Bruce Prichard On What He Believes Is The Worst Match Gimmick

WWE Senior Vice President Bruce Prichard recently took to an episode of his “Something To Wrestle With” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including how he believes scaffold matches sucked.

Prichard said, “Yeah, I thought the scaffold matches sucked. The scaffold match sucked — here’s some how many levels the scaffold match. Half your audience can’t see it. Your highest price tickets, ringside, can’t see it. They’re doing this [looks up], and they’re seeing the bottom of a scaffold. So your highest-priced tickets can’t see what the hell’s going on. The matches suck because 98% of the people that were put into the scaffold matches didn’t want to be in the scaffold match. They didn’t want to drop 22 feet or however many feet to a ring, to the concrete to a crash pad. I don’t want to drop 22 feet.”

On them being boring:

“The matches were boring, they stunk, they hurt people. And then — you know, you hurt somebody on the first match of a loop. Scaffold matches, you’re screwed for the loop. And then you put somebody else in there. Hurt somebody else. By the time you’re done, you have no roster. So I felt that the scaffold match was an absolutely silly and asinine idea.”

On the worst match gimmick:

“King of the Hill match is still the absolute worst concept for a match in God’s green earth. Folks don’t even try and find a worse concept for a match. It’s the worst.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.