WWE NXT Review – May 14, 2024

WWE NXT Review – May 14, 2024

Kicking off this week’s NXT with officials check on Noam Dar as he is surrounded by broken set pieces and has seemingly been attacked backstage. Meta 4 rushes in to check on him and both Jakara Jackson & Oro Mensah automatically assume NXT Champion Trick Williams is to blame for the attack. Lash Legend defends him.

We then head over to a video recapping the Women’s Combine last week.

We head backstage to the women’s locker room and see Kiana James hype up Izzi Dame for her upcoming Women’s North American Title Ladder Match Qualifier.

Women’s North American Title Qualifying Match
Sol Ruca vs. Izzi Dame

Match starts off with a lock up then Izzi Dame lands a shoulder tackle on Sol Ruca but Ruca responds with a shoulder tackle of her own.

Dame then wears down Ruca with a submission hold but Ruca escapes and flies off the middle rope with a modified cannonball to level Dame and send her crashing to the outside.

Ruca then hits a modified moonsault off the middle turnbuckle to Dame and gets her back in the ring & goes for the cover but Dame kicks out.

Ruca looks to send Dame crashing into the middle turnbuckle face first but Dame moves out of the way and sends Ruca crashing to the outside.

She then sends Ruca crashing into the announce desk and dumps her back in the ring then follows her and hits a backbreaker. She goes for a pin but Ruca kicks out.

Dame then cinches in a modified crossface but Ruca escapes and looks to get Dame up on her shoulders.

Dame escapes and hits a flapjack to Ruca before she lands an elbow drop and locks in another modified crossface. Ruca once again escapes but Dame whips her into the corner.

Ruca lands a pair of shoulder tackles and a springboard back elbow then gets Dame up on her shoulders and sends her crashing into the mat.

She lands a standing moonsault and looks to fly off the top rope but Dame moves out of the way and hits a back body drop.

She then connects with a boot and goes for a pin but Ruca kicks out.

Dame lands a shoulder on Ruca’s midsection in the corner but Ruca responds with Sol Snatcher for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Women’s North American Title Ladder Match: Sol Ruca

We then head backstage to Ava’s office and see her meet with The Family. Ava questions what The Family did to and what happened to both the referee in Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe’s match against Myles Borne & Charlie Dempsey last week as well as the whereabouts of Borne & Damon Kemp but The Family gives her vague answers. Ava then fines them $20,000 and The Family pays up right away.

Shayna Baszler & Lola Vice were interviewed backstage, where they said they were intrigued about who Ava would choose as Roxanne Perez’s #1 Contender for the Women’s Title. Karmen Petrovic & Natalya attacked Baszler & Vice backstage in a pull apart brawl.

Tag Team Match
OTM (Lucien Price & Bronco Nima) vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade

Bronco Nima & Malik Blade lock up to get this match started before Blade hits a boot to Nima’s jaw but Edris Enofe tags in.

Blade trips Nima & Enofe levels him before landing a series of elbow drops on him.

Nima sends Enofe crashing into the corner then tags in Lucien Price.

OTM double teams on Enofe & Price fires off right and left hands on him in the corner.

Nima tags back in and OTM looks to land a double suplex on Enofe.

Blade provides Enofe with a helping hand then rains down right hands on Nima as Blade does the same to Price in the opposite corner.

OTM look to powerbomb Enofe & Blade into one another but Enofe & Blade both counter into hurricanranas.

Enofe & Blade then dropkick OTM out of the ring and fly over the top rope to level them.

Enofe gets Nima back inside the ring and runs the ropes.

Jaida Parker trips him and Nima then levels him with a back elbow.

Brinley Reece then attacks Parker but Enofe, Blade, Nima & Price separate them as we go to a break.

After the break Parker & Reece once again begin brawling with one another.

Officials run down to separate them.

Back in the ring Price tags in and delivers a double right hand to Enofe with Nima.

Price hits a uranage to Enofe then hits a running clothesline to him in the corner and locks in a variation of a crossface.

Nima tags back in and hits a series of back elbows to Enofe in the corner then tags Price in.

Blade tags in and levels both OTM before Blade hits a crossbody to level OTM then tags in Enofe.

Blade & Enofe set up for their finisher but Nima levels Nima and sends him crashing to the outside.

Enofe sends Price to join him with a dropkick and looks to fly but Price gets him back in the ring and levels him with a superkick.

Nima then tags in and OTM hits a Suplex/Spinebuster combo for the win.

Winners: OTM

We then head backstage to Noam Dar being deemed not fit for physical competition in the medical office as the rest of Meta 4 flanks him blaming Trick Williams or Je Von Evans for the attack. Mensah steps up to take Dar’s place in his match against Evans later tonight and Jakara Jackson asks Lash Legend why she’s so sure Williams wasn’t responsible for attacking Dar. Legend dodges the question and says she can’t do this right now.

Ridge Holland spoke backstage with NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom & Nathan Frazer before Good Brothers interrupted to talk trash about Axiom & Frazer for trying to evade them. Holland confronted them due to their statements leading to Good Brothers challenging Holland & a partner of his choosing for tonight.

Women’s North American Title Qualifying Match
Ivy Nile vs. Lash Legend

Lash Legend wastes no time as she lands a back elbow on Ivy Nile and goes for a pin but Nile kicks out.

Legend then lands a pair of shoulder blocks and whips Nile into the corner sending her crashing to the outside.

She follows her out there and sends her crashing into the ring apron shoulder first.

She then bodyslams her onto the floor and looks to sandwich her between herself and the ring steps.

Nile moves out of the way and Legend collides with the ring steps.

Nile then hits a forearm to Legend off the apron and gets her back in the ring.

Nile ascends to the top and hits a crossbody then lands a kick on her head and follows it up with a hurricanrana.

Legend then hits a splash to Nile in the corner and rains down right hands on her but Nile slips out of the way and lands an enzuigiri on Legend as she sits on the top rope.

She connects with a bulldog to Legend off the middle rope and goes for a pin but Nile kicks out. Nile levels Jakara Jackson on the outside but Legend takes advantage.

She sends Nile crashing into the mat and follows it up with a pump kick for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Women’s North American Title Ladder Match: Lash Legend

We then head backstage to Sarah Schreiber is with Je Von Evans & Evans denies being Noam Dar’s attacker before he heads down to the ring.

Carlee Bright met with Ava backstage where she wanted a match against Lola Vice tonight which Ava granted. Tatum Paxley was spotted in Ava’s office.

Je Von Evans vs. Oro Mensah

Oro Mensah wastes no time as he fires off strikes on Je Von Evans as Lash Legend appears at ringside.

Evans lands a dropkick on Mensah’s head but Mensah hits a springboard moonsault to him and looks to follow it up with a vertical suplex.

Evans avoids it and hits a hurricanrana off the middle rope.

He then hits a dropkick and goes for a pin but Mensah kicks out.

Evans looks to fly off the ropes but Mensah catches him and sends him crashing to the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Evans lands a chop on Mensah.

Mensah responds with a kick to Evans’ head and sends him crashing into the mat face first with a reverse spinning powerbomb but Evans levels him from the apron and ascends to the top rope.

Mensah joins him but Evans lands an enzuigiri on him from the apron.

He then hits a springboard elbow from the top rope.

Mensah & Evans exchange strikes before Evans hits a springboard cutter.

Mensah rolls out of the ring and Evans flies over the top rope to take him down.

He gets Mensah back in the ring but Mensah hits him with a lariat.

Jakara Jackson distracts the referee as Legend pulls out a chair from under the ring.

Trick Williams appears at ringside causing Legend to become distracted and drop the chair.

Mensah then continues beating down Evans and sets up for a powerbomb but Evans escapes and lands a roundhouse kick on Mensah.

Evans hits Mensah with a superkick and follows it up with Hole In The Road for the win.

Winner: Je Von Evans

After the match Williams congratulates Evans in the ring. He shakes his hand, hugs him and raises his land.

Backstage Heritage Cup Champion Charlie Dempsey was interviewed by Kelly Kincaid where he confirmed that Damon Kemp & Myles Borne were on their way to the arena and were broken down after The Family attacked them. Dempsey said that he would beat Tony D’Angelo tonight.

After the break Wes Lee says the last time he was in the ring with a mic things were quite a bit different. He says he was in one of the darkest times of his life and he had no idea if he’d ever be back competing inside the ring. He says fans know how much NXT means to him but so did his North American Title. He says relinquishing the title made him question if his career was really over but he missed being a professional wrestler. He says he missed it so much he was walking 2 days after having surgery and was back in the gym a few weeks later.

Lee says he was focused on one goal during his recovery and that was getting back to NXT. He says he was supposed to miss nearly a year of competition but here he is medically cleared 6 months later.

North American Champion Oba Femi’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He says he’s not at ringside to cut Lee down but because he’s impressed with Lee and he always has been. He says his reign as North American Champion was nothing short of an accomplishment but Lee’s taking it as far as he can. He says Lee has to watch him take the North American Title to heights he never could and says Lee has the heart of a lion and the spirit of a warrior. He says Lee is not a warrior then asks if Lee wants a shot at his title. Lee says he does and Femi tells him to prove himself. Lee says Femi checks all the boxes of what a champion should look like and says while he may not check as many boxes as he does.

Before Lee can continue Ivar makes his way down to the ring and says everyone is excited to have Lee back including him. He says he knows what it’s like to come back from a career threatening injury and says they had the same spinal surgeon. He says when he came back, he had to fight for everything he got. He says he knows Lee isn’t afraid to fight for everything as well and says they both want title shots.

Josh Briggs’ music hits and he makes his way down. Briggs says the 3 of them are in a pickle and says they’re all emotional between Lee’s comeback story and Ivar showing the world who he is behind the paint and the Viking calls. He says it’s a man’s game and says he & Femi tore the house down along with Dijak at Stand & Deliver. He says now that his ribs are healed he thinks he needs to run it back with Femi.

Femi says Lee, Ivar & Briggs all have compelling arguments. Lee challenges Femi to put his North American Title on the line in a Fatal 4 Way at Battleground but Femi hops out of the ring and tells Lee, Ivar & Briggs to face off in a Triple Threat Match where the winner gets to challenge him for the North American Title at Battleground.

Ridge Holland was interviewed by Kelly Kincaid backstage but he was interrupted by Chase U. Osbourne said that he would team with Holland tonight.

There was a vignette of a blacked out screen as someone was snoring before the alarm clocked in.

Lexis King was bragging about his momentum in NXT before Jasmyn Nyx appeared and asked King & others around the room to sign a Get Well Soon letter for Jacy Jayne. Everyone but King refused to sign the letter but King incorrectly wrote Get well soon Jackie for Jacy because he was looking at Nyx. Nyx then said that King was an idiot.

Tag Team Match
Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Riley Osborne & Ridge Holland

Match starts off with Luke Gallows & Ridge Holland lock up then Holland looks to hit Gallows with a pair of shoulder tackles but Gallows stays on his feet.

They go back & forth before Osborne & Karl Anderson tag in before Anderson wears down Osborne’s arm with a submission but Osborne connects with a dropkick on Anderson.

He hits Gallows with another kick then hits a standing shooting star press to Anderson.

Anderson hits a spinebuster to Osborne then fires off right hands on him and tags Gallows back in.

Gallows fires off right hands on Osborne in the corner then lands a bodyslam on him and rains down Hammer & Anvil Elbows.

Anderson tags back in and whips Osborne into the corner then tags in Gallows.

Gallows hits a right hand to Osborne then tags Anderson back in.

Osborne flies out of the corner to level Good Brothers then tags in Holland.

Holland runs over Anderson with a shoulder tackle then hits a shoulder tackle and lands a double underhook suplex.

He sends Anderson crashing into the mat and goes for a pin but Gallows breaks the fall.

Osborne goes after Gallows but Gallows takes him out.

Holland sets up for an Alabama Slam and Osborne looks to hit Gallows with a dropkick.

Gallows sends Osborne crashing into Holland & Anderson rolls up Holland for the win.

Winners: Good Brothers

There was a video package for Carlee Bright ahead of their match against Lola Vice later tonight.

Lola Vice vs. Carlee Bright

Lola Vice lands a kick on Bright’s thigh then Vice looks to land an arm drag but Bright blocks it and hits Vice with a crossbody.

She then hits a shoulder tackle and a forearm from the apron but Vice lands a kick on her midsection. She follows it up with a Scissor Kick.

Vice lands an uppercut and a series of knees on Bright’s midsection.

Vice steps over Bright but Bright rolls her up for a 2 count.

Vice kicks out and looks to land a boot but Bright moves out of the way and Vice is sent colliding with the middle rope.

Vice lands a pair of clotheslines and a dropkick then hits a kick to Vice’s head in the corner.

She follows it up with a moonsault and goes for a pin but Vice kicks out.

Bright ascends to the top and looks to fly but Vice catches her with a kick.

She follows it up with a spinning Backfist for the win.

Winner: Lola Vice

After the match Vice looks to continue beating down Bright but Karmen Petrovic & Natalya run down to the ring. They begin brawling with Vice & Shayna Baszler and send them crashing out of the ring. Natalya then grabs a mic and Petrovic challenges Baszler & Vice to a Tag Team Match next week.

Riley Osbourne apologized to Ridge Holland for costing them their match tonight which Holland accepted.

Heritage Cup Title Match
Charlie Dempsey (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo

Round 1

Match starts off with a lock up then Tony D’Angelo grabs hold of Charlie Dempsey’s ankle before he sends him crashing into the mat.

He cinches in a side headlock then hits an arm drag.

Dempsey locks in a submission of his own then hits a pair of shoulder tackles.

D’Angelo manages to roll Dempsey up to win the 1st Round.

D’Angelo 1-0

Round 2

After the break D’Angelo whips Dempsey into the ropes and lands a few right hands on him.

They land strikes on each other’s midsections and Dempsey locks in an Arm Bar on D’Angelo as round 2 comes to an end.

Round 3

Dempsey whips D’Angelo into the corner as round 3 begins and D’Angelo lands a right hand on him.

Dempsey looks to lock in an armbar but D’Angelo blocks it and powers up to his feet.

Dempsey transitions into a cross armbreaker but D’Angelo rolls him up.

Dempsey kicks out and D’Angelo rolls him up again.

Dempsey kicks out once again and they each take another turn pinning one another.

Dempsey then sends D’Angelo crashing into the ring post shoulder first and follows it up with a German suplex for the win.

Dempsey 1-1

Round 4

Dempsey lands a back elbow on D’Angelo then Dempsey sends D’Angelo crashing into the mat face first then lands a stomp on him and rains down elbows.

He stomps on D’Angelo’s shoulder then stops on him.

Dempsey looks to lock in another armbar but D’Angelo blocks him.

Dempsey locks in a Triangle but D’Angelo powers up to his feet He lands a powerbomb and a clothesline then fires off a couple right hands on him and delivers a belly 2 belly suplex.

He connects with a spinebuster and goes for a pin but the referee is unable to finish the count before the clock runs out.

Round 5

D’Angelo lands a flying right hand on Dempsey in the corner.

He then lands a German suplex as Damon Kemp & Myles Borne run down to ringside and attack Stacks & Luca Crusifino.

Tony D’Angelo takes them both out and sends Borne on top of Kemp on the outside.

Dempsey tries taking advantage and rolls up D’Angelo but D’Angelo kicks out.

He then lands Fuhgeddaboudit for the win.

Winner & New Heritage Cup Champion: Tony D’Angelo (R5) (2-1) (NEW CHAMPION!!!)

We then head backstage and see Wes Lee, Josh Briggs & Ivar all laid out with equipment surrounding them. The camera pans over to Gallus as they reveal themselves as the attackers as NXT goes off the air.

Next Week’s NXT

Women’s North American Title Qualifying Match
Fallon Henley vs. Thea Hail

Women’s North American Title Qualifying Match
Brinley Reece vs. Jaida Parker

North American Title #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match
Josh Briggs vs. Wes Lee vs. Ivar

Tag Team Match
Karmen Petrovic & Natalya vs. Shayna Baszler & Lola Vice

Battleground Card So Far (June 9th)

Women’s North American Title Fatal 6 Way Ladder Match
Sol Ruca vs. Lash Legend vs. Fallon Henley or Thea Hail vs. Brinley Reece or Jaida Parker vs. Michin or Tatum Paxley vs. Kelani Jordan or Wren Sinclair

North American Title Match
Oba Femi (c) vs. TBD