MLW Fury Road Results – May 18, 2024
Brett Ryan Gosselin vs. Jake Crist
Jake Crist hits a kick that sent Brett Ryan Gosselin to the floor just seconds into the match.
Crist dove through the ropes then he hit an Asai Moonsault.
BRG took control in the ring and hits a short arm clothesline for a near fall.
He snaps Crist’s throat across the ropes and kept Crist grounded.
Crist hits a clothesline for a near fall then BRG hits a spear before Crist got a backslide for the win.
Winner: Jake Crist (5:08)
Rate: 4
A video package of highlights of last week ending with the Azteca henchmen kidnapping Selina De La Renta.
Bobby Fish vs. Akira
Bobby Fish & Akira immediately traded mat reversals before Fish hits a slingshot senton for a near fall.
Akira hits a dragon screw in the ropes then a top rope flying forearm for a near fall.
Fish hits a leg sweep that knocks Akira off the apron to the floor.
Fish locks an ankle lock but Akira reached the ropes.
Fish suplexed Akira into the turnbuckles for a near fall.
Akira hits a dragon suplex then a roundhouse kick to the head then Death Penalty for the win.
Winner: Akira (5:58)
Rate: 6
Backstage Matt Riddle selected his Battle Riot number out of a tumbler. He was pleased with it but he didn’t share what number he drew.
Alex Kane vs. Mr Game
Alex Kane hits a suplex on the floor then they got in the ring, the bell rang and Kane choked him out.
Winner: Alex Kane (0:32)
After the match AJ Francis challenged Kane to a Ritual Combat match on June 1st and the winner gains control of Bomaye Fight Club & Kane accepted the challenge.
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Mads Krule Krugger vs. Matthew Justice
Matthew Justice beat up 4 Contra soldiers just to get to the ring.
Mads Krule Krugger dove onto him to kickstart the match then he chokeslams Justice onto the ring apron. Justice slammed door shards over Krule’s head.
He tossed garbage cans and boards in the ring then slams the garbage can on Krule’s head and he shoved gusset plates into Krule’s chest and the top of his head.
They brawled out of the ring and up into the bleachers.
Krule flips Justice over the railing and Justice crashed 10-15 feet down onto a table.
Krule then climbed on the prone Justice for the win.
Winner: Mads Krule Krugger (8:23)
Rate: 6
After the match Justice got up and kept fighting the masked goons as we go to a break.
After the break we saw Krugger & Justice fight down a flight of stairs. Janai Kai helps beat up Justice.
Featherweight Title Fatal 4 Way Match
Janai Kai (c) vs. Miyu Yamashita vs. Delmi Exo vs. Zayda
All 4 fought at the bell before Zayda dove through the ropes onto Janai Kai.
In the ring Delmi Exo hits a standing neckbreaker on Miyu Yamashita.
Zayda wanted to team up with Kai but Kai responded by hitting her with some kicks for a near fall. Kai hits a kick to Zayda’s spine then Kai & Yamashita traded spin kicks.
They shoved Zayda out of the way so they could continue their strike exchange.
Exo hits a top rope double dropkick on both before Zayda went for I’m Prettier but Exo blocked it.
Janai tied up both Zayda & Yamashita in a double Demon Clutch and one of them taps out.
Winner By Submission & Still Featherweight Champion: Janai Kai (6:45) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6
Backstage Saint Laurent was on the phone and he said he’s going to melt down the MLW World Title and turn it into a WTF Title. MLW World Champion & World Tag Team Champion Satoshi Kojima attacked Laurent and reclaimed his title. 1 Called Manders came up and shook his hand
Sami Callihan vs. Matt Riddle
Sami Callihan & Matt Riddle started brawling on the floor before Callihan whips him into the guardrail. Callihan accidentally chops the ring post.
Callihan got his 8×10 photo to give Riddle a paper cut between his fingers.
Callihan gave him a paper cut between his toes.
Riddle hits a jumping knee for a near fall then a senton.
Callihan hits a piledriver and remained in charge.
They brawled to the floor and bot got back in before being counted out.
They traded forearm strikes while on their knees then while standing.
Riddle hits a top rope corkscrew splash for a near fall before Callihan shoved the ref into the way and Riddle hit a stunner on the ref.
Callihan hits a low blow and a piledriver then a a new ref counted a near fall.
Riddle applied a modified Tarantula in the ropes before Callihan bites the toe to escape.
They brawled more on the floor as Riddle tried to climb back into the ring at the 9 count.
Callihan pulls him back to the floor and the ref counted them both out.
Winner: No One (Double Count Out) (7:38)
Rate: 5
Backstage National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito was beating up the red masked Azteca henchmen and he confronted Cesar Duran. He wants to know where Selina De La Renta is.
MLW World Title Match
Satoshi Kojima (c) vs. 1 Called Manders
1 Called Manders knocks Satoshi Kojima down with a shoulder tackle.
They brawled to the floor and traded forearm strikes then they got back into the ring with Manders in charge.
Kojima hits Machine Gun Chops in the corner then Manders’ turn for Machine Gun Chops in the corner.
Manders sat on the top turnbuckle as Kojima clotheslined him to the floor.
In the ring Manders hits Doctor Bomb for a near fall.
Kojima hits a stunner for a near fall before Manders hit a clothesline for a near fall.
Kojima hits the Lariat for a near fall before Kojima hits another Lariat for the win.
Winner & Still MLW World Champion: Satoshi Kojima (9:21) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7
After the match The Contra goons hits the ring and beat up Kojima, Manders & Okumura. Mads Krule Krugger & Janai Kai came to the ring too and she hit some kicks. The ref got beat up too. Matthew Justice & Akira ran down for the save as more guys from the locker room hit the ring.