WWE Senior Vice President Bruce Prichard recently took to an episode of his “Something To Wrestle With” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including how he believes scaffold matches sucked.
Prichard said, “Yeah, I thought the scaffold matches sucked. The scaffold match sucked — here’s some how many levels the scaffold match. Half your audience can’t see it. Your highest price tickets, ringside, can’t see it. They’re doing this [looks up], and they’re seeing the bottom of a scaffold. So your highest-priced tickets can’t see what the hell’s going on. The matches suck because 98% of the people that were put into the scaffold matches didn’t want to be in the scaffold match. They didn’t want to drop 22 feet or however many feet to a ring, to the concrete to a crash pad. I don’t want to drop 22 feet.”
On them being boring:
“The matches were boring, they stunk, they hurt people. And then — you know, you hurt somebody on the first match of a loop. Scaffold matches, you’re screwed for the loop. And then you put somebody else in there. Hurt somebody else. By the time you’re done, you have no roster. So I felt that the scaffold match was an absolutely silly and asinine idea.”
On the worst match gimmick:
“King of the Hill match is still the absolute worst concept for a match in God’s green earth. Folks don’t even try and find a worse concept for a match. It’s the worst.”
You can check out the complete podcast below.