Cody Rhodes On The Winged Eagle Title: “I Am Actively Trying To Find A Way To Get That Into The WWE World”

Undisputed WWE Champion “The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes spoke with GQ on a number of topics related to pro wrestling, including his appreciation of the current title design.

Rhodes said, “I’d say one of the things I like about the title a lot is, it’s no longer a matter of — it’s not a name plate, now it’s all about your individual side plates. I also love that this title is specifically this generation’s title.”

On wanting to bring the Winged Eagle title design back:

”I am fond of the Winged Eagle, which is the title from the 1990s. Hulk Hogan wore it, Ultimate Warrior wore it, Ric Flair wore it, Bret Hart wore it. And I am actively trying to find a way to get that into the WWE world. But this is also the title that was around Roman Reigns’ waist the night I beat him. And there’s a part of that that makes me more linked to this look and this aesthetic for a WWE championship than ever.”

You can check out Rhodes’ comments in the video below.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes)