Former WWE creative writer Freddie Prinze Jr. recently spoke on his podcast, “Wrestling with Freddie,” about a variety of professional wrestling topics including how he believes Drew McIntyre is the most underrated star on the WWE roster.
Prinze Jr. said, “Since the pandemic, I think he may be the most underrated wrestler on the WWE roster. I don’t think he’s ever gotten the props he deserved for being a COVID champion, which in hindsight is a much trickier and more complicated thing than I think anyone realized at the time. To win in front of nobody is freaking horrible…Like, I don’t mean underrated as far as his skills, because I think everybody’s like, yeah, that dude fool can wrestle, but everything he kind of represented as a champion during COVID and his ability to turn that character into this like selfish heel that is willing to permanently injure someone, like he turned into such an a*****e. And he’s been so good on the mic, better than he’s ever been. And he’s always been all right [in the ring]. When he first started, he was green, obviously, but I mean in this incantation of his character. I just feel like we don’t talk [about him enough].”
You can check out the complete podcast below.