How to Secure a Wrestling Scholarship for College

Securing a wrestling scholarship can be quite the challenge, considering the number of candidates who would like to become athletes and achieve greatness as they go through their college years. Because of the fierce competition existing in the athletic circles, as well as a very limited number of scholarships available, the entire process of obtaining a scholarship can quickly become a hardship. It is no secret that selecting a perfect wrestling scholarship has a lot in common with selecting the right essay writing service for your academic paper. In both cases, you have to demonstrate attention to detail and read newest papersowl reviews to know which companies to stay away from. Luckily, we have created a guide to help you secure the scholarship of your dream without too much stress:

Develop Your Wrestling Skills Early 

One of the most crucial steps in securing a wrestling scholarship is starting early. Make sure that you take part in off-season training programs to improve your skills consistently. You have to remember that colleges are looking for athletes who can demonstrate efficiency and a certain amount of talent that can only come from years of practice. Ideally, you should start training in middle school and work on your abilities to demonstrate the best version of yourself when the time is right. Some athletes start as young as elementary school, as most coaches look for athletes with strong fundamentals and stamina. Anything that helps you sharpen valuable athletic skills will do, starting from a regional sports competition to the wrestling club in your area.

Maintain Academic Brilliance 

A successful athlete should not focus on wrestling alone. Maintaining your academic excellence is equally important for securing a wrestling scholarship that you have dreamed of. It is a common misconception that wrestlers do not require good grades in academia to make it in college. On the contrary, scoring high on your SAT will convince the university committee that you deserve to become a part of the athlete’s community. Make sure to achieve the minimum score on standardized tests and maintain a well-rounded education to get the scholarship. A strong academic record automatically makes you a more attractive recruit in the eyes of college instructors and tutors.

Create a Powerful Presentation 

As a wrestler, you need to have a strong resume that will showcase your achievements and experience. This is essential for attracting the attention of college coaches and ensuring that they see you as a potential scholarship winner. Your wrestler presentation should include:


  • Wrestling statistics (number of wins, number of losses, weight classes, and major achievements)
  • Awards, honors, and tournament placements and participation
  • Links to videos that highlight your athletic skills
  • Academic achievements that include standardized test scores 


Having video footage of several of your matches is especially important. The video will demonstrate your abilities and allow the coaches to evaluate your potential. Ideally, the video should contain both highlights and full footage of the matches.

Attend Wrestling Camps

Attending wrestling camps is a great way to gain exposure and build the necessary connections with coaches. Coaches typically attend these types of events to scout for young talents and individuals who show the biggest potential. If you show up at national wrestling events like Fargo Nationals or the Super 32 Challenge, you will have a bigger chance of being spotted as a potential recruit. You will also have the opportunity to train under college coaches and gain the necessary experience through learning.

Understand the Challenges

No matter what they say about wrestling and the challenges it entails, being an athlete is not easy. Unlike football or basketball scholarships, wrestling scholarships are quite rare and make for a much more aggressive competition. For instance, the NCAA Division 1 Level will only have about 80 schools that accept male wrestlers. 


These schools have a ridiculously small number of reserved spots for athletes, so you need to stand out as an individual to be able to secure these spots. You should also keep in mind that some scholarships are partial, which means you will have to spend a portion of your funds on tuition and books. In some cases, the coaches may split the scholarships between athletes. If you realize that you have a better chance of getting a need-based scholarship rather than an athletic one, you should stay open to possibilities. Another critical moment is scholarship maintenance. If you are a college student, you have to be able to dedicate enough time to wrestling and your studies. Throw in a rigorous training schedule and the constant need to travel around for matches, and you will understand why wrestling scholarships are not easy.

Stay Persistent

You should not lose hope if you do not receive an immediate response from your coach. Some individuals are immediately disheartened if they do not get a reply from their favorite school or need to reapply because of the limited number of vacant spots for scholarships. However, you should remain open to various possibilities as you are training for a scholarship. Don’t dismiss the idea of a junior school or Division III as an alternative choice. While you may have your heart set on a specific school, chances are, you will still need other scholarships as a backup plan.


If you are a dedicated student who also happens to be an athlete, then getting a wrestling scholarship should not be an issue. By maintaining your skills and honing your performance, you allow the coaches to see you as a potential recruit and assess your strengths. However, receiving a wrestling scholarship is not limited to your sports achievements. You also have to build a compelling resume and stay proactive within the wrestling community. It is also important to keep in mind that wrestling scholarships are highly competitive and extremely limited, so you should be ready for a lot of competition and hard work. As you stay open to possibilities, you will have a higher chance of securing the scholarship that you have been waiting for.

Ellen Birkett Morris
Editors and writers who work online are constantly changing, but Ellen Birkett Morris stands out as someone who can be trusted. As an essential part of the team, she has stood out for her deep analysis and unshakable dedication to truth and clarity in the often-cloudy world of online writing services. Her work, which is based on a solid academic background, shows how dedicated Ellen Birkett Morris is to helping people find honest information in the confusing world of digital content.