AEW Collision Review – December 2, 2023

AEW Collision Review – December 2, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Collision with promos from the participants in the Blue League.

Blue League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Claudio Castagnoli (3) vs. Brody King (3)

Claudio Castagnoli & Brody King strike it out to start this match with Castagnoli getting fired up by getting hit hard before either can clothesline the other down so they eventually clothesline each other down for a double down.

They head outside for another clothesline off before King drops him with a big boot back inside. Castagnoli knocks him outside where King drops him with a clothesline and sends him over the barricade as we go to a break.

After the break Castagnoli fighting out of a chinlock and unloading with uppercuts in the corner before a running double stomp gives Castagnoli a two count follow by Swiss Death gets the same. The Swing sets up the Sharpshooter but King makes the rope.

Back up and Castagnoli misses a charge into the post allowing King to nail a cannonball before Castagnoli pops up at one and hits a Death Valley Driver for a near fall then King hits a piledriver gets two before the lariat puts Castagnoli away.

Winner: Brody King (6) (12:34)
Rate: 7

Jon Moxley talks about being banged up and thinking being in this tournament might not be the best idea. His head isn’t on straight and he’s all over the place but he’s sick and tired of being sick and tired. He’s going to wrestle his way out of it though and win this tournament. No one in this tournament can put him through worse than what he goes through every day.

Abadon vs. Kiera Hogan

Kiera Hogan looks scared to start this match but hits a dropkick into the corner but Abadon is back with some strikes in the corner but Hogan manages a running kick to the face for two.

Back up and a swinging Boss Man Slam plants Hogan followed by a springboard cutter for a two count.

A lick to the face seems to fire Hogan up so she strikes away by setting up a neckbreaker for two before Abadon is right back with a kick to the head followed by Black Dahlia for the win.

Winner: Abadon

After the match the lights go out TBS Champion Julia Hart pops up stares at Abadon then lights go out again & Hart is gone.

Backstage Alex Marvez interviews Samoa Joe before he is interrupted by Roderick Strong & The Kingdom. Strong is willing to forgive him for the near broken neck thing but Joe needs to understand that MJF is the Devil. Joe laughs them off and leaves.

Blue League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Andrade El Idolo (0) vs. Daniel Garica (0)

Daniel Garcia gets a roll up for a two count and teases Andrade El Idolo that he was so close then back up and Garcia sends him into the ropes where El Idolo gets to chill for a bit.

A dropkick puts Garcia on the floor and a slingshot dive gives El Idolo a two count back inside.

Garcia fights back by going after the leg for a one count before El Idolo knocks him hard to the floor though as we go to a break.

After the break Garcia winning a slug out and tying El Idolo in the tree of woe to hammer on the knee before a spinning brainbuster gives Garcia a two count but El Idolo sends him into the corner. The 3rd Amigo is broken up though and Garcia grabs a sleeper.

That’s broken up with a trip into the corner and a superplex to Garcia setting up 3 Amigos for two count. Garcia is right back with the Dragon Slayer but tries something else allowing El Idolo to roll into the Hammerlock DDT to get the win.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo (3) (11:02)
Rate: 7

After the match El Idolo gives Garica respect.

We look at Wardlow getting the win over AR Fox.

Willie Mack isn’t happy with Wardlow hurting his friend and wants some revenge next week.

Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson)

The Kingdom & Iron Savages brawl until Boulder hits a crossbody to take The Kingdom down. Bronson dives onto The Kingdom as well followed by a chokebomb for a two count on Matt Taven.

Boulder misses a middle rope moonsault though and Bennett with a Death Valley Driver into Just The Tip follow by a Spike Piledriver gets The Kingdom the win.

Winners: The Kingdom

After the match Roderick Strong jumps out of the wheelchair for a jumping knee seemingly breaking the chair in the process.

Ethan Page is back and wants to be the King Of Canada so he wants Kenny Omega in Collision.

Video on Mercedes Martinez & Willow Nightingale feud.

Tag Team Match
House Of Black (Malakai Black & Buddy Matthews) vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal

Buddy Matthews powers Matt Sydal down to start this match before rolling through a high crossbody before a tornado DDT doesn’t work for Sydal so he kicks Matthews in the head and hands it off to Christopher Daniels.

