Impact Wrestling Review – December 14, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – December 14, 2023

Quick note the dates beside the matches were from old TV tapings this year.

Samuray Del Sol vs. Alan Angels (Oct 22nd)

Samuray Del Sol hits Selina Del Sol then goes for the pin but Alan Angels has his foot on the ropes. Samuray goes for another but Angels gets out of it. Del Sol goes to the top rope but Angels pushes him.

Angels climbs the top rope but Samuray hits Selina Del Sol from the top rope for the win.

Winner: Samuray Del Sol

Tag Team Match
MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) vs. Savannah Evans & Gisele Shaw (June 24th)

Gisele Shaw hits Curb Stomp onto Masha Slamovich & Savannah Evans pins her for a two count then Evans goes for a Full Nelson Bomb but Slamovich counters it into a double stomp.

Slamovich goes for Snow Plow but Evans fights out of it before MK Ultra hits a double team piledriver onto Evans for the win.

Winners: MK Ultra

Street Fight
Deaner vs. PCO (June 15th)

Deaner hits PCO across the back with a steel chair repeatedly and poses then Deaner positions a chair in the corner between the ropes before Deaner whips PCO in the corner but PCO clotheslines Deaner as we go to a break.

After the break Deaner hits PCO with a trash can but PCO no sells it and hits Deaner with a DDT followed by a lung blower then PCO climbs to the 2nd rope and hits a leg drop then PCO pulls Deaner to the edge of the apron and climbs the top rope to hit De Animator.

PCO pulls out a table and places Deaner on it then PCO climbs to the top rope but Deaner catches him and throws him into the table then Deaner throws him back into the ring for a pin but PCO kicks out.

Deaner looks for a DDT into a trash can but PCO hits a chokeslam onto the trash can.

Kon & Angels come in and attack PCO as Kon hits a full Nelson slam onto PCO. oVe runs in and clear the ring. Sami Callihan hits a piledriver onto Deaner before PCO hits a PCOsault for the win.

Winner: PCO 

Josh Alexander cuts a promo saying he needs to beat Will Ospreay because he’s the standard bearer of professional wrestling.

Tag Team Match
Tommy Dreamer & Channing Decker vs. Dirty Dango & Alpha Bravo (August 28th)

Tommy Dreamer hits a cutter onto Dirty Dango and goes for the pin but Alpha Bravo breaks up the pin then Dango throws Channing Decker out of the ring.

Tommy Dreamer lifts Bravo to hit him face first into Dango’s crotch before Tommy Dreamer hits a DDT onto Bravo for the win.

Winners: Tommy Dreamer & Channing Decker

Knockouts Title Match
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Knockouts Tag Team Champion Taylor Wilde (June 23rd)

Taylor Wilde hits a bridging German suplex for a two count then Deonna Purrazzo locks in the Fujiwara Armbar but Wilde reverses it into a pin for a two count.

Purrazzo hits clotheslines followed by a knee lift and an armbar but Wilde reached out to the ropes with her feet.

Purrazzo goes for a Queen’s Gambit but Kilynn King distracts her & Wilde hits a kick to the head for a two count.

Wilde goes for another kick but Purrazzo catches it and hits Queen’s Gambit for the win.

Winner & Still Knockouts Champion: Deonna Purrazzo (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

Josh Alexander vs. Yuya Uemura (Sept 23rd)

Yuya Uemura hits a dropkick onto Josh Alexander for a two count before Uemura gets a double wristlock onto Alexander but Alexander fights out of it.

Alexander & Uemura exchange forearms then Alexander throws Uemura into the ropes and hits a back body drop. Alexander hits an overhead belly 2 belly suplex.

Uemura hits a running forearm onto Alexander in the corner followed by a bulldog.

Uemura hits a back drop onto Alexander for a two count followed by an armbar but Alexander fights out of it.

Alexander goes for C4 Spike but Uemura flips him over as we go to break.

After the break Alexander hits a running crossbody onto Uemura seated on the apron then Uemura clotheslines Alexander outside the ring followed by a crossbody.

Uemura goes to the top rope but Alexander runs into the ropes and Uemura leaps over him and locks an armbar but Alexander reverses it into an ankle lock which Uemura reverses.

Uemura tries for an armbar but Alexander gets to the ropes then goes for triple German suplexes but Uemura catches the ropes on the 3rd and reverses it into a German suplex of his own.

Uemura hits a running dropkick onto Alexander in the corner followed by an overhead belly 2 belly suplex for a two count. Uemura goes to the top rope but Alexander runs and hits a palm strike.

Yuya pushes him off and goes for a crossbody but Alexander hits a forearm for two before Alexander goes for a C4 Spike but Uemura fights out of it.

Josh hits a ripcord forearm followed by C4 Spike for the win.

Winner: Josh Alexander