JBL Gives His Thoughts On Baron Corbin, Calls Corbin A Very Talented Guy

WWE Hall of Famer JBL recently took to an episode of his Stories with Briscoe & Bradshaw podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including Baron Corbin.

JBL said, “It’s the same Baron Corbin, and no difference (JBL said when asked for difference between current version of Corbin & the version he managed). I liked Baron and I still like Baron and Baron’s a very talented guy. He’s won a lot of championships, André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal winner, he just won some judo competition. Baron’s a big, tough, athletic guy. Played pro football and people ask me all the time and generally, I would never answer because I don’t like talking about current storylines. I don’t think you should talk about — in my opinion — because I think it hurts if you’re involved and even though I’m not involved in that current storyline anymore but I answered it on Dutch Mantell’s podcast, so, I’m certainly gonna answer it on this one. I don’t know if the deal with Baron was supposed to be long-term or not. I had no idea. They asked me to come into Oklahoma and cut a promo. I’d have flown myself in for free to do that in Oklahoma (he laughed) … They love me so much, and then I just did some more stuff with him so I don’t know if it was cut off or if it was they never had long-term plans for it or not. I don’t know what happened. I enjoyed it and I enjoyed working with Baron and you know, people have said Baron’s been through a lot of iterations. Look at our roster from 1995 to the Attitude Era. Just a few years (earlier), Stone Cold was The Ringmaster, Triple H was an aristocrat, Kane was a dentist, Rockabilly, Road Dogg… And I was an acolyte and Scott (Hall) and Kevin (Nash), two of the biggest stars in wrestling history were Diesel and Razor (Ramon) so guys just go through migrations of characters. That means nothing. Baron’s been very successful in everything he’s done.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to PostWrestling for transcribing the above quotes)