Eddie Kingston: I Wish Things Worked Out Differently With CM Punk & AEW

Eddie Kingston and CM Punk didn’t always agree, but that doesn’t mean he’s happy that CM Punk isn’t with the promotion anymore after being let go because of the All In incident.

In a heated in-ring segment on AEW Rampage in November 2021, Kingston and Punk talked about what caused their problems in real life many years ago.

Kingston discussed his history with Punk and whether people talking about his promo segment with Punk bothered him after Punk left with Adrian Hernandez.

He said, “Nah, it doesn’t bother me because I don’t care, you know what I mean? Like, I have a job to do, and my job is to make people talk about us. And if I didn’t do a good enough job where they want to talk about backstage stuff, then that’s on me. I’ll just do better next time, you know what I mean? And like I said in an interview before, there was no locker room divide like it was reported because I don’t really hang out with a lot of people. I have like 4 or 5 people I chill within the locker room, and those 4 or 5 people didn’t give a shit about what was going on. You know, we were in our own world because we had to go to work and that’s it. But, you know, people are going to talk about the drama because people love drama, man. That’s why we have those kind of movies and all that, you know what I mean? They love it. But it’s our job to go out there and produce to make them forget that. And I think we are. But if people still want to talk about it, that’s on them, not on me.”

Kingston was further pressed about the promo segment.

“I’m doing my job. And that’s how I felt, you know what I mean? I didn’t know what anyone else in the locker room felt. I didn’t care. That’s how I felt. I didn’t want him there, you know? I mean, me and Punk don’t like each other, and that’s fine. You’re not going to like everybody you work with, you know what I mean? Do I wish he was still an AEW? And I wish it worked out differently. Yeah, because he helped the company. But other than that, I don’t give a f**k what he does. You know what I mean? Because me and him never got along anyway. No, we don’t have to be best friends to fight each other. It makes it better when we’re not best friends. You know, when we have to fight each other. I don’t wish him bad, but I don’t wish him good either because I don’t give a f**k. That’s it.”

You can check out the complete podcast below:

(h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription)