AEW Collision Review – April 27, 2024

AEW Collision Review – April 27, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Collision with a recap of Swerve Strickland beating Samoa Joe to win the AEW World Title at Dynasty.

Prince Nana introduced AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland as the boss of bosses, the anointed one in pro wrestling and one hell of a wrestler. Strickland took the mic while a Thank you Swerve chant broke out. Strickland spoke about what a week it’s been in AEW. He mentioned Willow Nightingale winning the TBS Title, Adam Cole walking, TNT Champion Adam Copeland being misted, Bryan Danielson & Will Ospreay tearing the house down.

Strickland brought up Jack Perry returning and striking Tony Khan. Strickland said Khan put all of his faith in him. Strickland recalls Young Bucks hitting Khan with whatever the name of their move is. Strickland said he’s done some horrible things but 4 elite athletes beating up a non fighter sounds like a bitch move to me.

Strickland said the most important thing that happened this week was him winning history by beating Samoa Joe to become the AEW World Champion. Strickland recalls his oldest daughter saying she’s proud of him, yet saying that she feels like she doesn’t know him.

Strickland brought up all the missed birthdays, games and events. He said he can make up for lost time but he can blaze the trail as AEW World Champion and make sure it was all worth it. Strickland said he was in a giving mood and said he wanted to hold an open challenge for the AEW World Title.

Claudio Castagnoli walks out & Castagnoli entered the ring and took a lap around Strickland & he went to speak but Castagnoli pulls the microphone toward his face and said You’re on.

Strickland said he would be seeing Castagnoli later tonight in whose house? Castagnoli took the mic and said It’s going to be mine then drops the mic and exits the ring.

A video package focused on The Elite attacking Tony Khan before AEW World Tag Team Champion Matthew Jackson closed the video by saying The Elite has arrived.

Tony Schiavone & Nigel McGuinness spoke from their desk on the stage. Schiavone said Tony Khan was told that he could not travel due to his injuries but he would still be able to run the show remotely. McGuinness questioned who would run things if things got out of control then questioned whether it would be the EVPs. Schiavone told him that he’s out of his mind.

Trios Titles Match
Bullet Club Gold (Jay White, Austin Gunn & Coleton Gunn) (c) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) & Action Andretti

Jay White picks up Darius Martin in a suplex position on the floor and slams him face first on the apron heading into a picture in picture break.

After the break White attempted a suplex on Andretti but lands on his feet.

White avoided a springboard move and then hits Blade Runner to get the win.

Winners & Still Trios Champions: Bullet Club Gold (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)

Footage aired of Young Bucks beating FTR in a Ladder Match to win the AEW World Tag Team Titles with help from Jack Perry at Dynasty.

A House Of Black video aired. Brody King boasted that he now has 2 wins over the TNT Champion. Malakai Black said they might take Copeland up on the Cope Open and it could be either him, King or Buddy Matthews. Me first, Winnipeg, you’ll find out when the rest of the world finds out Matthews said.

Rey Fenix vs. The Beast Mortos

The Beast Mortos hits an early power slam that caused Rey Fenix to roll to ringside.

Mortos hits him with a twisting suicide dive and lands on his feet then Mortos turned Fenix inside out with a lariat.

Mortos mugs for the camera then covers Fenix for a two count.

Mortos continued to dominate Fenix heading into a picture in picture break.

After the break Fenix rallied until he went for a springboard move and was speared by Mortos.

Fenix avoided a charging Mortos as he tumbled to the floor.

Fenix went up top and performed a spinning dive onto Mortos the floor.

Back in the ring Mortos came back with a variation of a lungblower and then followed up with a neckbreaker for a near fall.

Fenix came back with some kicks and then went up top and hit a frog splash for a near fall.

Fenix went for a rolling move but Mortos grabs him by the throat.

Fenix counters into a roll up for the win.

Winner: Rey Fenix

A video package focused on Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor to set up their Parking Lot Fight.

Backstage Orange Cassidy was interviewed by new backstage interviewer Arkady Aura. Cassidy said he’s afraid of what Beretta & Taylor would do to one another. Kris Statlander showed up and said he needs us.

Rush vs. Martin Stone

Rush hits a German suplex and followed with a running knee.

Rush sends Martin Stone to ringside and then ran him into the barricade twice.

Rush put the boots to Stone until the referee pulls him off and told him to return to the ring.

Rush slid a chair inside the ring which the referee takes the chair out of the ring.

Rush whips Stone with production cables.

Back in the ring Rush tossed Stone into the corner and then hit him with a running punch.

