AEW Collision Review – March 30, 2024

AEW Collision Review – March 30, 2024

Kicking off this week’s Collision with TNT Champion Adam Copeland acknowledged a sign that said it was Copeland Country. Copeland said he closed the book on Christian Cage and he decided to go back to the Cope Open. He said the stakes were higher because he was putting his TNT Title on the line. Copeland wondered who his challenger would be then Matt Cardona made his entrance.

TNT Title Match
Adam Copeland (c) vs. Matt Cardona

Matt Cardona gouged the eyes of Adam Copeland while both men were on the apron.

Cardona shoved Copeland off the apron and then into the ring steps heading into a picture in picture break.

After the break Cardona kicks the ropes into Copeland’s groin then puts him down with an Edgecutioner DDT for a good near fall.

Copeland caught Cardona going for Radio Silence and countered into a Buckle Bomb.

Copeland hits a sit out powerbomb on Cardona for a two count.

Copeland looks to the crowd and the fans fired up.

Copeland went for a spear but Cardona caught him with Radio Silence for another near fall.

Cardona went to his corner and stomped his foot before charging Copeland but he spears Cardona for the win

Winner & Still TNT Champion: Adam Copeland (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

After the match the lights went out while Copeland was celebrating his win. When the lights turned on. Malakai Black was in the ring glaring at Copeland & he looked apprehensive. Buddy Matthews enters the ring and attacks Copeland from behind.

Mark Briscoe’s entrance music played and he ran out to help Copeland but Black & Matthews quickly put him down. Eddie Kingston ran out and joined Copeland & Briscoe. The lights went out and then Black & Matthews were gone once the lights turn on again

Footage aired from earlier in the day of Lexi Nair interviewing FTR while dubbing them the favorites to win the tournament for the AEW World Tag Team Titles. FTR played up facing the Cinderella storybook team of The Infantry later in the show.

Tony Schiavone stood in the ring and introduced Trios Champions The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn & Billy said he was pissed off about Jay White entering his house.

Billy said White keeps talking about selling out Madison Square Garden. Billy said he’d done that so many times he couldn’t remember then said Your ass better call somebody. Billy said White also lost he MSG match. Billy said he would face White next week and everyone would find out how good White actually is.

Max Caster plays to the crowd. Caster said he & Anthony Bowens would stay backstage when Bill faces White if The Gunns would do the same. Bowens took the mic and recalls calling White a coward and said he lived up to that description. Bowens spoke about White & The Gunns entering Billy’s home and said they ran like cowards once Billy and his wife returned home.

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles Tournament
FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean)

Dax Harwood hits a superplex on Shawn Dean heading into an early PIP break.

After the break Carlie Bravo botched a late leapfrog move.

Both teams traded pin attempts before FTR hits Shatter Machine on Dean for the win.

Winners: FTR

Backstage Lexy Nair interviewed Ricky Starks & Big Bill & Bill said they weren’t looking past Top Flight but he considers them a #16 seed while he & Starks are a #1 seed. Starks spoke of beating FTR in the Semi Finals.

After the break Adam Copeland cuts a promo while Mark Briscoe & Eddie Kingston stood beside him. Copeland challenge House Of Black to face them at Dynasty. Briscoe & Kingston also chime in briefly.

Kyle O’Reilly vs. JD Drake

Kyle O’Reilly avoided an early Vader Bomb attempt from JD Drake then missed a cannonball in the corner.

O’Reilly came back and caught Drake in an armbar for the submission win.

Winner By Submission: Kyle O’Reilly

After the match Undisputed Kingdom’s International Champion Roderick Strong, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett ran out to celebrate O’Reilly’s win. Taven & Bennett put O’Reilly on their shoulders.

Highlights aired of Powerhouse Hobbs & Will Ospreay to set up their match for Dynamite.

Quarter Final Match Of The AEW World Tag Team Titles Tournament
Ricky Starks & Big Bill vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin)

Big Bill fought off a double chokeslam attempt but Top Flight hits him with a double dropkick instead. Top Flight followed up with another double dropkick on Ricky Starks.

Big Bill drops Dante Martin with a big boot heading into a PIP break.

After the break Darius Martin rolls up Starks for what appeared to be a 3 count.

Top Flight hits an assisted DDT on Starks to score the victory.

Winners: Top Flight (They will face FTR in the Semi Finals)

Christopher Daniels had his back to the camera while standing backstage. He did a turnaround then spoke about how he’s been in AEW since day 1. He said Malakai Black likes to jump people from behind and then questioned whether he was man enough to face him 1 on 1 on Rampage.

Thunder Rosa vs. Lady Frost

Thunder Rosa clotheslined Frost then picks up a 2 count heading into a PIP break.

After the break Rosa hits a Backstabber then hits Tijuana Bomb for the win.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

Backstage Renee Paquette interviewed Women’s Champion Toni Storm & she was accompanied by Mariah May & Luther. Paquette said Rosa will face #2 ranked May next week for a shot at the Women’s Champion. Storm questioned whether this was May’s plan all along. Storm kissed May on the lips and calls her a magnificent bastard. May was thrilled. Storm said Rosa will never get to sniff her Women’s Title ever again.

A Will Ospreay video package aired.

Trios Match
Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Bryan Danielson) & Katsuyori Shibata vs. The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) & Lance Archer

Vincent ran Bryan Danielson into the barricade then Danielson was isolated heading into the final PIP break.

After the break Danielson continued to be isolated as Dutch slams Lance Archer onto Danielson then Archer slams Dutch onto Danielson.

Dutch hits a Bossman Slam on Danielson for a near fall before Claudio Castagnoli hits the giant swing on Archer.

Castagnoli stops the swing and immediately locks in a Sharpshooter.

Dutch ran in and broke up the submission hold before both teams ran in.

Katsuyori Shibata clears The Righteous from the ring but then Archer caught him with a boot to the head. Castagnoli caught Archer with an uppercut.

Archer backdrops Castagnoli but landed on his feet. Archer caught Castagnoli with a big boot and a Blackhole Slam. Vincent hits a Swanton Bomb on Castagnoli for a near fall.

Shibata comes in and caught a seated Vincent with a dropkick in the corner.

Shibata went for an armbar but Dutch broke it up as Danielson took out Dutch with a Busaiku Knee.

Vincent rolls up Shibata for a two count after Blackpool Combat Club had been cleared from the ring.

Shibata put Vincent in a sleeper. Shibata released the hold then hits Vincent with a PK for the win.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club & Katsuyori Shibata

Semi Finals

Young Bucks vs. Best Friends (Dynamite April 3rd)

FTR vs. Top Flight