WWE Raw Review – December 18, 2023

WWE Raw Review – December 18, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Raw with Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest welcomes fans to Raw then demands they rise for Judgment Day. Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champion Finn Balor congratulates Creed Brothers on becoming the #1 Contenders for the Undisputed Tag Team Titles then says it must be the biggest match and biggest night of their careers. He says for himself & Priest, it’s just another night in the office. Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley then puts Ivy Nile on notice and says that Judgment Day ran 2023 and plans on doing the same in 2024. Dominik Mysterio says Judgment Day runs all of WWE.

R Truth’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He says Judgment Day didn’t let him know they were opening the show and JD McDonagh asks Truth what he’s doing. Truth says he’s in Judgment Day and the beatdown last week was his initiation. He says he was hurt physically and emotionally but he knows Priest didn’t mean it when he said he didn’t like him because he saw in his eyes that he did. McDonagh tells Truth to leave the ring if he’s worried about getting hurt and Truth suggests he & McDonagh squash their beef so they can all be a happy family in a Miracle On 34th Street Fight. McDonagh says that their match was already advertised and their match is happening up next. He makes it clear to Truth that he’s not in Judgment Day & Truth suggests they make it a Loser Leaves Judgment Day match. McDonagh looks to decline the stipulation but Priest says he likes the idea and McDonagh agrees.

Miracle On 34th Street Fight
JD McDonagh vs. R Truth

R Truth fires off right hands on JD McDonagh before McDonagh responds with a shoulder tackle and is handed a Candy Cane Kendo Stick by Dominik Mysterio but Truth wrestles it away from him and hits a Scissor Kick then whips him with his belt.

The action spills out of the ring and Truth sends McDonagh into a plate of cookies face first. then delivers a boot to his face after tossing a present over to him and hugs Mysterio before Mysterio then sends him crashing into the ring post face first as we go to a break.

After the break Truth delivers a right hand to McDonagh’s jaw then follows it up with a splash in the corner and sends him crashing into the mat then grabs a table from under the ring and sides it into the ring.

McDonagh catches him with a dropkick through the middle rope and dumps him back inside the ring. He hits a kick to his midsection then charges at him before Truth catches him with a boot but Mysterio  trips him and looks to toss him into the ring steps.

Truth reverses the momentum and sends Mysterio crashing into them then grabs a fire extinguisher from under the ring and sprays McDonagh with it then sets the table up in the corner.

He delivers a pair of shoulder tackles and a spinning back heel kick then hits 5 Knuckle Shuffle and dumps McDonagh out of the ring.

He grabs a Christmas tree and hits McDonagh with it then tosses him back in the ring and joins him.

He sets McDonagh up on the table and ascends to the middle rope but McDonagh joins him up there. Truth fights him off and sends him crashing through the table to get the win.

Winner: R Truth

Backstage Kayden Carter & Katana Chance cuts a promo about challenging Chelsea Green & Piper Niven for the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Carter said it’s their time to party then whoop whoop for a min.

Before Nia Jax can speak Becky Lynch’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Jax slides out but Lynch grabs a mic and asks Jax what she wanted to say. Jax says while she would love to break Lynch’s face she has more important things to deal with. She says she was going to announce that she was entering the 2024 Women’s Royal Rumble Match and Lynch says fans don’t care. She says she came to Des Moines looking for a fight and Jax says they’ve never fought because fans are afraid of what she can do to Lynch. She says Lynch’s money making abilities would end of they went 1 on 1 then says she would squash her. Lynch says she is a money maker because she will fight anyone at any time and any place. She says it’s not fans that are scared but Jax herself because her existence has been on the back of someone’s name. She says she will go down in history as the greatest to ever do it while Jax’s only claim to fame is breaking her nose. Lynch says all Jax has to do is fight her to prove her wrong and Jax calls for a referee.

Jax marches back down the ramp and hops up on the apron but hops back down and says Lynch won’t get what she wants. She says things will happen on her terms then declares that they fight at Day 1 in her hometown of San Diego, California. She brings up Lynch’s daughter and Lynch has heard enough. She jumps on Jax’s back and fires off right hands on her. Jax clocks Lynch with a right hand and officials run down to break them up.

Highlights aired of Kofi Claus coming out earlier in the night and tossing gifts to the fans.

Backstage Kofi Claus asked DIY what they want for Christmas & Tommaso Ciampa said the WWE Tag Team Titles. Kofi Claus reached inside his sack and pulled out a Yeet t shirt which he gave to Johnny Gargano.

After Kofi Claus left the area DIY approached The Miz. Gargano said they had their differences in the past but last week was great. They shook hands. Ciampa said it was actually awesome and then shook Miz’s hand.

Jackie Redmond shows up and asked Miz about added pressure due to the stipulation that he won’t be able to challenge for the Intercontinental Title again while Gunther is champion if he comes up short. Miz caps off a brief promo by saying that she should ask the man who never wants to face him again if there’s any added pressure.

Intercontinental Title Match
Gunther (c) vs. The Miz

If The Miz loses he can’t challenge for the Intercontinental Title so long as Gunther is champion.

Match starts off with a lock up then they go back & forth locking one another in submission holds then The Miz fires off kicks on Gunther’s leg but Gunther flattens him with a chop.

Miz catches him in a Figure 4 then fires off right hands whilst keeping the hold cinched in.

Gunther makes his way to the bottom rope to break the hold but Miz sends him crashing to the outside. He looks to fly but Gunther hits him with a chop and a powerbomb onto the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Gunther delivers a kick to Miz’s chest and delivers an uppercut before Miz tires leveling Gunther but Gunther stays standing on his feet and catches him with a chop as he runs the ropes.

He delivers a boot to the side of his head and follows it up with a chop. He lands an uppercut and whips him into the corner then delivers another chop.

Miz lands a boot and a jumping clothesline in the corner then looks to hit a crossbody from the top rope but Gunther catches him and drapes him across the top turnbuckle then hits a pair of chops.

They land on the outside and Gunther looks for yet another chop but Miz ducks out of the way and Gunther’s hand is sent colliding with the ring post as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Miz continues wearing down Gunther’s hand before Gunther locks in a modified cravat but Miz escapes and executes a pair of DDTs then follows it up with a tornado DDT and goes for a pin but Gunther kicks out.

Miz stomps on Gunther’s injured hand then uses the top rope to continue wearing it down. Gunther hits a powerbomb and goes for a pin but Miz kicks out. Gunther then transitions into a Boston Crab but Miz crawls over to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Gunther fires off more chops then locks in a sleeper on Miz but Miz counters into a pinfall but Gunther kicks out. Miz then hits Skull Crushing Finale and pins Gunther but Gunther kicks out.

Miz delivers a kick to Gunther’s shoulder and runs the ropes but Gunther catches him with a chop and ascends to the top rope. Miz meets him up there and hits Skull Crushing Finale off the middle rope. He looks to pin Gunther but Gunther rolls out of the ring before he can.

Miz follows him out there and dumps him back inside but gets caught with a powerbomb when he joins him then hits a clothesline follow by a 2nd powerbomb for the win.

Winner & Still Intercontienetal Champion: Gunther (STILL CHAMPION!!!!) (Since The Miz lost he can’t challenge for the Intercontinental Title so long as Gunther is champion) (Recommend)

We get a video package aired on the Creed Brothers.

After the break Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci congratulate Gunther on retaining the Intercontinental Title. Gunther says neither of them has any reason to be jolly because this past year has been a write off for them. He says he will be stepping away for a few weeks and he expects them both to work hard and impress him in his absence. Kofi Claus walks in after Gunther walks away and hands Kaiser a present. Kaiser opens it up to reveal a piece of coal which Kofi Claus laughs out loud over. Kaiser & Vinci walked away. Kofi Claus yelled that he knows when they are naughty and nice.

We then head over to Shinsuke Nakamura & reads the tale of The American Nightmare Before Christmas. Cody Rhodes attacks him and they brawl all around the backstage area. They spill out to ringside and officials appear to separate them. Rhodes breaks free and clocks Nakamura from behind but Nakamura jumps the barricade. Rhodes follows him and delivers a double ax handle off the barricade then clears the announce table as officials help Nakamura. Rhodes takes everyone out with a tope suicida then sends Nakamura crashing into the announce table face first. He looks to send him through it with a Cross Rhodes but officials pull Nakamura away before he can.

Adam Pearce asked Akira Tozawa if was really the match he wanted. Let’s do it Tozawa said before leaving. Women’s Tag Team Champions Chelsea Green & Piper Niven showed up. Green wanted Pearce to cancel their match and cited the holidays. Pearce said no and added that the match was up next. After the Women’s Tag Team Champions storms away Bronson Reed showed up and said he heard Pearce had plans to determine Gunther’s next challenger. Let’s talk Reed said.

Women’s Tag Team Titles Match
Chelsea Green & Piper Niven (c) vs. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance

Chelsea Green & Kayden Carter lock up to get this match started before Green steps over Carter and gloats before Carter does the same to her in response.

She lands a dropkick then tags in Katana Chance & Chance hits a senton over the top rope from the apron then Piper Niven tags in and whips Chance into the corner then delivers a shoulder tackle.

Carter tags in and delivers a springboard kick then tags Chance back in. Chance and Carter to double team but Green provides Niven with a hand as we go to a break.

After the break Green & Carter tag in as Carter levels Green then hits a thrust kick and sits Green on the top turnbuckle but Green pushes her off and looks to fly but Carter ducks out of the way. Green lands a leg lariat and goes for a pin but Carter kicks out.

Niven tags in and looks to land a double suplex on Carter with Green but Carter escapes and runs into a Codebreaker from Green then Green holds her in place and Niven hits a running senton then goes for a pin but Chance breaks the fall.

She dumps Green out of the ring before Carter lands a kick on Niven’s jaw. Carter tags in and hits Keg Stand with Chance. Carter goes for a pin but Green breaks things up and tags herself in.

She looks for Unprettier but Chance avoids it and hits Codebreaker before she tags Carter in & they hit The Afterparty for the win.

Winners & New Women’s Tag Team Champions: Kayden Carter & Katana Chance (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!)

Backstage Ivy Nile was warming up while Alpha Academy stood by. Nile said she asked Adam Pearce for a match with Rhea Ripley because her goal is to become the Women’s World Champion in 2024.

After Nile made her exit Akira Tozawa shows up and said he had a match tonight when Alpha Academy asked him who his opponent was he pointed and said him. Ivar was shown standing with Valhalla. Chad Gable told Tozawa that when he told him to go big in the new year, he didn’t mean that big.

Michael Cole & Wade Barrett recaps Kayden Carter & Katana Chance winning the Women’s Tag Team Titles.

Backstage new Women’s Tag Team Champions Kayden Carter & Katana Chance celebrated their win and were greeted by and Kofi Claus, Candice LeRae, Indi Hartwell, Shayna Baszler, Zoey Stark, Natalya & Tegan Nox. Kofi asked what they wanted for Christmas. They indicated that the Women’s Tag Team Titles were enough. LeRae & Hartwell went off to celebrate with Carter & Chance. Natalya said the champions would need new challengers. Baszler said that’s exactly what she was thinking.

Akira Tozawa vs. Ivar

Akira Tozawa wastes no time before Ivar dumps him out of the ring but Tozawa slides back in and connects with an enzuigiri then he ascends to the middle rope and looks to fly but Ivar catches him.

Tozawa counters into a hurricanrana and looks to fly again but Ivar catches him. Tozawa escapes but gets planted by Ivar with a DDT before he charges at him but Ivar levels him with a senton.

He ascends to the top rope and looks for a splash but Tozawa rolls out of the way and rips off his shirt. He climbs up to the top rope but Valhalla captures his attention.

Maxxine Dupri pulls her down and sends her crashing into the barricade after Valhalla charges at her. Tozawa delivers a senton and goes for a pin but Ivar kicks out.

Ivar then connects with a spinning back heel kick and ascends to the top rope but Tozawa pushes him down and lands an enzuigiri. He looks for an avalanche hurricanrana but Ivar catches him and hits Worlds Strongest Slam for the win.

Winner: Ivar

We get a video package that recapping his promo and verbal exchange with World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins then introduces himself and says he feels more motivated than ever to be the best World Champion in the wrestling industry. He says if fans thought 2023 was a great year for him then just wait until 2024 then addresses his Day 1 World Heavyweight Title defense against Drew McIntyre.

Before Rollins can continue any further McIntyre’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Rollins lays his title down in the center of the ring and says he hasn’t forgotten that McIntyre delivered a headbutt to him a few weeks ago. McIntyre says he’s not in the ring to fight but rather to tell him that he’s proud of him. He calls him a real leader for sticking up to CM Punk last week then says it must feel good to spend the holidays as World Champion with his family. He says he saw things he didn’t like and felt things a certain way when he went home not too long ago. He says he questioned if his career was worth it then says his wife is in the same position that he is. He says Rollins has been part of those difficult conversations and their families tell them not to come home even though they want to until it’s too late. He says he needs the World Heavyweight Title for validation and says he will do whatever it takes to dethrone Rollins as champion.

Rollins says he doesn’t know how to feel about what McIntyre just said, then asks him what makes him think the outcome of their title match will be different. He asks McIntyre what he means when he says he isn’t the same person anymore then says McIntyre will continue to shift the blame on anyone but himself. He says if McIntyre wants to be a World Champion he needs to recognize that he only has himself to blame and he’s the only person preventing him from holding a World Title. He says he doesn’t hate McIntyre because he pities him then wishes him a Merry Christmas.

McIntyre looks to attack Rollins as he leaves the ring but Rollins sees him coming and delivers a superkick that sends him crashing out of the ring. He hits a tope suicida then fires off right hands on McIntyre. McIntyre sends Rollins colliding with the barricade then fires off more right hands and catapults him into the ring steps with an Alabama Slam.

Backstage Creed Brothers were talking about their match when Cody Rhodes shows up and thanked them for their help last week. Rhodes told the Creeds to crack Judgment Day around for him and said he hopes they leave as Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions. Once Rhodes walks away the Creeds geeked out over meeting Rhodes.

Kofi Claus then appears at ringside bearing gifts for fans. Imperium then attacks him but Jey Uso runs down to the ring to provide Kingston with a hand. He goes flying over the top rope to level Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci on the outside then challenges Kaiser to a match as we go to a break.

Jey Uso vs. Ludwig Kaiser

After the break Ludwig Kaiser delivers a shoulder tackle to Jey Uso before Jey fires off right hands on Kaiser but Kaiser responds with a clothesline and delivers a right hand to his spine then clotheslines Jey out of the ring and lands a running uppercut as we go to a another break.

After the 2nd break Kaiser delivers an uppercut to Jey in the ring before Jey connects with a series of right hands and a kick to Kaiser’s midsection then delivers an enzuigiri and a hip attack in the corner.

He follows it up with a superkick and looks for a splash off the top rope but Vinci pushes him down. Kaiser then delivers a kick and goes for a pin but Jey kicks out.

Kofi Kingston reemerges and hits Trouble In Paradise to Vinci opening the door for Jey to hit a Spear and an Uso Splash off the top rope for the win.

Winner: Jey Uso

We see Judgment Day trying to give JD McDonagh some encouragement after losing to R Truth. Rhea Ripley makes her frustrations clear and Damian Priest says the match stipulation was clear. McDonagh begs not to be kicked out of the group and Priest says he’s obviously still in Judgment Day for now. Ripley then says that Ivy Nile will get the Women’s World Title match she wants at Day 1 and Finn Balor says he & Priest will make an example of the Creed Brothers.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Match
Judgement Day (Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor) (c) vs. Creed Brothers (Julius & Brutus)

Finn Balor & Julius Creed lock up to get this match started before they take turns locking one another in submission holds before Julius delivers an arm drag.

He hits one to Damian Priest & Brutus Creed sends him out of the ring with a clothesline over the top rope to join Balor as we go to a break.

After the break Brutus tags in and whips Balor into the corner before Creed Brothers double team on him but Balor delivers a kick to Brutus’ midsection and follows it up with a chop.

Brutus responds with a knee and tags in Julius & they hit a double gutbuster to Balor.

Priest makes the blind tag and low bridges Julius out of the ring then hits a clothesline to him and sends him crashing into the ring steps.

He dumps Julius back inside the ring then Balor tags in and fires off shoulders on Julius’ midsection then delivers a chop.

Brutus tags in and sends Balor crashing into the mat then hits Brutus Smash and a fallaway slam then hits a splash in the corner and sends Balor crashing into the mat.

Priest tags back in and Balor dumps Brutus out of the ring then Priest pushes him over the announce table as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Priest fires forearms on Brutus then sets up for a kick but Brutus catches him and tags in Julius. Balor tags in and Julius delivers a belly 2 belly suplex.

He catches an interfering Priest with one then hits a 2nd one to Balor and follows it up with a moonsault then gets Balor in an electric chair position as Brutus ascends to the top rope but Priest pushes Brutus off.

Rhea Ripley clocks Ivy Nile from behind on the outside but Nile gets her in an electric chair position and sends her crashing into the ring apron face first.

Julius then gets Balor in an electric chair position and Brutus hits Brutus Ball off the top rope then Brutus goes for a pin but Priest breaks the fall.

Balor hits a Sling Blade and a dropkick to Brutus then ascends to the top rope. Julius meets him up there but Priest tags in and gets Julius in an electric chair position.

Brutus pushes Balor off and hits Brutus Ball off the top rope as Julius holds Priest in an electric chair position.

Balor then ascends to the top rope and hits Coup De Grace to Julius as he pins Priest to break the fall. Priest then catches Julius with South Of Heaven for the win.

Winners & Still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions: Judgement Day (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!) (Recommend)

Day 1 Card (Jan 1st)

World Heavyweight Title Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax

Tag Team Match
Tegan Nox & Natalya vs. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

Women’s World Title Match
Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Ivy Nile

Royal Rumble Card So Far (Jan 27th)

30 Man Royal Rumble Match
Cody Rhodes vs. CM Punk vs. 28 TBD

30 Woman Royal Rumble Match
Bayley vs. Nia Jax vs. 28 TBD