AEW Rampage Review – November 3, 2023

AEW Rampage Review – November 3, 2023

Triple Threat Match
El Hijo Del Vikingo vs. Pentagon Jr vs. Komander

Pentagon Jr delivers a dropkick to Komander then El Hijo Del Vikingo follows it up with the double running knees but Pentagon lands Made In Japan.

The action then spills out of the ring and Komander goes flying to level Pentagon before Vikingo does the same to take him down. He lands a Tijeras off the barricade but is caught by a Sling Blade by Pentagon before he lands a 2nd one on Vikingo.

Vikingo & Komander get back inside the ring and Vikingo lands a Phoenix Splash on him then goes for a pin but Pentagon breaks the fall and delivers a kick to Komander.

He goes flying over the top rope to level both men and tosses Komander back inside before hitting a chop then connects with one on Vikingo and a 2nd one for Komander as we go to a break.

After the break Pentagon delivers an enzuigiri to Vikingo but Vikingo sends him crashing into the ring post and delivers a kick to the side of his head. He ascends to the top of the ring post and looks for a dropkick on Pentagon but Komander counters into a powerbomb.

Komander looks for a Shooting Star Press on him but Pentagon catches him mid air with a lung blower. Vikingo takes out Pentagon & Komander connects with a Canadian Destroyer on him.

Pentagon gets Vikingo into an electric chair position on the apron but Vikingo counters into a poisonrana before Pentagon delivers a Gory Special to Vikingo on the apron as he simultaneously lands Fear Factor on Komander.

Pentagon gets Vikingo back in the ring but Vikingo plants him and connects with a kick then he ascends to the top rope and lands a 630 Senton before going for a pin.

Komander breaks the fall and connects with a gutbuster on Vikingo then follows it up with a backwards Phoenix Splash but Pentagon lands a Fear Factor to him on top of Vikingo for the win.

Winner: Pentagon Jr (Recommend)

Tag Team Match
The Gunns (Austin & Coleton) vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal delivers a kick to Austin Gunn’s midsection then Christopher Daniels & Colten Gunn tag in and Colten fires off right hands on Daniels then follows it up with a kick and tags Austin back in.

The Gunns double team on Daniels before Austin becomes legal again and Daniels levels him with a German suplex.

Sydal tags in and levels Austin before he rolls him up but Austin kicks out and The Gunns nails 3:10 to Yuma for the win.

Winners: The Gunns

After the match Austin says Dynamite, Collision & Rampage belong to Bullet Club Gold. Colten then puts MJF on notice and gloats about himself & Coleton becoming the new ROH World Tag Team Champions.

Skye Blue vs. Marina Shafir

Match starts off with Skye Blue & Marina Shafir shaking hands then Blue stomps on Shafir’s foot but Shafir stays standing and sends Blue crashing to the outside.

Blue sends her into the ring apron face first and fires off right hands before Shafir responds with a pair of chops to Blue’s chest as we go to a break.

After the break Blue lands a forearm on Shafir and follows it up with a dropkick.

She connects with an enzuigiri and a pair of thrust kicks then follows it up with Code Blue for the win.

Winner: Skye Blue

Trent Beretta vs. Daniel Garica

Daniel Garcia lands a chop then follows it up with a drop toe hold before the action spills out of the ring and Trent Beretta delivers a moonsault off the ropes before he follows it up with a Brainbuster as we go to a break.

After the break Beretta delivers a superplex to Garcia before he fires back with a back body drop and several stomps in the corner then follows it up with the running knees in the corner and a Brainbuster. Beretta looks for Dudebuster but Garcia escapes and Beretta plants him on the mat.

Beretta lands a pair of German suplexes but Garcia counters into a couple of his own then Beretta breaks free and lands a jumping knee then follows it up with a piledriver and goes for a pin. Garcia kicks out and Beretta fires off elbow strikes.

He connects with a boot, but Garcia responds with an overhand chop and a piledriver then he goes for a pin but Beretta kicks out before Garcia fires off right hands and locks in a Crossface for the win.

Winner By Submission: Daniel Garica

After the match Garcia grabs a mic and says he’s been keeping score. He says it’s been 6 months since he’s had a singles match in AEW and he feels like there’s one way to jump the line winning a title. He then calls out MJF and says he knows there’s a lot of people after the AEW World Title but no one wants it more than him and dares him to step in the ring with him almost calling himself one of the best professional wrestlers in the world but corrects himself and calls himself one of the best sports entertainers in the world.