Shotzi Comments On Pitching Her Hair Cut To Triple H

WWE star Shotzi recently spoke with Steve Fall for for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling. During the discussion, Shotzi commented on cutting her hair:

“My sister was going through chemotherapy and she started losing her hair. She told me that she didn’t want to wait for it to all fall out. She was going to shave it off. I immediately went to Hunter and was like, ‘Hey, my sister’s going through chemo. I want to support her. I want to be there for her. I want to shave my hair off too. Can we make it not weird and make it part of a storyline so I don’t just show up one day with no hair’, and he was totally for it.

I got to work with Bayley with it too, which Bayley has always been a huge role model to me, so to have that moment with her and share this meaningful moment with her was really awesome. I didn’t really say much of it, but like, everyone kind of knew anyway and that really resonated with my sister, and she got like a lot of support from my fans, which I really love and appreciate too.”

You can check out the full interview below: