More matches have been announced for next week’s episode of WWE NXT.
Prior to the main event on the post-Vengeance Day 2024 episode of NXT on USA on Tuesday night, NXT G.M. Ava Raine spoke backstage with Jaida Parker, who asked for a one-on-one match against Adrianna Rizzo. She granted it, but didn’t confirm when it would be.
Additionally, Ridge Holland once again asked Ava for a three-on-one showdown against Gallus, after the trio recently tried to break his leg. She denied his request once again, but offered an alternate offer. She told him she can give him Gallus one member at a time, but if he fails to get past any of them, it’s over. Those matches weren’t specified for next week either.
In addition to The Family vs. The Wolf Dogs match we posted earlier this evening for the NXT Tag-Team titles, which was confirmed for next week, also made official for next Tuesday’s show is Von Wagner & Mr. Stone vs. Noan Dar & Oro Mensah, as well as Kiana James vs. Brinley Reece.
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