Malakai Black comes in and Daniels slows down a bit allowing Black to kick him into the corner. Daniels is sent outside and Black hits a heck of a middle rope moonsault as we take a break.

After the break Sydal coming in to strike away until Black catches him on top then Matthews & Sydal score with top rope Meteoras but Black pulls Sydal outside.

Daniels dives onto Black before Black knees Sydal out of the air before Black Mass on Daniels scores the win for House Of Black.

Winners: House Of Black

After the match FTR comes out with Black thinking they are here to join the House Of Black & Malakai says House Of Black has been there for FTR before they jump FTR and the beatdown is on with Dax Harwood having to watch Wheeler lay out with Black Mass before Harwood gets hit with it as well with FTR being reminded that they have no friends.

Earlier this week Women’s Champion Toni Storm is tired of her hair not being done. She’s not a fan of Skye Blue as she can be the 1st challenger.

After the break Blue calls Storm pathetic so they can fight soon.

Video on TNT Champion Christian Cage vs. Adam Copeland with Cage accusing Copeland of grabbing his coat tails and always being better than Copeland could hope for.

El Hijo Del Vikingo vs. Kip Sabain

Kip Sabian works on the arm to start this match before El Hijo Del Vikingo slips out and hits a double springboard armdrag but Sabian kicks him out to the floor then Sabian hits a springboard moonsault to the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Vikingo missing a running knee in the corner but managing a torture rack knee to the face before a middle rope Phoenix Splash gives Vikingo a two count but Sabian is back with a springboard hurricanrana for a two count of his own.

Sabian is knocked outside though and there’s the corkscrew moonsault to drop him again before the 630 Splash gets the win.

Winner: El Hijo Del Vikingo

After the match Sabian turns down a handshake.

Keith Lee is asked about who him is but Shane Taylor interrupts. Taylor wants Lee at Final Battle and game on.

Miro tries to crush Andrade El Idolo but CJ Perry talks him out of doing it. He finally calms down and leaves.

Blue League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Bryan Danielson (0) vs. Eddie Kingston (0)

Match starts off with a feeling out process with Bryan Danielson striking away as Eddie Kingston backs away into the corner but manages to hit a chop to drop Danielson.

Back up Danielson strikes away with Kingston telling him to bring it before a suplex sends Kingston to the floor but he counters a dive into a suplex to leave them both down as we go to a break.

After the break Kingston’s superplex being broken up allowing Danielson to hit a missile dropkick. Danielson eventually gets the LeBell Lock but can’t get it all the way on.

Instead they strike it out until Danielson misses the running knee and gets planted with a suplex before the Spinning Backfist gives Kingston a two count and some knees to the bad orbital bone make it worse.

Danielson is back with the Yes Kicks but Kingston chops him then Kingston shrugs them off and hits an enziguri until Danielson gets in a suplex for the double knockdown.

Danielson kicks away some more at the 5 minute call before a suplex puts Kingston down and Danielson stomps away until Kingston needs a breather but Danielson is back up with the running knee for the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson (3) (16:50)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Blue League Standings After Night 4 

1st Place- Brody King (6 Points) (2-0)

2nd Place- Bryan Danielson & Andrade El Idolo (3 Points) (1-0) & Claudio Castagnoli (3 Points) (1-1)

Last Place- Eddie Kingston & Daniel Garica (0 Points) (0-2)

Wednesday’s Dynamite

TNT Title Match
Christian Cage (c) vs. Adam Copeland

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Skye Blue

Tag Team Match
AEW World Champion MJF & Samoa Joe vs. 2 Masked Men

Gold League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Jon Moxley (6) vs. Rush (3)

Gold League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Swerve Strickland (6) vs. Mark Briscoe (0)

Gold League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Jay White (3) vs. Jay Lethal (0)

Saturday’s Collision

Blue League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Claudio Castagnoli (3) vs. Eddie Kingston (0)

Blue League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Brody King (6) vs. Daniel Garica (0)

Blue League Match Of The 2023 Continental Classic
Bryan Danielson (3) vs. Andrade El Idolo (3)

Ethan Page vs. Kenny Omega