AEW Rampage Results – October 11, 2024

Our commentary team is Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Jeff Jarrett.

Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly vs Mike Bennett and Matt Taven

Cassidy and Bennett start the match by locking up and Bennett forces them to the ropes where they break clean. They lock up again and run the ropes as Bennett gets a shoulder tackle. They go for one counts, sweep each other’s legs and then run the ropes where Cassidy gets a shoulder tackle. Taven tags in and Cassidy fights them both off, at one point using Taven for a double clothesline on Bennett.

Kyle tags in and all four men fight in the ring. After Bennett is sent to the floor, Cassidy leaves the ring and Kyle and Taven run the ropes with Taven getting a drop-kick. Bennett is tagged in and he works over Kyle in the corner. This changes to Taven and Bennett working over Kyle with quick tags.

Kyle is able to get away and tag Cassidy who runs Bennett into the turnbuckles form the apron and then hits a crossbody of Taven and Bennett. Cassidy dives onto Taven and Kyle works Bennett over on the mat, moving to an arm bar with Bennett getting to the ropes as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Cassidy is able to roll up Bennett for two, and they both crawl to their corners for a tag. Taven takes advantage by hitting Cassidy with a DDT and then hits Kyle with a swinging neckbreaker for two. Bennett tags in and knocks Cassidy off the apron. Cassidy gets back in the ring and they double-team Taven. Bennett is able to drop Kyle and then hits a stalling pile driver on Cassidy. Bennett gets a spinebuster for two.

Bennett lays in chops on Kyle and then catapults him at Taven, but Kyle punches Taven at the top of the catapult. Kyle then catapults Bennett into Cassidy’s beach break. Taven gets Just The Tip Of The Knee on Cassidy. Kyle knocks Taven off the middle rope and then gets a guillotine on Bennett. Cassidy gets an Orange Punch on Taven to keep him from breaking it up and Bennett taps.

Winners: Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly

All four men shake hands after the match.

Renee Paquette is with Mercedes Mone and Kamille, and Mone says her introduction needs more energy. Mone says she has to handle some business, but Kamille will stay here and watch Kris Statlnder very closely.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster and Anthony Bowens) start to come to the ring but they are attacked from behind by MxM Collective. MxM drag The Acclaimed to the stage and tells them that this is what happens when Billy Gunn is not around to protect them. They say that The Acclaimed took fashion week from them, so tomorrow, they will take The Acclaimed’s spot. They remind us they will have a third person at WrestleDream to counter Billy Gunn.

Kris Statlander explains that when Mone showed up in AEW, Willow Nightingale was obsessed with her and Stokley led her astray. Now she’s Born Again Kristin and will go after Mone tomorrow night. OK, I guess.

Renee is with Cassidy, Kyle and Rocky Romero and she asks Rocky about his match with Bryan Keith and he says on Wednesday, Chris Jericho called him a lackey, but he is no lackey and will show Bryan Keith just who he is.

Kris Statlander vs The Already In The Ring Amira

A stalling vertical suplex and a Friday Night Fever pile driver leads to a Statlander win

Winner: Kris Statlander

Renee is with Chris Jericho and he says his legacy is personal. He says after 34 years, he has seen and done it all. He wants a 9th title and he will become the Ring of Honor World Champion.\

The Beast Mortos vs The Butcher

Roderick Strong joins commentary and talks about how Mortos came into his team and then left and then back and forth and cannot be trusted.

They lock up, and neither gets an advantage so they break. They lock up again and Butcher is able to force Mortos to the corner. They lock up again and Mortos backs Butcher into the corner and breaks with a strike. Butcher grabs an arm bar and they move to running the ropes with Butcher not dropping from Mortos’s shoulder tackles. Mortos gets kicks, a snap mare, and then snaps Butcher’s head.

Butcher gets a fireman’s carry into a lariat for two. They fight in the corner and when Mortos charges into the corner, Butcher moves and Mortos goes over the top rope to the floor as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, they are running the ropes and nailing each other with clothes lines in the ropes. Mortos and Butcher nail each other with headbutts and they both drop to the mat. Mortos gets a big slam on Butcher and then goes to the rope. He misses a twisting dive and Butcher gets a backbreaker. Butcher gets a jack hammer for two. Mortos gets a big backbreaker and a diving headbutt for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Beast Mortos

Renee is with Harley Cameron and she says Saraya is incapacitated. She says it is all Anna Jay’s fault, because Anna Jay didn’t help Saraya. She says that Saraya is angry and that means she will take out Anna Jay.

Lance Archer vs The Already In The Ring Matt Brannigan

Don Callis joins commentary.

Lance wins with a Black-Out pretty quickly.

Winner: Lance Archer

We get a promo from Wednesday night from Jake Robert who explains that his new team is hungry and you have no idea what they are going to do next. Rules are meant to be broken, like bones.

Renee is with Anna Jay who says she is not friends with Saraya, and that’s true, they only teamed once and she takes care of her own business. She then says that Harley wants to kick her ass, but her ass kicks back. Not exactly the tough line she thinks it is.

Bryan Keith vs Rocky Romero

Keith stamps down Rocky in the corner before Rocky can take off his jacket. Rocky gets a springboard crossbody and is able to take off the jacket. Kieth and Rocky fight on the floor and Rocky tosses Keith into the ring. Keith rolls to the floor and Rocky gets a baseball slide into him. Rocky then leaps off the steel steps for a hurricanrana, but Keith catches him and hits an exploder as we go to picture in picture.

When we return to full screen, Rocky is able to lay in chops and then kicks on Keith. He stomps down Keith in the corner. Rocky gets a springboard DDT for two. They jockey for position, getting out of each other’s moves until Rocky gets a knee strike for two. They again try for moves on each other, but each is countered until Rocky gets a kick while Keith is holding his other leg. Rocky hits sliced bread for two.

Rocky goes to the top and Keith joins him there. Keith gets a big headbutt and then bites Rocky’s head. Rocky hits a sliced bread from the top but twists his knee and Keith rolls to the floor. Rocky hits a dive and then rolls Keith into the ring. The ref distracts the ref and Big Bill sweeps Rocky’s legs on the apron. Keith rolls Rocky into the ring and hits the Diamond Dust for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bryan Keith

Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly hit the ring to make sure Rocky isn’t attacked and we are out of time!

(Results by Cory Strode and