WWE Main Event Results – October 26, 2023

WWE Main Event Results – October 26, 2023

Katana Chance vs. Xia Li

Xia Li slams Katana Chance face first on the mat and stands on her hair then Chance avoids by sliding under the legs and gets a sunset flip for two and then a roll up for a two count.

Side headlock from Chance and she gets shoved off but floats over in the corner and gets a dropkick before a slingshot senton for Chance gets a two count then she gets put on the apron and tries to spring in but Li catches her with a kick in mid air that sends Chance to the floor.

Kayden Carter checks on her before she gets back in the ring then Li catches her with another strike and then stomps away then a suplex from Li gets a two count before another suplex variation sends Chance across the ring and Li gets two again.

Bow & Arrow from Li before Li gets caught with an arm drag and Chance lands a kick then she trips Li and hits a running forearm then she connects with a running clothesline in the corner and gets a flip kick for a two count.

Li ends up on the apron and Chance comes off the middle rope with a double stomp to the back of the neck for a two count. Chance heads up top but Li moves and starts firing off strikes then hits a spinning kick to get the win.

Winner: Xia Li

Tyler Bate vs. Damon Kemp

Match starts off with a lock up then they jockey for position before Damon Kemp offers a clean break but shoves Tyler Bate to play some mind games so Bate hooks an arm but Kemp rolls out and uses his amateur background to reverse into a side headlock.

Kemp breaks and runs Bate down with a shoulder before Bate back with a dropkick followed by a hip toss and then into a side headlock on the mat.

Bate grabs his foot and repeatedly rams it in Kemp’s head while holding the headlock but Kemp gets to his feet and lands a slam as we go to a break.

After the break Kemp holding a bear hug and then gets a release overhead belly 2 belly suplex then he stomps Bate for a two count. Kemp grabs a waist lock before Kemp tries another release suplex but Bate lands on his feet.

He avoids a charge in the corner and lands a suplex on Kemp then he comes off the middle rope with a European uppercut and tries the airplane spin but Kemp escapes. Bate comes back with a rebound lariat and now we get the airplane spin into a slam for a two count.

Tyler Driver 97 is blocked and then start trading blows in the corner then Kemp pulls Bate off the middle rope and hits a discus clothesline before Bate avoids a suplex and this time hits Tyler Driver 97 for the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate