WWE NXT Review – January 16, 2024

WWE NXT Review – January 16, 2024

Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade

Malik Blade delivers an arm drag before Carmelo Hayes trips him before they hit one another with dropkicks then Edris Enofe & Trick Williams tag in and Williams connects with a dropkick.

He follows it up with a pair of bodyslams and an open palm strike. Blade & Hayes tag back in and Blade delivers a few back elbows to Hayes.

He lands a dropkick on Williams on the apron but Hayes hits him with a superkick then Enofe tags in and hits a dropkick.

Williams tags in and Enofe delivers a pair of arm drags then whips him into the corner then follows it up with a splash.

Hayes tags in and delivers a splash of his own in the corner before he and Williams hits a double shoulder tackle to Enofe. Williams & Blade tag back in and brawl with one another until Enofe tags back in. Blade & Enofe level an interfering Hayes with a double flapjack.

After the break Blade tags in and hits a backbreaker to Hayes then Enofe tags in and fires off right hands on Hayes but Williams tags in and delivers a back elbow.

He follows it up with a pair of leg lariats on Enofe and a double flapjack to him & Blade then hits a spinebuster to Enofe.

Enofe responds with a back suplex and ascends to the top rope then delivers an elbow drop and goes for a pin. Williams kicks out and sends Enofe & Blade crashing into one another.

Hayes tags in and Blade hits a spinebuster to him then ascends to the top rope and hits a splash then goes for a pin but Williams breaks the fall.

Enofe dumps him out of the ring and looks to fly but Williams catches him with a right hand.

Back in the ring Hayes hits a codebreaker to Blade before Williams tags in and hits Blade with a Jumping Knee for the win.

Winners: Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams (12:08)
Rate: 7

Backstage Fallon Henley was interviewed by Kelly Kincaid where Henley said that she was looking to finally get a shot at the Women’s Title.

There was a video package recapping Dragon Lee’s North American Title reign before he was dethroned by Oba Femi.

Lola Vice & Elektra Lopez spoke about how they would win the Battle Royal tonight but Tatum Paxley appeared from a room and told them that she would not let anyone else win.

North American Champion Oba Femi says many are surprised to see him as North American Champion but it’s a prophecy that’s been foretold. He says it was said he would be the biggest, strongest and fastest when he was born and he would be a war leader. He says he was tested as a young Nigerian Prince and he destroyed his opposition. He says he was tested in the NCAA and he made that world his own as a D1 Athlete by winning title after title. He says his goals haven’t changed since arriving in NXT and he has his divine right to rule over the NXT Universe with the North American Title. He says he will crush every man in his way because he is backed by destiny.

Dragon Lee’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He says Femi was hungry and took his moment last week and no one in NXT history has made an impact so fast. He tells Femi that he hopes he can gives to others what he and Wes Lee did before him and he continues the tradition of the Open Challenge for the North American Title. He requests a North American Title match tonight as his 1st defense but Femi declines to give it to him and says the Open Challenges are now closed. Lee then says he wants his title rematch at Vengeance Day and Femi tells Lee he doesn’t get to decide anymore. He tells him that he may grant him what he wants and heads to the back.

We then head backstage and see Trey Bearhill introduce himself to Eddy Thorpe. Dijak walks in running his mouth and Bearhill confronts him leading Dijak to challenge him to a match later tonight.

After the break we head backstage to Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams talking about their win in earlier tonight. NXT Champion Ilja Dragunov walks in and informs Williams that he’s now cleared to compete. He offers Williams an NXT Title rematch at Vengeance Day and Williams accepts. However as Hayes points out that same night will see the Finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic which they plan on being in.

Tag Team Match
Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley vs. Elektra Lopez & Lola Vice

Lyra Valkyria & Elektra Lopez go back & forth before Lopez ends up on the outside and Valkyria delivers a dropkick to Lopez through the middle rope.

Tatum Paxley follows suit and does the same to Lola Vice but Lopez gets in the ring and tags in Vice. Vice delivers a kick to her chest as she’s draped through the middle rope.

Lopez tags back in and fires off shoulders on Paxley’s midsection in the corner. Vice tags in and delivers a double clothesline to Paxley with Lopez.

Paxley turns Vice inside out and tags in Valkyria then Lopez tags in and Valkyria connects with a pair of clotheslines on her.

She follows it up with an enzuigiri and a northern lights suplex but Lopez sends her crashing into the corner.

Paxley tags in and ascends to the top rope then delivers a crossbody then goes for a pin but Vice breaks the fall.

Vice & Valkyria then begin brawling and Vice looks to land a kick on her but Paxley takes the hit for Valkyria landing on top of Lopez to pin her for the win.

Winners: Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley

Arianna Grace cut a monologue about how she would win the 20 Woman Battle Royal to the women’s roster but the entire roster left the locker room during the monologue.

Joe Coffey vs. Ridge Holland

Match starts off with a lock up then they exchange forearms with one another before Ridge Holland sends Joe Coffey crashing into the top turnbuckle face first and follows it up with a suplex and a back body drop.

He hits a 2nd suplex and fires off shoulders on Coffey’s midsection in the corner before Wolfgang captures Holland’s attention allowing Coffey to take advantage and hits a backbreaker.

He follows it up with a corkscrew elbow but Holland delivers a pair of knees to his midsection and a headbutt.

He gets Coffey up on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the top rope face first then hits a bodyslam for the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland

After the match Wolfgang & Mark Coffey attacks Holland and beat him down as Joe joins in and hits All The Best For The Bells to Holland as Mark & Wolfgang hold him in place. Gallus stands tall over him.

Jacy Jayne, Karmen Petrovic, Thea Hail & more of the women’s roster were backstage talking about helping Chase University. After dismissing everyone Jacy Jayne calls Jasmine over and invited her for drinks.

Kelani Jordan & Brinley Reece trained backstage ahead of their involvement in the 20 Woman Battle Royal. They wanted each other to win in case they lost.

Baron Corbin was interviewed backstage before Bron Breakker joined in. Breakker said that the Wolf Dogs would win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic but Corbin was bamboozled by the Wolf Dogs name. After Kelly Kincaid told Corbin & Breakker that they were both A Holes, Breakker came up with a different name The Wild Boars. Corbin buried the name and left the interview.

Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
Chase U (Riley Osborne & Duke Hudson) vs. Latino World Order (Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde)

Riley Osborne & Cruz Del Toro take turns locking each other in submission holds and pinning one another.

Joaquin Wilde tags in and delivers an uppercut to Osborne then follows it up with a dropkick.

Duke Hudson tags in and delivers a sidewalk slam to Wilde before Wilde responds with a jawbreaker and tags in Del Toro.

Hudson delivers a double suplex to LWO then clotheslines both men out of the ring and tags Osborne back in. Osborne goes flying over the top to take them out as we go to a break.

After the break Wilde hits a tilt a whirl gutbuster to Osborne and tags in Del Toro before Osborne hits LWO by flying out of the corner then tags in Hudson.

Hudson hits a boot to Wilde and fires off right hands on Del Toro but Del Toro responds with an enzuigiri and a reverse hurricanrana.

Hudson sends Del Toro crashing into the mat and goes for a pin but Del Toro kicks out and delivers a boot to Hudson’s jaw. Hudson hits Del Toro and pins him unaware Wilde is now legal.

Wilde delivers a dropkick to Hudson off the top before the action spills to the outside and Wilde goes flying to hit Chase U.

Del Toro tags in and ascends to the top rope & hits Phoenix Splash for the win.

Winners: Latino World Order (9:43) (They will face Hayes & Williams in the Semi Finals)
Rate: 7

The Family were backstage ahead of Adriana Rizzo making her in ring debut tonight. Rizzo was extremely nervous but NXT Tag Team Champions Stacks & Tony D’Angelo calms her down.

After the break we head backstage and see Von Wagner & Heritage Cup Champion Noam Dar get into a verbal exchange as Mr Stone & Oro Mensah flank them & this leads to Wagner challenging Dar to a Heritage Cup Title Match.

Dijak vs. Trey Bearhill

Dijak looks to land a boot on Trey Bearhill but Bearhill catches it and hits a back body drop to Dijak then fires off right and left hands on him in the corner.

Dijak sends him crashing into the top rope face first then hits a boot to him and goes for a pin.

Bearhill quickly kicks out and Dijak delivers a suplex to him then follows it up with an elbow to his spine and an elbow drop.

He lands a chop on him in the corner but Bearhill suplexes him into the corner and follows it up with a splash.

Dijak clotheslines Bearhill out of the ring then sends his face bouncing off the ring apron and whips him into the barricade.

He gets in Joe Gacy’s face and Gacy responds by delivering a headbutt to him.

Bearhill sends Dijak’s head repeatedly bouncing off the ring apron then gets him back in the ring and delivers a double chop to him.

He follows it up with a running crossbody and goes for a pin but Dijak kicks out then he hits a Spinning Boot for the win.

Winner: Dijak

After the match Gacy blindsides Dijak and they brawl up the ramp and to the back. In the ring Lexis King appears out of nowhere and attacks Bearhill.

We then head backstage and see JBL approach Josh Briggs. Briggs asks JBL for some advice, and JBL tells him to go inwards and reflect on who he really is.

There was a video package for the No Quarter Catch Crew.

Trick Williams & Carmelo Hayes spoke backstage where they agreed to focus on the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic but Williams said that he would still be going for the NXT Title.

Women’s Title #1 Contenders 20 Woman Battle Royal
Tatum Paxley vs. Lola Vice vs. Elektra Lopez vs. Gigi Dolan vs. Arianna Grace vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Karmen Petrovic vs. Adriana Rizzo vs. Kiana James vs. Izzi Dame vs. Lash Legend vs. Brinley Reece vs. Stevie Turner vs. Thea Hail vs. Blair Davenport vs. Fallon Henley vs. Jakara Jackson vs. Jaida Parker vs. Roxanne Perez vs. Wren Sinclair 

Final 4 meet in a Fatal 4 Way Match.

Everyone begins brawling with one another as Adriana Rizzo & Jaida Parker slide under the ring and begin brawling on the outside as Gigi Dolin sends Jakara Jackson over the top rope and onto the apron & hits a headbutt to her to send her crashing onto the floor.

Lash Legend clotheslines Rizzo & Parker over the top onto the apron. Rizzo is sent onto the floor, and Izzi Dame looks to take out Legend.

Legend sees her coming and ducks out of the way then Dame connects with a forearm on Parker to eliminate her.

Kelani Jordan ascends to the top rope and looks to deliver a crossbody to Legend & Dame but Legend & Dame catch her. They look to dump her over the top but Jordan escapes.

They then dump her over the top rope but Jordan hangs on then she gets send to the outside by Legend but she lands on top of Parker.

Parker puts her on top of the announce table to brawl with Rizzo as we go to a break.

After the break we see Jordan climb onto the barricade and jump onto the ring steps to save herself from elimination. Fallon Henley has eliminated Stevie Turner.

Brinley Reece has Lola Vice on her shoulders and dumps her over the top onto the apron.

Elektra Lopez provides Vice with a hand and they eliminate Reece together.

Vice then sends Lopez crashing out of the ring over the top before Tatum Paxley sends Vice over the top rope to join her. Vice & Lopez brawl with one another up the ramp.

Dolin hits  an STO to Blair Davenport and looks to send her packing as Davenport lands on the apron and hangs on but Dolin delivers a forearm and a dropkick.

Davenport still manages to hang on and Dolin charges at her but Davenport low bridges her out of the ring to eliminate her.

Thea Hail goes after Davenport & Davenport pulls her over the top rope to join her on the apron. Karmen Petrovic delivers a kick to Davenport’s head to send her crashing onto the floor.

Davenport pulls Karmen Petrovic from under the bottom rope and attacks her on her way to the back.

Inside the ring Legend uses Paxley as a weapon to level a couple competitors.

She sends her over the top onto the apron and Paxley looks to fly back inside but Legend catches her with a pump kick mid air to send her packing.

Arianna Grace brawls with Wren Sinclair but Kiana James attacks her.

Grace looks to eliminate Legend but Legend prevents her from doing so and begins brawling with Thea Hail.

Grace goes after Petrovic and gets her up on her shoulders then dumps her over the top to eliminate her.

Grace celebrates but Hail dumps her over the top to send her packing as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Hail delivers a running uppercut to Jordan in the corner then hits Legend with a DDT and takes down Roxanne Perez then goes after Sinclair and delivers a springboard senton.

She catches Perez with a flipping senton and a springboard senton then catches James with a suplex and looks to land a springboard senton on her but Dame catches her and sends her over the top rope.

Henley sends James over the top and onto the apron but James hangs on. Dame comes up behind her and sends her crashing into the mat before exchanging forearms with Legend.

They then hit one another as Henley & Perez surprise Dame and clothesline her over the top rope to send her packing.

Legend goes Perez & Henley as she sends them crashing into one another and dumps Perez over the top onto the apron. She looks to eliminate her but Perez hangs on.

Sinclair comes up behind her to send her over the top rope and onto the floor.

James fires off shoulders on Sinclair’s midsection in the corner and ascends to the top rope but James pushes her out of the ring to eliminate her.

We are down to the final 4 James, Jordan, Perez & Henley as Dame stays at ringside to support James. The Fatal 4 Way match kicks off with Henley brawling with James as Perez does the same with Jordan.

Perez goes after Henley but Henley hits her with a chop then James & Henley end up on the outside and Jordan & Perez go flying to take them down respectively.

Perez & Jordan go after one another in the ring and Perez sends Jordan crashing into the mat face first then goes for a pin but Henley breaks the fall.

Henley delivers a kick to Perez’s midsection in the corner then hits a 2nd kick to her head before she sends Jordan crashing into the mat.

James sends Henley crashing into the ring post shoulder first then hits a shoulder on both Perez & Jordan’s midsections.

She connects with a spinebuster on Henley and goes for a pin but Perez & Jordan both break the fall up.

Perez sets up for Pop Rox on James but Jordan prevents her from landing it with a dropkick.

James hits 401K to Jordan and looks to pin her but Jordan rolls out of the ring before she can. Perez looks to hit James with Pop Rox but James avoids it.

They ended up on the top rope and Perez delivers an avalanche hurricanrana to James.

Jordan then hits a Frog Splash to James from the top and goes for a pin but Perez breaks the fall then superkicks Henley off the apron but Jordan sends her crashing to the outside.

She looks to land a split legged moonsault out of the corner on James but Dame pulls James out of the ring before she can.

Perez delivers a kick to Jordan’s midsection and follows it up with Pop Rox for the win.

Winner & #1 Contender To The Women’s Title: Roxanne Perez

After the match Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria’s music hits and she appears & they stare one another down to close out this week’s NXT.

Next Week’s NXT

Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin vs. Nathan Frazer & Axiom

Vengeance Day Card So Far (Feb 4th)

Women’s Title Match
Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Roxanne Perez

Finals Of The 2024 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
Bron Breakker & Baron Corbin or Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams or Latino World Order (Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde)

NXT Title Match
Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Trick Williams