WWE RAW Review – October 9, 2023

WWE RAW Review – October 9, 2023

Kicking off this week’s Raw with a recap of Fastlane.

World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins then says he is feeling some type of way tonight. He says adrenaline is a powerful thing because Shinsuke Nakamura took him to his limit at Fastlane. He says he didn’t know if he could get up at certain points but he did and when all was said and done he felt like he was on top of the world. He says once he went to the back and the adrenaline wore off he was reminded his back was broken. He says being the World Heavyweight Champion has been one of the greatest honors of his career but he’s just getting started and he’ll fight anyone, anywhere.

Drew McIntyre’s music hits and Rollins asks him if he wants a World Heavyweight Title shot. McIntyre nods his head, and Rollins says while he wants a night off he doesn’t care and will grant him one. McIntyre cuts him off and says Rollins knows someone will blindside him eventually. He says he came to look Rollins in the eye and tell him man to man that he wants a title shot at Crown Jewel because he wants him at 100%. Rollins admits that he isn’t used to challengers requesting title shots in this manner then asks the crowd what they think. The crowd voices their support and Rollins grants McIntyre his shot. McIntyre looks to leave but Rollins tells him to stay for a dance. McIntyre declines his offer but says if anyone sees him around then they should buy him a pint and a shot.

Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest then blindsides Rollins from behind as McIntyre looks to head to the back. He lands South Of Heaven and Priest calls for NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio to bring him his Money In The Bank briefcase so he does but McIntyre stops him and lands Glasgow Kiss on him. He grabs the briefcase and tosses it up the ramp as Rollins clotheslines Priest out of the ring.

Kofi Kingston was backstage warming up while Xavier Woods encouraged him. Ivar was shown preparing elsewhere

There was a plug for the pre order for Becky Lynch’s forthcoming autobiography.

Viking Rules Match
Kofi Kingston vs. Ivar

Ivar lands a boot on Kingston right out of the gate before Kingston fires back with a crossbody and several right hands then dumps Ivar out of the ring and delivers a tope suicida.

Ivar sends him crashing into several of the shields surrounding the ring but Kingston goes flying off the ring steps with a crossbody and fires off more right hands.

He pulls a table out from under the ring and sets it up on the barricade before Ivar delivers a splash to him on the apron. Kingston then delivers a splash off the middle rope and goes for a pin but Ivar kicks out as we go to a break.

After the break Kingston uses a flagpole for extra momentum to deliver a Russian leg sweep to Ivar off the middle rope. He delivers a pair of kicks but Ivar fires back with a knee to his midsection.

Kingston ascends to the top and goes flying but Ivar moves out of the way and Kingston sends him crashing into one of the shields.

He follows it up with SOS and a kick to his midsection then looks for Boom Drop but Ivar rolls out of the way and delivers a spinning slam then follows it up with a powerbomb.

Kingston looks to send Ivar through a table set up in the corner but Ivar avoids it and lands a spinning back heel kick. He ascends to the top rope but Kingston pulls him off and through a table on the outside.

Valhalla then appears out of nowhere and blindsides Kingston & Xavier Woods runs down to the ring to confront her. Valhalla charges at him but she crashes into the barricade face first.

Ivar flattens him with a barricade before Kingston manages to get him back inside the ring. He sets up for Trouble In Paradise but Ivar catches him and sends him through the table in the corner then he ascends to the top rope and hits a moonsault for the win.

Winner: Ivar

We then head backstage and see Shinsuke Nakamura brawling with Ricochet while the former is being interviewed by Byron Saxton.

After the break we see Damian Priest choking JD McDonagh against the wall after what happened on Saturday. The rest of Judgment Day runs in to break things up and Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripely informs Priest that he & Finn Balor have a rematch for the Undisputed Tag Team Titles next week. She then tells McDonagh to prove himself against Drew McIntyre later tonight.

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Nia Jax

Nia Jax wastes no time as she sends Raquel Rodriguez’s head repeatedly bouncing into the mat but Rodriguez fires back with several shoulders to her midsection. Jax fires back with a right hand to her spine and sends her crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

Jax then sends her crashing into the ring apron spine first before tossing her into the barricade as we go to a break.

After the break Jax delivers a side slam and an elbow drop to Rodriguez. Rodriguez looks to get her up on her shoulders but Jax runs over her and delivers a Samoan Drop.

She ascends to the middle rope but Rodriguez gets her up on her shoulders and lands a powerbomb. Rhea Ripley then runs down to the ring and dumps Rodriguez out of the ring causing the disqualification.

Winner By DQ: Raquel Rodriguez

After the match Ripley goes after Jax, but Rodriguez levels her with a pair of clotheslines. Ripley fires back with a headbutt before Shayna Baszler runs down to the ring and fires off right hands on Jax then delivers a German suplex and a knee to Ripley’s jaw.

Drew McIntyre was pacing backstage when Seth Rollins showed up and let him know that Adam Pearce made their match official for Crown Jewel. Rollins asked McIntyre what his problem was and noted that he stopped helping people but then he played the knight in shining armor tonight.

McIntyre recalls saying that if it doesn’t involve his business, then he doesn’t get involved. He said the World Heavyweight Title is his business. He said he didn’t want Judgment Day to be a Bloodline sequel on Raw due to the numbers game.

Rollins told McIntyre that he doesn’t have to worry about Judgment Day. They couldn’t take this title from me and neither can you Rollins said before walking away.

New Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso were shown walking backstage.

After the break Jackie Redmond caught up with Shayna Baszler and asked her about what’s been happening with Jax, Rodriguez & Ripley. Baszler said that when she’s in the ring she’s the baddest one in there. She storm away and Akira Tozawa walks near her then backs away.

Michael Cole asks Jey and Rhodes how it feels to be the new champions and Jey expresses his excitement. He says he’s now a two time Undisputed Tag Team Champion and Cole says he had goosebumps watching them win at Fastlane. He says Rhodes is responsible for bringing Jey over to Raw then asks him about finishing the story. He asks if he’s content as a Tag Team Champion and whether or not it will deter him from finishing the story. Rhodes says Cole is right about creating a moment at Fastlane and bringing Jey to Raw then says he’s excited to be an Undisputed Tag Team Champion. Cole asks his question once again and addresses Rhodes’ WrestleMania loss then asks if coming up short like his dad did is part of his story.

Sami Zayn’s old music hits before Rhodes asks the question and he appears along with Kevin Owens. Zayn says there’s a story he wants to talk about and it involves two people named The Usos holding the Undisputed Tag Team Titles until 2 other people Zayn & Owens dethroned them as the longest reigning Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions. Zayn congratulates the 2 of them on winning but says while he thinks that he deserves them he feels himself & Owens should still have the titles and he has mixed emotions. Owens doesn’t share the same sentiment and says he isn’t happen to see Rhodes & Jey hold the title. He then challenges Jey & Rhodes to an Undisputed Tag Team Titles match but says he knows they can’t accept the challenge because Jey can’t stand the thought of losing to him & Zayn twice. Rhodes accepts the challenge on behalf of himself & Jey.

Backstage Chad Gable had Otis chop his chest while Maxxine Durpri winced. Gable said he had to be in tip top condition as he went after the Intercontinental Title.

Bronson Reed shows up and said Gable wouldn’t get anywhere near the Intercontinental Title. Reed said Gable should tell his daughter not to watch because he’d be taking another heartbreaking loss.

Back at ringside Ricochet looks to head down to the ring but Shinsuke Nakamura blindsides him from behind on the ramp and delivers a GTS. Officials run down to check on him.

Intercontinental Title #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match
Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable vs. Ricochet

Ricochet & Chad Gable go right after Bronson Reed before Reed levels Ricochet with a splash before Gable looks for a German suplex.

Reed avoids the maneuver and looks for a delayed vertical suplex but Ricochet prevents him from hitting and goes after Reed once again along with Gable.

Reed tosses them both out of the ring and Gable executes a full Nelson suplex on Ricochet that sends him crashing on top of Reed as we go to a break.

After the break Gable jumps Reed but Reed sends him crashing into the corner then dumps Ricochet on top of him and delivers a splash to both men.

He gets both men on his shoulders and delivers a Samoan Drop but Ricochet fires back with a handspring back elbow and an enzuigiri from the apron.

He follows it up with a missile dropkick off the top rope and a standing shooting Star press then lands a superkick. Gable then delivers a German suplex to Reed and Ricochet goes flying over the top rope to level him on the outside.

Gable cinches in an Ankle Lock on Ricochet but Ricochet escapes and delivers a jumping knee. They then ascend to the top rope and Gable looks for a double underhook suplex but Ricochet lands on his feet.

Gable lands Chaos Theory on Ricochet but Reed sends Ricochet crashing on top of Gable then delivers a senton to both men and the Tsunami to Ricochet for the win.

Winner & #1 Intercontienetal Title: Bronson Reed

Backstage NXT Women’s Champion Becky Lynch is getting interviewed by Jackie Redmond and asked her about her health. Lynch said she’s not 100% and has stitches in her arm. She worked in a plug for her book and then said she would be like a wounded bear when she faces Tegan Nox.

Xia Li confronts Lynch and asked What about me? Li asked when it will be her turn. Lynch said she’s not a hard woman to find and walked away. Li said she would find Lynch.

Drew McIntyre vs. JD McDonagh

Match starts off with a lock up then JD McDonagh lands a series of chops but McIntyre fires back with a massive back body drop and a suplex then follows it up with a neckbreaker but McDonagh executes a pair of chop blocks and a sitout.

McIntyre lands a clothesline on McDonagh on the outside before Dominik Mysterio sends him crashing into the ring post and McDonagh follows it up with a kick and a moonsault.

McIntyre fights off Mysterio after he tries to interfere then hits Future Shock DDT follow by Claymore for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Damian Priest was shown watching the match in the clubhouse before Rhea Ripley told him that she had an idea.

After the break Michael Cole & Wade Barrett recapped Gunther beating Tommaso Ciampa from last week’s Raw which was followed by Johnny Gargano making the save.

we head to a video of Wade Barrett sitting down with #DIY & they reflect on the last 7 years together before Imperium blindsides them and lays them out.

A Tegan Nox video package aired. It chronicled the torn ACLs she suffered and she said she’s lucky to be there. She said she’d been through enormous setbacks and crushing disappointments and said now she’s just there to win.

We then see Tegan Nox getting ready for her upcoming match in the Gorilla Position. Natalya approaches her and wishes her the best before she heads down to the ring.

Ricochet was walking through the backstage area searching for Shinsuke Nakamura. Adam Pearce told Ricochet that he had Nakamura removed from the building. Pearce announced Ricochet vs. Nakamura in a Falls Count Anywhere match for next week.

NXT Women’s Title Match
Becky Lynch (c) vs. Tegan Nox

Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns rolling one another up before Tegan Nox lands a shoulder tackle. Becky Lynch lands one of her own but Nox fires back with an arm drag. Lynch returns the favor and sends Nox into the middle turnbuckle face first.

She then sends her into the top turnbuckle face first repeatedly before Nox does the same to her and follows it up with a series of uppercuts and a running forearm.

Lynch fires back with an uppercut and a kick to her midsection then ascends to the top rope and goes flying but Nox moves out of the way and the action spills to the outside where they continue to brawl as we go to a break.

After the break Lynch delivers a flying shoulder tackle and a running forearm then she follows it up with a Bexploder but Nox trips her and ascends to the top rope.

