Update On Shane McMahon’s Recovery From WWE WrestleMania Injury

Shane McMahon last appeared on WWE television at WrestleMania 39 earlier this year.

The Miz worked an impromptu contest against Pat McAfee on the first night, due to co-host Snoop Dogg setting up the match. On the second night, Snoop revealed McMahon as Miz’s opponent, who was McMahon.

The Miz worked an impromptu contest against Pat McAfee on the first night, due to co-host Snoop Dogg setting up the fight. On the second night, Snoop introduced Shane McMahon as Miz’s opponent.

Declan McMahon provided an update on his father while appearing on Developmentally Speaking.

“His rehab is going very, very well. He’s gotten back to jogging, squatting, and he’s starting to work out again. It’s getting kind of difficult for him to bend side to side. But his rehab is going really, really well. He’s making phenomenal progress. So the doctor said all the time that he’s healing quicker than they thought, and when he tore it, he completely tore his quad tendon. That’s a very long, hard recovery, but he’s been crushing rehab. He’s been doing his thing. And he hopefully will get back soon. And obviously, you want to see your dad be able to do what they love. My dad loves wrestling.”

You can check out the complete interview below: