Ken Shamrock Opens Up About Occasions In WWE Where He Felt Uncomfortable

Former WWE and UFC star Ken Shamrock conducted an interview with Chris Van Vliet, and here are the highlights, courtesy of

On The Montreal Screwjob:

“That was one of those times where it was uncomfortable, because I was so close to Bret [Hart]. He helped break me into the business, because I went up, trained with him, worked with them, and then that happened. Again, I wasn’t in the conversations with Vince [McMahon] and Bret and wasn’t on the inside. So I don’t know what happened. I don’t know who was right and wrong, but I know who helped me. I know who worked with me and helped me understand the character that I needed to be. Then, of course, getting the opportunity to wrestle in the WWF, Vince gave me an opportunity. Bret helped me develop my character. It was a very uncomfortable spot for me. Then moving on past that it just felt like in that, in that moment, it felt like I had no identity, like I wasn’t going anywhere. There was no program.”

On not being happy with some storylines:

“I was being asked to do other things that just weren’t comfortable. I’m not saying anybody was trying to hurt me or anything, but it’s just some stuff that I just didn’t feel comfortable doing [The Ryan Shamrock angle?] Yeah that and then, you know, my own personal thing was I just didn’t want to get in the ring with Chyna. I taught my children at a young age and they were at the time, eight, seven and five, young kids going to school. One of the things that I drilled into their head was that you respect women and that you don’t lay your hands on them. Then I was asked to do that, and I get it, this is entertainment. I get all that. But again, we talked about this earlier where my family comes first, and if I’m doing something that’s going to possibly, might not, but possibly confuse them, I’m not doing it. And it was not like WWE had it in for me, it wasn’t it. It was just things that I believed in, and it just felt like I was constantly going in a direction that had no end to it.”

Was there any resistance to saying no to working with Chyna?

“No, nothing at all. The fact is, it was very respectful when I said I didn’t want to do it. Now I may have gotten beat a few times, but it was no angering like that. I enjoyed my time and truly blessed to have the opportunities that I’ve had, but I believe that everybody has to make their decisions in life and try to do what’s best for them and their family. I felt at that moment that I needed to make a move and get back into what I love doing. Don’t get me wrong, I love wrestling, and I enjoyed it, and I probably would have stayed much longer if I felt like there was a direction for me. I just didn’t feel that.”

You can check out the complete interview below: