WWE Main Event Results – October 19, 2023

WWE Main Event Results – October 19, 2023

Chad Gable vs. Trick Williams

Chad Gable rolls to escape arm control and gets a takedown as he chain wrestles Trick Williams to the mat before Gable rolls through a sunset flip but gets caught with an arm drag. Williams gets one of his own but Gable fakes him out on another try and we get another Thank You.

Gable floats over in the corner, but eats a right hand from Williams then he lands some punches in the corner and lands an uppercut before Gable fires back with some chops but gets caught and Williams gets a slam for a two count.

Williams sets Gable on the top rope but Gable suckers him in and gets an armbar but Williams hits a side kick for a two count then to the corner again and they fight on top before Gable lands a headbutt and comes off the top with a diving headbutt for a two count.

German suplex is blocked so Gable gets a roll up into an ankle lock but Williams kicks his way out & hits a head kick and then a swinging neckbreaker for a two count before Williams gets a two count as they got through a reversal sequence.

Gable gets a bridge and looks for the Tiger DDT but Williams snuffs that out and gets a throw then he misses a pump kick in the corner which lets Gable get a German suplex then he pulls down the strap and hits Chaos Theory for the win.

Winner: Chad Gable

After the match they shake hands.

Akira Tozawa vs. Nathan Frazer

Match starts off with a feeling out process to start and then after another go then Akira Tozawa grabs an arm but Nathan Frazer rolls and does some flips to break.

Frazer picks up the pace with him speeding running the ropes and hits Tozawa with a kick to the chest.

Frazer continues to fly around the ring and he drops Tozawa face first on the apron then connects with a suicide dive as we go to a break.

After the break Frazer holding a submission hold in the middle of the ring before Tozawa hits a jawbreaker. Frazer cuts off Tozawa’s comeback and gets a two count then he teases springing off the top rope but fakes Tozawa out.

He does eventually spring in and Tozawa catches him on the way down then a Shinning Wizard from Tozawa connects and he heads up top. Frazer meets him up there and gets shoved off but lands on his feet off a back flip.

Tozawa comes off with the diving back elbow for a two count. Tozawa tries a German but Frazer gets a roll up for a two count before a Modified Scorpion Death Drop gets a near fall for Frazer.

He heads up top but misses Phoenix Splash so Tozawa lands a head kick after they traded some strikes. Tozawa heads up and connects with Senton for the win.

Winner: Akira Tozawa