Booker T: “I’m Just Glad I Got A Chance To Tell Sid Vicious Thank You”

(Photo Credit: WWE)

On the most recent episode of the “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T paid tribute to Sid Vicious. Booker and Stevie Ray have repeatedly said that it was Sid who helped them get into WCW in 1993.

Booker said, “Sid actually was the dude that got me and my brother our break. A phone call came to the Global Wrestling Federation, the Sportatorium, and pretty much the rest is history. Sid Vicious brought me and my brother in. He said, “Hey man. I’m gonna get you guys in. Probably about six months later, man, me and my brother were in WCW, not just in WCW, we were staying in Sid Vicious’ apartment right there in Marietta, Georgia. Sid didn’t have to do that, but he went out on a limb just for me and my brother to actually give us a springboard right off the bat. First pay per view, I was in the main event with Sid Vicious, you know, right here in Houston, Texas, all because of Sid. Sid made sure me and my brother got that spot. Two rookies, man, two green horns in the main event in a pay per view that was being debuted that came out of the mind of Dusty Rhodes. Man, what a time.”

“I’ve been thinking about that all day today ever since I heard. I got a phone call actually and got the news. Just going back in time and going back to the early 90s. Man, it was such a freaking ride. Sid Vicious was the one that kicked that ride off. I’m just glad I got to see Sid, I don’t know, maybe six months to a year ago, and I’m just glad I got a chance to tell Sid Vicious thank you. I swear to God, that’s what I told Sid that I give him all the praise for getting me and my brother in and doing what he did for us. I told him I just wanted to thank him for everything personally in his face, you know, to his face, I wanted to thank him for everything that he did for me and my brother. I’m just glad I got a chance to do that. I’m just so glad I got a chance to do that.”

On Bryan Danielson winning the AEW Championship at All In:

“Bryan Danielson, he’s put the work in. He hadn’t been the guy that’s been sitting on the sideline phoning it in or anything like that, just coming out just to play games. He’s been a guy that seemed like he had some sort of a strategy since he’s been there, and that is, let me go out there and work with a lot of these young guys and get them over. It’s maybe my last shot at a world title run. Let me pick that up on the way out and continue to do the good work. He’s one of the good guys that won in the end.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(h/t to for the transcription)