MLW Holiday Rush Results – December 24, 2023
Fatal 6 Way Match
Akira vs. Alec Price vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin vs. J Boujii vs. Love Doug vs. Nolo Kitano
Love Doug attacks Brett Ryan Gosselin as he walks to ringside then Alec Price hits a springboard crossbody on Akira as J Boujii hits a German suplex on Nolo Kitano.
BRG locks in a sleeper on Doug as Kitano hits a missile dropkick on all 5 before Price hits a half nelson suplex.
Akira hits a German suplex on Kitano for a near fall before BRG hits a superkick on Doug.
Doug hit a spear on BRG. Doug & Akira hits stereo superkicks on BRG before Doug hits Sliced Bread. Boujii hit a springboard stunner. Kitano hits a swinging neckbreaker.
Price hits a tornado DDT on Kitano then a dive to the floor on everyone else then in the ring Akira hits some kicks on Price then Death Penalty on for the win.
Winner: Akira (7:45)
Rate: 6
After the match Akira got on the mic and talks about being part of Raven’s faction but then Raven just disappeared. Akira said Rickey Shane Page is a leach who sucks the life out of everyone. He vowed he will bring an end to The Calling & this brought out Page, Cannonball and the rest of The Calling. Akira slams a chair across Cannonball’s back before several of the masked goons attacks Akira. Page hits The Raven Effect.
Backstage Middleweight Champion Rocky Romero, Featherweight Champion Janai Kai, Jesus Rodriguez & Salina De La Renta talks about her match later in the show against Ichiban. La Renta freaked out because she found a bag/brown nap sack.
Triple Threat Match
Notorious Mimi vs. Tiara James vs. Zayda
Tiara James chops both Notorious Mimi & Zayda to start this match before Mimi tossed Zayda onto James then Zayda hits a running knee in the corner on James.
James hits a double missile dropkick then James slams Zayda onto Mimi and got a near fall.
She hits a running neckbreaker on Zayda then a cover but Saint Laurent grabs Tiara’s leg & Zayda immediately hits an Unprettier on James for the win.
Winner: Zayda (3:50)
Rate: 3
A video package showing that Hyper Misao is headed to MLW to fight Janai Kai for the Featherweight Title.
Another video package shows that MLW is headed back to Chicago.
World Tag Team Champion Matthew Justice vs. Josh Bishop
Matthew Justice & Josh Bishop immediately brawled and Bishop hits Blackhole Slam just 30 seconds in before Justice hits a top rope flying shoulder tackle.
Justice hits a spear against the ropes sending them both to the floor then Bishop slams Justice back first against the guardrail.
In the ring Justice went to the top rope but Saint Laurent distracted him so Bishop hits Justice with a table then Justice spears Bishop for a near fall.
Laurent grabs Justice’s ankle & it allows Bishop to hit Razor’s Edge through the table set up in the corner for the win.
Winner: Josh Bishop (6:03)
Rate: 5
Salina De La Renta showed off her gear and she has ideas for how she is going to beat up Ichiban later.
Tony Deppen vs. Kevin Blackwood
Kevin Blackwood immediately hits some chops and forearm strikes then hits a German suplex for a near fall and he switched to an anklelock.
Griffin McCoy & TJ Crawford tried to interfere as Blackwood hits Helluva Kick on Deppen and he went right back to the ankle lock.
McCoy & Crawford interfered again & Deppen got a roll up with a handful of tights to score the victory.
Winner: Tony Deppen (1:53)
Rate: 1
Zayda Steel spoke backstage, and she interviewed Richard Holliday. He said he’s been away quite some time and has met with the top companies in the world but this business is about making money. Zayda asked him his thoughts on the smelly crowd. He switched to talking about how much he dislikes MLW World Champion Alex Kane.
A Matt Riddle video package aired.
World Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match
The Mane Event (Jay Lyons & Midas Black) vs. Wasted Youth (Marcus Mathers & Dyln McKay) vs. Griffin McCoy & TJ Crawford
Griffin McCoy & TJ Crawford hits some kicks on Midas Black before Midas hits a DDT for a near fall before Marcus Mathers hits a top rope twisting crossbody.
Dyln McKay hits a Lionsault before The Mane Event hits stereo superkicks on McKay.
McKay hits a Shooting Star Press on Midas then a dive to the floor on everyone else before Mathers immediately hit a 450 Splash on Midas for the win.
Winners & #1 Contenders To The World Tag Team Titles: Wasted Youth (4:12)
Rate: 6
Josh Bishop & Matthew Justice have fought onto the roof of the building as Justice climbs a ladder attached to the outside wall and he splashed onto Bishop as he was lying on a table.
Selina De La Renta vs. Ichiban
Rocky Romero & Janai Kai tried to interfere but Ichiban tossed them to the floor before Selina De La Renta sprayed a canister into his eyes and the ref calls for the bell.
Winner By DQ: Ichiban (1:02)
Rate: 1
After the match Promociones Dorado attack Ichiban & Romero rips off Ichiban’s mask and held it high above his head before Mascara Dorada ran to the ring for the save.
World Tag Team Titles Match
2nd Gear Crew (1 Called Manders & Good Brother Mask #3) (c) vs. Bomaye Fight Club (MLW World Champion Alex Kane & Mr Thomas)
Good Brother Mask #3 & Alex Kane starts this match and they traded forearm strikes before 1 Called Manders & Mr Thomas enters and they traded chops.
Kane hits a splash on Manders on the ring apron and he got a near fall before Kane applied an ankle lock as Richard Holliday was in the crowd.
Kane walks up to him so Holliday tossed his champagne in Kane’s face then Kane hits Holliday and the ref calls for the bell.
Winners By DQ: Bomaye Fight Club (7:30) (2nd Gear Crew retains)
Rate: 4
After the match Tom Lawlor & Josh Bishop hit the ring and beat up 2nd Gear Crew while using chairs.
Alex Hammerstone vs. Jacob Fatu
Alex Hammerstone & Jacob Fatu traded punches early before Fatu hits a dive to the floor then in the ring Fatu hits Swanton Bomb for a near fall.
Hammerstone hits a Pump Kick and some punches to the face then did some push ups and hits a blow to the kidney and was in charge. He hit a back suplex for a near fall.
Fatu fired back with a superkick and they were both down before hits a Vader Bomb for a near fall. Hammerstone hits a powerslam and a double underhook suplex for a near fall.
Fatu hits a top rope Frankensteiner before Hammerstone hits a top rope belly 2 belly suplex for a near fall then hits a series of punches and a headbutt that hurt him more than Fatu.
Fatu immediately hit a series of headbutts then Hammerstone hits a another Pump Kick, a German suplex and a sit out powerbomb for a near fall then hits Nightmare Pendulum.
Fatu hit a Samoan Drop and a double jump moonsault then hits a Buzzsaw Kick then a 2nd one then a Samoan Spike follow by a 2nd double jump moonsault for the win.
Winner: Jacob Fatu (15:48)
Rate: 7
After the match Hammerstone got on the mic and said he’s risking getting in trouble but he has good intentions. He said he was grateful to MLW because they took a kid no one else wanted. He said he had tryouts elsewhere and nobody else wanted me. He thanks Court Bauer. He admitted this might be his last MLW match for the foreseeable future. He said it’s not about him anymore, it’s about the hungry boys and girls in the back who will keep pushing MLW to have success. He said thanks one last time and left.
In a video clip Matt Riddle cuts a promo saying he is in Las Vegas taking care of business, and he can’t wait to get back to MLW. I’ll be seeing you soon Fatu.
King Of Colosseum Card (Jan 6th)
MLW World Title Match
Alex Kane (c) vs. Richard Holliday
Love Is Blind Match
Love Doug vs. Brett Ryan Gosselin
Featherweight Title Match
Janai Kai (c) vs. Hyper Misao
National Openweight Title Taipei Death Match
Ricky Shane Page (c) vs. Akira
Matt Riddle vs. Jacob Fatu