She lands a crossbody off the top rope and looks to lock in an armbar but Nox blocks it and sends Lynch crashing into the bottom turnbuckle.

She follows it up with a kick to her head and ascends to the top rope & Lynch joins her up there, but Nox manages to drape her off the top by her knees and charges at her.

She locks in an arm bar but Lynch escapes and delivers a missile dropkick off the top rope before Nox hits a t bone suplex and ascends to the top & she goes flying but Lynch ducks out of the way and locks in the Dis Arm Her & Nox taps out.

Winner By Submission & Still NXT Women’s Champion: Becky Lynch (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

After the match Lynch & Nox shake hands.

Adam Pearce told Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell that Johnny Gargano was banged up. He said he was still waiting to hear on Tommaso Ciampa.

Rhea Ripley shows up and told LeRae and Hartwell to leave. Hartwell protested but LeRae talked her down. Ripley told Pearce she wants to get her division in order and told Pearce to make a singles match between her & Shayna Baszler happen next week.

After the break we see Natalya, Kayden Carter & Katana Chance comforting Nox after her loss. Women’s Tag Team Champions Chelsea Green & Piper Niven walk in and Green starts running her mouth leading to Piper Niven challenging Natalya to a match. Natalya accepts.

We then head backstage and see Jey Uso get into an exchange with Drew McIntyre. Sami Zayn walks in and diffuses things and Jey thanks him for having his back.

A Ludwig Kaiser video package aired. He said he doesn’t compare himself to other superstars. He said his competition are famous works of art. He said he is living art. Kaiser said he is European elegance and is an A+ specimen.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Match
Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso (c) vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

Cody Rhodes & Sami Zayn lock up to get this match started then they go back & forth with submission holds before both teams find themselves in the ring entangled in a verbal exchange as we go to a break.

After the break Zayn delivers an elbow drop to Rhodes off the top rope then Jey Uso tags in and locks up with Zayn but Zayn lands a right hand and follows it up with a chop. He slaps him across his face before Kevin Owens tags in and locks up with Jey.

They go back and forth landing right hands on one another before the action spills out of the ring near the announce table. Rhodes & Zayn then begin brawling with one another as the referee tries to gain control of the match. Zayn & Jey both find themselves thrown over the announce table as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Owens delivers a senton to Jey and mocks him then delivers a stomp to his chest and ascends to the top. Jey catches him with an enzuigiri and meets him on the ropes. Owens fights him off and delivers a Swanton Bomb then fires off right hands and a knee to Jey’s midsection.

They go back & forth with superkicks but Owens lands a clothesline then Rhodes & Zayn tag in and Rhodes lands a powerslam. He follows it up with the Cody Cutter and sets up for Cross Rhodes but Zayn counters into a Blue Thunder Bomb.

Zayn delivers an Exploder in the corner, but Rhodes lands Cross Rhodes and goes for a pin but Owens breaks up the pin then Zayn & Rhodes go back & forth with strikes before Zayn executes a back body drop.

Owens & Jey tag in and they go back & forth with more superkicks then he ascends to the top rope and looks to go flying but Owens ducks out of the way and delivers a Stunner then he ascends to the top and looks for another Swanton Bomb but Jey gets his knees up.

Rhodes then delivers a Cross Rhodes to Zayn then delivers a double superkick with Jey before they follow it up with the Cody 1D to score the win.

Winners & Still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions: Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)

After the match Zayn & Owens shake hands with Rhodes & Jey.

Next Week’s Raw

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Titles Match
Cody Rhodes & Jey Uso (c) vs. Judgement Day (Mr Money In The Bank Damian Priest & Finn Balor)

Intercontienetal Title Match
Gunther (c) vs. Bronson Reed

Falls Count Anywhere Match
Ricochet vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Non Title Match
Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley vs. Shayna Baszler

Women’s Tag Team Champion Piper Niven vs. Natalya

Crown Jewel Card So Far (Nov 4th)

World Heavyweight Title Match
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre