WWE NXT Level Up Results – December 22, 2023

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Level Up Results – December 22, 2023

Axiom vs. Damon Kemp

Match starts off with some mat wrestling sequence and Axiom is able to hang a bit with Damon Kemp before he gets caught with an elbow, but comes back with a dropkick. He tries a headscissors but Kemp powers him up and dumps him over the top to the floor.

Kemp rolls Axiom back into the ring for a one count then stomps on the ankle and stands on it before a gutbuster from Kemp gets a two count and he goes to a bear hug. Axiom throws strikes and tries a sunset flip but that’s a no go.

Kemp hits a slam before Axiom throws some strikes and gets another dropkick before a belly 2 back suplex from Axiom connects as Kemp bails to the floor so Axiom hits a dive through the ropes.

He heads up and catches Kemp with a crossbody back in the ring for a two count then a kick to the chest from Axiom then another but a 3rd misses and Kemp hits Croyt’s Wrath.

It only gets a two count and Axiom ends up trying for a submission but Kemp escapes then a running knee from Axiom connects before Golden Ratio gets the win.

Winner: Axiom

Roxanne Perez vs. Brinley Reece

Match starts off with Brinley Reece cartwheels then hooks a side headlock before Roxanne Perez with a headscissors counter but Reece goes back to the side headlock.

Perez reverses and takes things to the mat before she gets a one count then goes back to a standing side headlock then gets her own cartwheel and takes a bow to mock Reece.

Headscissors takedown by Perez but she misses a charge in the corner then Reece does a flip and hits a clothesline but it gets a one count and goes to a chinlock.

Running shoulder in the corner from Reece but she sets too early on a backdrop and gets kicked in the chest before Reece back with a Samoan Drop that nearly turned into an RKO.

Perez elbows out of another chinlock then ducks a clothesline followed by Thesz Press followed by some strikes then a dropkick.

Perez gets the mounted punches in the corner and gets a crossbody from the middle rope before Pop Rox gets the win.

Winner: Roxanne Perez

Javier Bernal is here and apparently has an announcement & it seems Bernal is as generous as he is good looking. He is giving all of the gift of quality time with Big Body Javie! He is also throwing out a challenge to any man in the back who is willing to step up. Feliz Javiedad.

Von Wagner vs. Javier Bernal

Von Wagner throws the hat out to the crowd which lets Javier Bernal to attack from behind. He throws some right hands in the corner and sends Wagner into the turnbuckle.

Bernal unloads with punches in the corner and stomps Wagner down then throws the hat at Mr. Stone but that lets Wagner get in a few shots before Bernal gets an elbow up to block a charge and gets a bulldog then DDT for a two count.

Elbow drop followed by a leg drop then Bernal hooks a chinlock but Wagner punches his way out. He reverses a whip and then comes off the middle rope with a forearm.

He blocks a series of right hands and lands his own before Wagner no sell off a kick and he rips his shirt. Wagner launches Bernal across the ring and gets a splash in the corner.

Wagner puts his Santa hat back on and hits the Powerbomb for the win

Winner: Von Wagner