Ted DiBiase Breaks Down The Differences Between The Undertaker And Sting

WWE Hall of Famer “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase recently appeared on an episode of his “Everybody’s Got a Pod” podcast, where he discussed a number of topics including who was the bigger star between The Undertaker and “The Icon” Sting.

DiBiase said, “Wow. That is a tough one. You know, I would have to give the edge to Undertaker. Just because his character was so unique — not that Steve’s wasn’t. But now in terms of wrestling, Steve hands down is a better wrestler than the Undertaker. Of course, Mark knew his gimmick, and Mark knew how to — it’s like, it’s kind of hard to play a character who’s supposed to be a dead man. And he can’t run He hand to — you know what I’m saying? The things he did in the ring, and he learned how to do it very well. And was a huge name. But I would still say that wrestling-wise, I might give the edge to Sting. Character-wise, I would say the Undertaker.”

On Kamala:

“A great guy. His name was James, and that’s pretty funny, James. I can’t remember his last name. But he couldn’t have been a nicer guy. And he was kind of funneling — I can’t remember what we were talking about, the dressing room or something. And somebody said, ‘Well, how about you, Kamala?’ And just the way he shook his head and just went almost like, ‘No,’ it was so funny. But he comes out there looking like this great big zombie, and you could not find a nicer guy.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)