder and Bey comes off the top with a double stomp. Jeff grabs a ladder and takes out Ace and Bey. Jeff unfolds a ladder and extends it as tall as it will go. Ace and Bey grab Jeff and double suplex him on the ladder. ABC grabs the ladder and set it up as Ace goes for the titles, but Jeff is up and sends him crashing to the mat and then the floor. Matt and Jeff set up a ladder and then grab another ladder than is fully extended. That ladder is set up as a platform. The Hardys go for the titles, but are stopped by ABC. Matt and Bey are up on the top of a ladder. Matt fights off Bey as Ace and Jeff are up on the construction ladder with chairs. Ace nails Matt and Jeff nails Bey. Jeff and Ace slug it out as both men try to reach for the titles. There was a temporary signal loss from the venue, per TrillerTV. It keeps crashing. The System has tables set up outside the ring, which might not be the ramp I thought it was. The signal keeps dropping for some reason….this is a TNA thing I believe. I do apologize for this. I keep getting no signal from the venue. We are back.

In the ring, Bey slams Eddie and Myers with a chair. ABC take out Myers with a one two sweet on a chair! ABC set up a ladder. Bey climbs the ladder, but is dropped with a thunderbomb by Eddie Edwards. Eddie and Ace are up on the ladder exchanging blows. Edwards drops Ace, but Bey then drops Eddie off the ladder with a cutter! Ace is up on the ladder as he walks the ladder to the center of the ring, but Edwards drops Ace off the ladder. Now its Bey and Myers on the ladder. Myers is dropped. Bey is hanging from title hanging, but can’t get them off…Myers drops him from the top rope! Eddie climbs the ladder, but Jeff takes down Eddie from the ladder. Matt puts Eddie’s head in the chair and then drop him with a twist of fate. On the outside, Jeff drops Myers with a twist of fate on a chair!

Jeff grabs a ladder from under the ring. Jeff slides down the ladder, taking down Myers. Jeff sets up the ladder and nails Myers with a chair and sets Myers up on tables. Jeff climbs the ladder and comes off with a swanton bomb, landing on Myers and the tables break in half! In the ring, Matt starts to climb the ladder, but is nailed from behind by Ace Austin. Ace climbs the ladder, but Alisha Edwards hits the ring and sends Ace to the floor. From behind Matt calls for the delete and drops Alisha with a twist of fate. Matt then climbs the ladder, but Eddie hits him with a kendo stick, dropping him off the ladder. Eddie climbs the ladder, but Jeff and Matt launch chairs at Eddie and pick him up and drop him through table…Matt and Jeff climb the ladder to grab tag titles!

Winners and new TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Hardys – Matt and Jeff

(Results by Jerome Wilen and