Hulk Hogan Opens Up On His Relationship With Sid Vicious

(Photo Credit: WWE)

WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan spoke with Barstool Rasslin on a number of topics, including his relationship with the late great Sid Vicious.

Hogan said, “I got along great with Sid. I mean in the ring the one thing I can say about Sid is he took care of you. He never hurt me in the ring.”

On Sid being critical of him in shoot interviews:

“One thing that kind of catches me off-guard is all these guys — and there’s several of them, not just pointing out Sid — all these guys that I’ve worked with, and all these guys that I’ve done business with, all of a sudden in the twilight of their career, when they’re done they do these shoot interviews. ‘Hulk didn’t know anything about the wrestling business or Hulk was an a**hole,’ and I’m like man, I had no idea that we felt like this … Sid did some of that towards the end, but I would never hold it against him because I love Sid.”

ON wrestlers not reaching the popularity he and Steve Austin hit:

“Well, you gotta realize, nowadays the star of the wrestling business is the production, where back in the day you had to actually draw money to be the main event guy. It’s all about a run — how long you’ve been married? How long you going to live? How long are your kids going to behave? It’s a run… There’s a difference between being a main event guy and being an attraction, and then the difference between being an attraction and being an international phenom that has awareness internationally. There are very few guys [who had it] — Andre [The Giant] was one.”

On it being easier to make WWE stars now:

“If someone gets hurt right now in the WWE, the machine is so big and the production is so slick and so sharp that they can make anybody their main event star because they’ve got this thing down to a science and thank god they do because the numbers. The way they’re doing business, WWE is on FIRE and they’re doing better now than they’ve ever had.”

You can check out Hogan’s comments in the video below.