AEW Rampage Results – October 25, 2024

The following are AEW Rampage results from October 25, 2024. The report was written by Lee Sanders of

Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty) vs. Gates of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

Taven and Moriarty locking it up briefly before Bennett is tagged. Bennett manages to pick up a near fall. In comes Bishop Khan who hits a back elbow on Taven. Khan follows up with a huge lariat as he tries for another cover. Taven powers out before he is jumped by both Gates of Agony members. Toa is tagged now as Taven hits an enziguri and tags Bennett. Bennett hits a couple of dropkicks but does not see Shane Taylor blindly tags himself into the match. Taylor absorbs. Tons of chops as the big man rocks Bennett with a clothesline! Our three-way tag match continues as Taven and Bennett do some double team work on Moriarty. Great setup for a pin attempt when Taylor breaks it up. Taylor misses a strike at Khan as Khan hits him with the airway crash. Liona comes in and hits a short-arm clothesline on Moriarty. Gates of Agony are destroying Moriarty as Undisputed Kingdom take advantage as Bennett hits a blind tag. How Liona did not realize the tag is beyond me. Bennett hits a spinning backfist on Khan as Liona is sent over the top rope. Bennett hits a frog splash to secure the win.

Winner: Undisputed Kingdom

Backstage, Rene Paquette is with BEEF. Who told this man to talk? Oh man this is such a bad segment. It is not even funny. Let’s move this along as I am not even covering this one. Sorry folks! Next up…

Back from commercials, Rene is with Undisputed Kingdom. Roderick Strong is talking with Mortos as they are sad they will not be with him at ringside. Looks like they are still trying to recruit him as they promised him he will have all the meat he can eat when he beats the BEEF! See what I did there? Anyway!

Anna Jay vs Leila Grey

Oh lawd ham mercy! I think I am going to have a heart attack! So much loveliness in the ring y’all! Nice lockup as the girls try jockeying for position. Anna maintains a headlock as she is sent to the ropes. Anna hits a shoulder block, followed by a knee to the midsection. Leila sent to the corner as she turns it around with a flipping neckbreaker! Leila gets a near fall as our match continues! Leila sends Anna face-first into the corners a few times. Leila tries for a couple of covers as Anna kicks out! Anna reverses a snap suplex with one of her own. Both girls now trading strikes as Anna is sent into the ropes and hits a flying forearm! Flying elbow strike follows as Anna hits a dropkick, followed by a gorybomb flatliner for the win!

Winner: Anna Jay

The Beast Mortos vs BEEF

JD Drake comes out with BEEF for moral support as our match is underway. A push and shove followed by stalemate shoulder tackles. BEEF hits a nice dropkick before Mortos comes back with the upper hand. Mortos connects with a big time right hand! Mortos with a chop block to the knee followed by a knee strike to the body! Mortos almost scores the pinfall but there is a kickout. Mortos misses a senton as BEEF hits a kick to the midsection. BEEF tries for a suplex but it is a stalemate as Mortos hits a headbutt! We are back from commercials as BEEF hits a diving crossbody! BEEF is landing big, right hands followed by a big wind-up punch! BEEF hits a clothesline and a running bulldog for a two-count! BEEF hits a couple of punches as Mortos denies him a third one as he hits a catch and release back drop! Mortos hits the top rope for a spinning cork screw for a new fall! BEEF hits an enziguri followed by trying to hit the ropes as RUSH pushes him off. Mortos is able to capitalize as JD Drake and the referee were caught up in all the chaos. Seems no one saw what RUSH did as Mortos picks up the win. Post-match, LFI beat up Drake and BEEF.

Winner: The Beast Mortos

Ricochet vs Nick Wayne

This should be an interesting and fun matchup. I bet you in the first two minutes there is going to be a bunch of counters and high flying counters in the ring. Jump kicks and all! Let’s find out. lockup to begin this one as they are tied up around almost all four corners. Wayne shoves Ricochet as he quickly escapes the ring. Wayne is taking his time getting back in as he is being cocky with the fans. Ricochet finally gets his hands on Wayne with a nice takedown and headlock. Series of counters that culminates in Ricochet hitting a dropkick, and kick to the jaw! Ricochet gives chase and almost hits Mother Wayne when Nick hits him from behind. Ricochet is sent over the barricades as we head into our final set of commercials. Programming note, Ricochet will be facing Lio Rush on this weekends AEW Collision. Looks like I was wrong about the start to this main event too which is great! This has been laid out pretty good so far. We are back to the action as Ricochet hits a jawbreaker! Ricochet follows it up with a springboard sidekick that sends Wayne outside! Ricochet hits a move from over the top rope! Ricochet hits a springboard move and a running star cover. Both attempts only get him a near fall! Ricochet climbs to the top again as Wayne gets up and claws Ricochet’s eyes! Both men fighting on the top rope as Ricochet wins the battle. 450 splash misses as Wayne hits a stunner and tries for a rollup. Ricochet kicks out despite Wayne grabbing the ropes. Wayne hits a dragon suplex for a near fall. Ricochet counters Wayne’s World as he hits a deadlift suplex for a kick-out. Tradeoff of kicks between both men goes down as Ricochet comes off the ropes. Wayne hits his cutter and tries for a cover as somehow Ricochet kicks out! Wayne tries for Wayne’s World as Riccohet hits a knee to the face followed by the falcon arrow! Ricochet with the running elbow strike for the win! Post-match Takeshita comes up and gestures for Ricochet to come after him for his championship to end the episode.

Winner: Ricochet