Stephen Amell On When He First Fell In Love With Wrestling

(Photo Credit: STARZ)

Hollywood A-Lister Stephen Amell, who has competed in WWE in the past, appeared on Insight With Chris Van Vliet to dicuss a number of topics including when he first fell in love with wrestling.

Amell said, “I first fell in love with wrestling, we’re looking at 1987 or something like that. I was six years old and someone got me the VHS tape of WrestleMania 3. Then, of course, I went back and I watched WrestleMania 1, I watched WrestleMania 2. Wrestling became my obsession. I will never forget getting in trouble in third grade [because] some kid accused me of throwing a booger on him, and I don’t think I did, but my punishment was I had my wrestling magazines taken away from me for two weeks. I wasn’t allowed to watch wrestling on Saturday morning. That was devastating.”

On seeing Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania VI:

“I’m like crying in front of all these different 10, 11-year-old boys. My dad’s like ‘Hey bud, just get it together.’ [I said] ‘Sorry, Hulk lost.’ I didn’t think that him losing was conceivable.”

On competing at SummerSlam 2015:

“I wouldn’t recommend to anybody to have their first match at a premium live event in f***ing Brooklyn. I was so nervous that I forgot to get in the ring.”

On being nervous at the start of the match:

“We decided we were going to start the match off with Cody springboarding into the ring and then my springboarding as well. I was terrified of messing up the springboard … I even said to him right before the match, ‘Do we have to start with the springboard?’”

You can check out the complete podcast below.