Impact Wrestling Review – November 2, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – November 2, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Impact with Joe Hendry cuts a promo and says it’s a privilege to bring Impact to Scotland once again. The crowd chants TNA and Hendry says the future is looking bright for this company but also for Joe Hendry because when he beats Frankie Kazarian he will prove that he belongs at this stage. He said they believe in Joe Hendry.

Finals Of The 2023 Glasgow Cup
Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian

Frankie Kazarian chops Joe Hendry and whips him into the ropes and hits a powerslam followed by a springboard leg drop for a two count before Kazarian gets Hendry in a headlock and hits a vertical suplex. Kazarian hits a guillotine legdrop from the apron.

Kazarian goes for a Crossface Chicken Wing but Hendry hits a vertical suplex then Hendry hits a fallaway slam. Kazarian hits a neckbreaker for two. Hendry picks up Kazarian for a Trustfall followed by a cutter for a two count.

Kazarian hits Fade To Black for a near fall then goes to the top rope but Hendry catches him with an uppercut and hits a superplex.

They exchange punches and uppercuts until Kazarian gets a backslide for a two count and Hendry gets a roll up for a two count before he gets another roll up to get the win.

Winner: Joe Hendry

Most Professional Wrestling Gods & Deonna Purrazzo are backstage and Moose calls them the Virtuous Gods of Professional Wrestling. Deonna says she has a match against Trinity and has the opportunity to become the 4x Knockouts Champion.

Joe Hendry says he’s proven that he belongs at this stage and he’s going to be damned if he lets a YouTuber like Simon Miller knock him off that pedestal and he’s going to make Simon believe in Joe Hendry.

6 Person Tag Team Match
Most Professional Wrestling Gods (Brain Myers & Moose) & Deonna Purrazzo vs. Subculture (Flash Morgan Webster, Mark Andrews & Dani Luna)

Dani Luna takes down Deonna Purrazzo with a clothesline and hits a single leg dropkick before Luna hits a fallaway slam until Moose hits Luna with a big boot before Flash Morgan Webster hits a moonsault on Moose and hits a suicide dive onto Brian Myers on the outside.

Webster goes to the top rope but Moose catches him then Luna tags herself in and Subculture team up for a triple powerbomb on Moose and pin him but it is broken up by Myers & Purrazzo. Purrazzo locks in a Fujiwara Armbar on Luna but Mark Andrews breaks it up.

Webster goes to the top rope but Moose runs up to the top and hits a superplex but Andrews hits a splash onto Moose then Luna takes down Purrazzo with a clothesline.

Moose & Andrews get the tag and Moose hits a pump kick but Andrews hits a Stundog Millionaire. Andrews gets a roll up for a two count but Moose hits a Spear for the win.

Winners: Most Professional Wrestling Gods & Deonna Purrazzo

Josh Alexander is backstage with Eric Young and he tells Young and him have had their differences in the past but they also have a lot in common. He says he’s walked the same footsteps as Young. Young says Iron sharpens iron and this is going to make them sharper and they’re going to go to Turning Point and face Subculture.

Trey Miguel vs. Grado

Grado hits a clothesline on Trey Miguel then hits a Bionic Elbow. Grado takes down his straps but Miguel hits a superkick for a two count before Miguel hits a moonsault for another near fall.

Miguel goes to the top rope and goes for a double stomp but Grado gets out of the way and hits a Death Valley Driver for a two count.

Grado goes for Wee Boot but Miguel hits a kick then Grado rolls him up for a two count before Grado hits Wee Boot for the win.

Winner: Grado

Eddie Edwards is backstage and says he and Will Ospreay travelled the same roads and they both went to Japan but this is Impact and things are a little different around here.

Non Title Match
Knockouts Champion Trinity vs. Emersyn Jayne

Trinity offers a handshake but Emersyn Jayne kicks her hand away so Trinity hits a kick to the face and hits a running slap for a two count. Jayne hangs Trinity onto the turnbuckle and hits a sliding German suplex for a two count.

Jayne hits a vertical suplex for a two count then Jayne gets an arm lock but Trinity fights out of it and goes for a crossbody but Jayne catches it and reverses it into a northern lights suplex for a two count.

Trinity hits a running bulldog into the turnbuckle and drops Jayne with clotheslines then Trinity hits a bulldog off the ropes and hits Rear View for a near fall.

Trinity goes for a piledriver through the ropes on Jayne on the apron but Emersyn fights out of it and hits a leg trap Michinoku Driver for a two count.

Trinity kicks Jayne on the head throws her outside the ropes then hits a piledriver through the ropes and hits a Bully Bomb for the win.

Winner: Knockouts Champion Trinity

They show highlights from the Glasgow show. Various wrestlers talk about the UK tour and put over the Impact locker room.

Trinity is backstage and he says she had to show the glow to Emersyn Jayne because she didn’t know and Deonna Purrazzo is going to feel the glow once and for all.

Tag Team Match
Motor City Machine Guns (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & X Division Champion Chris Sabin) vs. Josh Alexander & Eric Young

Motor City Machine Guns hits double kicks on Josh Alexander then Alex Shelley gets a Death Lock on Alexander until Alexander gets to the ropes. Shelley gets a Figure 4 on Alexander until he gets to the ropes.

Shelley goes for suplex but Alexander reverses it into one of his own and tags to Eric Young & goes for a piledriver but Shelley flips him over. Shelley drops Young into the turnbuckle and tags to Chris Sabin. Sabin hits a dropkick off the top rope on Young who tags to Alexander.

Alexander hits 2 German suplexes and goes for a 3rd but Sabin fights out of it and Alexander hits a belly 2 belly suplex then goes for C4 Spike but Sabin reverses with a headscissors. Sabin hits a running single leg dropkick for a two count.

Shelley catches Alexander and Sabin hits a missile dropkick on him for a two count then Sabin goes for a Cradle Shock but Alexander gets out of it. Alexander drops Sabin and gets in Ankle Lock. Sabin tries to fight out of it but Alexander locks in the Sharpshooter.

Alexander goes for a Doomsday Device but Sabin throws Alexander into Young on the turnbuckle and hits the Cradle Shock.

Sabin goes for a superplex on Young but Young bites him and hits a elbow drop for a near fall. Sabin hits a springboard tornado DDT then hits Cradle Shock to get the win.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns (Recommend)