Rush followed up with Bull’s Horns to put away Stone.

Winner: Rush

After the match Rush left the ring then decided to return to dish out more punishment. Rush hits Stone with Bull’s Horns again.

Footage aired from Dynamite of Toni Storm saving Mariah May from an Anna Jay attack along with Serena Deeb’s promo.

Serena Deeb was interviewed by Aura in the backstage area & Deeb said she’s the undefeated #1 Contender to the Women’s Title. She said failure is not an option. Deeb told Storm that this is not a move, it’s real life.

Non Title Match
Women’s Champion Toni Storm vs. Anna Jay

Anna Jay went to the apron early and was mocked by Mariah May.

Toni Storm hits Jay with a hip attack that knocked her into May.

Storm checks on May and tried to return to the ring but Jay hits a neckbreaker over the middle rope heading into a PIP break.

After the break Jay caught Storm in Queen Slayer but Storm got to her feet and then fell backward to break the hold.

The screen went black and white while Storm ran then it went to color while she hit the hip attack in the corner. Storm followed up with Storm Zero to put Jay away.

Winner: Women’s Champion Toni Storm

A shot of the parking lot was shown then Chuck Taylor was shown putting his shoes on. Orange Cassidy handed him a dog. Taylor told Cassidy not to interfere regardless of what happened during his parking lot fight with Trent Beretta. Taylor handed the dog back to Cassidy.

Tag Team Match
Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zack Gibson) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)

Grizzled Young Veterans hits a series of moves that concluded with Zack Gibson launching James Drake into Anthony Bowens to knock him off the apron heading into a PIP break.

After the break GYV sends Max Caster over the top rope and he crashed onto one of the light boxes on the stage.

Gibson hits a lungblower on Bowens and held him in position while Drake hits a missile dropkick from another corner of the ring. Drake covered Bowens for a two count.

Drake taunted Billy Gunn then he climbs onto the apron before dropping down after being warned by the referee.

The momentary distraction allowed The Acclaimed to take offensive control.

Bowens hits Gibson with The Arrival then Caster hits Mic Drop to score the victory.

Winners: The Acclaimed

Highlights aired from 2 weeks ago on Collision of Shane Taylor attacking Katsuyori Shibata before Hook made the save.

Shibata was interviewed by Aura. Shibata used his phone to say that he will knock down the Learning Tree and take the FTW Title. he also said he would fight Shane Taylor Promotions alone on Rampage. Daniel Garcia showed up and said he’s battled Shibata in the past but he respects him and offered to help him. Shibata used his phone to accept and told Garcia to save the last dance for him.

AEW World Title Match
Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Claudio Castagnoli hits an early tilt a whirl backbreaker before Swerve Strickland threw a kick from the apron.

Castagnoli pressed Strickland over his head and threw him into the barrier.

Castagnoli followed up with a running uppercut and then stood on a table and played to the crowd heading into a PIP break.

After the break Castagnoli tried to launch Strickland at ringside but Strickland ends up on top of the barrier and then hits a standing Castagnoli with a moonsault.

Back inside the ring Strickland hits a 450 splash from the top rope for a near fall.

Castagnoli trips Strickland then hits him with a standing double stomp.

Strickland sat up and looked angry while he turned and glared at Castagnoli.

Strickland hits Castagnoli with an uppercut which led to both men trading uppercuts.

Strickland threw body shots and a kick but Castagnoli put him down with a clothesline which led to both men staying down. Strickland rolls over then executed a suplex.

Strickland went up top and connects with Swerve Stomp which led to a near fall.

Strickland follows up with House Call but Castagnoli cuts him off and hits a giant swing and then applied a Sharpshooter.

Castagnoli transitioned into a crossface but Strickland rolls him into a pin for a two count to break the hold. Castagnoli went for a Neutralizer but Strickland avoided it.

Castagnoli hit a big clothesline for a two count before Strickland came back with a DDT.

Strickland went up top and went for Swerve Stomp but Castagnoli stuffed it and hits an uppercut which led to another near fall.

Strickland avoided an uppercut and used a backslide to get a two count.

Strickland hits a German suplex before Castagnoli cuts off a standing Swerve Stomp attempt.

Castagnoli pops up Strickland but he Swerve Stomps him then hits House Call for the win.

Winner & Still AEW World Champion: Swerve Strickland (STILL CHAMPION!!!) (Recommend)

After the match Strickland offers a handshake to Castagnoli & accepts. It appeared as though Castagnoli told Strickland something about Nana as he was dancing in the corner but didn’t hear it.