Impact Wrestling Review – December 7, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – December 7, 2023

Mixed Tag Team Match
X Division Champion Chris Sabin & Knockouts Champion Trinity vs. Chik Tormenta & Dinamico

Trinity takes down Chik Tormenta with running back elbows and hits a split legged moonsault then goes for the cover but Dinamico breaks up a pin then Dinamico hits a splash off the top rope onto Chris Sabin on the outside.

Sabin hits a Penalty Kick off the apron on Dinamico outside the ring before Tormenta hits a fireman’s carry slam and goes for a double stomp off the top rope but Trinity moves out of the way and hits a superkick followed by the Full Nelson Bomb for the win.

Winners: X Division Champion Chris Sabin & Knockouts Champion Trinity

Josh Alexander with a backstage promo and he says he lost at Bound For Glory and he says that’s okay because he gave his all. He congratulates Alex Shelley and says he had to go home and his son asked where the Impact World Title was. He says he needs to get back on track and found a partner. He says he’s going to team up with the greatest technician in the world Zack Sabre Jr against Motor City Machine Guns. He says the standard is back.

Triple Threat Match
Myzteziz Jr vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Latigo 

Eddie Edwards goes for a clothesline but Myzteziz Jr catches his hand and gets him down with an armdrag off the ropes. Myzteziz Jr gets a headscissors on Latigo before Eddie Edwards pulls Myzteziz out of the ring but Latigo hits a suicide dive to take them both down.

Latigo hits a frog splash onto Edwards then goes for the cover but Myzteziz Jr breaks up the pin then Latigo hits a Canadian Destroyer from the 2nd rope on Myzteziz Jr onto the ramp. Eddie Edwards hits a brainbuster on Latigo onto the ramp.

Edwards throws Latigo back in the ring and hits a Tiger Driver for a two count then Myzteziz Jr hits a crucifix bomb off the top rope onto Latigo.

Eddie Edwards hits a powerbomb onto Myzteziz for a two count then Latigo hits a suplex onto Myzteziz for two. Myzteziz hits a powerslam followed by the Shooting Star Press onto Eddie Edwards for the win.

Winner: Myzteziz Jr

Trey Miguel with a backstage promo and says Mike Bailey has done nothing but be a thorn in his side with his feet then says at Final Resolution he will get an orthopedic boot and break it in Bailey’s ass.

Motor City Machine Guns with a backstage promo and X Division Champion Chris Sabin says they’re 2 of the greatest wrestlers. Impact World Champion Alex Shelley says they’re 10x Tag Team Champions and he’s the current Impact World Champion. He says if you’re thinking they’re going to go into 2024 with a loss you’re not thinking hard enough enough that they’re the best tag team in the world.

Tag Team Match
Jordynne Grace & Sexy Star vs. Deonna Purrazzo & Maravilla

Jordynne Grace takes Deonna Purrazzo up onto her shoulders but Purrazzo gets out and tags to Maravilla & she hits a spinebuster onto Grace.

Grace tags to Sexy Star & hits a One Winged Angel for a two count.

Sexy Star hits a suicide dive onto Purrazzo on the outside then Grace hits Juggernaut Driver onto Maravilla for the win.

Winners: Jordynne Grace & Sexy Star

We get comments from Scott D’Amore and the talent about wrestling in Monterrey, Mexico.

Tag Team Match
Digital Media Champion Tommy Dreamer & Laredo Kid vs. Brian Myers & Black Taurus

Black Taurus hits a headbutt onto Tommy Dreamer and holds him against the ropes as Brian Myers kicks him in the face then a tag to Myers who gets Dreamer in a headlock but Dreamer fights out of it and gets hit with a back elbow.

Taurus gets the tag and gets Dreamer in an arm lock & tag to Myers & hits a DDT for a two count.

Laredo Kid gets the tag and he hits a headscissors off the top rope followed by a poisonrana onto Taurus for a two count.

Laredo Kid hits a Canadian Destroyer followed by a sunset bomb for the win.

Winners: Digital Media Champion Tommy Dreamer & Laredo Kid

After the match Dreamer puts Taurus through a table in the corner.

Backstage promo from Knockouts Champion Trinity and she talks about facing Jordynne Grace at Hard To Kill. Jordynne Grace walks in and talks about Final Resolution and says they need to be on the same page.

Tag Team Match
AAA Latin American Champion Octagon Jr & Josh Alexander vs. AAA Trios Champion Toxin & Moose

Josh Alexander hits a headscissors onto Moose followed by a German suplex then Toxin gets the tag and Alexander hits a powerbomb onto his knees and Octagon Jr hits him with a Sliced Bread on the apron then Octagon Jr hits a 450 splash onto Toxin then goes for the cover but Moose breaks up the pin.

Moose hits a dropkick onto Alexander then goes for the cover but it gets broken up then Moose goes for a powerbomb onto Octagon Jr but Octagon Jr gets out if it and hits a springboard cutter.

Toxin hits a pop up powerbomb onto Octagon Jr before Toxin hits a German suplex onto the turnbuckle onto Alexander.

Toxin goes to the top rope but Alexander catches him & hits a spinning Torture Rack Bomb for a two count then goes for C4 Spike onto Toxin but Moose breaks it up.

Moose runs up the top rope and goes for a cutter but Octagon Jr catches him with his own cutter for a two count before Moose hits a Spear onto Octagon Jr for the win.

Winners: AAA Trios Champion Toxin & Moose

Backstage promo from Tommy Dreamer and he says 2023 was the worst year of his life until he won the Digital Media Title. He says his Final Resolution is that he will walk into Hard To Kill still with the Digital Media Title.

A promo airs for the return of Kazuchika Okada to TNA at Snake Eyes.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Motor City Machine Guns (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & X Division Champion Chris Sabin) & AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo vs. Los Vipers (AAA Trios Champion Toxin & Latigo) & Trey Miguel

El Hijo Del Vikingo hits a headscissors onto Toxin followed by a spin kick onto Trey Miguel and a frog splash then goes for the cover but Toxin breaks up the pin. Alex Shelley locks a crippler crossface on Toxin but it is broken up.

Motor City Machin Guns gets Los Vipers in STFs as Vikingo hits a top con hilo onto Miguel on the outside. Vikingo & Miguel exchange chest slaps in the middle of the ring.

Miguel hits a poisonrana for a two count then Miguel goes for a double stomp off the top rope but Vikingo gets out of the way and gets Miguel onto his shoulder and drops him for a back heel kick.

Vikingo hits Phoenix Splash from the 2nd rope from the outside of the ring onto Miguel in the ring for the win.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns & AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo 

Final Resolution Card (Dec 9th)

Frankie Kazarian vs. Sheldon Jean (Pre Show)

Tag Team Match
Motor City Machine Guns (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & X Division Champion Chris Sabin) vs. Josh Alexander & Zack Sabre Jr

Digital Media Title Match
Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Deaner

Jake Something vs. Jason Hotch

Mike Bailey vs. Trey Miguel

Rhino vs. Moose

Tag Team Match
Knockouts Champion Trinity & Jordynne Grace vs. Deonna Purrazzo & Gisele Shaw

Impact World Tag Team Titles Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers

Hard To Kill Card So Far (Jan 13th)

Knockouts Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Jordynne Grace (This is Grace’s Call Your Shot Gauntlet Cash In)

TNA World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Moose (This is Moose’s Feast Or Fired Cash In Match)