AEW Collision Review – September 30, 2023

AEW Collision Review – September 30, 2023

Andrade El Idolo vs. Juice Robinson

Juice Robinson got in Andrade El Idolo’s face and yells then El Idolo took him down and went for a figure 4 but Robinson slipped away to ringside. El Idolo teased returning to the ring but he ducks back to the floor when Robinson dove and missed.

El Idolo hits a crossbody from the top rope then El Idolo hits suplexes and then covers Robinson for a two count. El Idolo went up top but Robinson ducks to ringside next to The Gunns.

El Idolo drops to the 2nd rope and then hits a moonsault onto Bullet Club Gold then Robinson returns to the ring. The Gunns held El Idolo and then Robinson knocks him off the apron. Colten Gunn took cheap shots while Robinson distracted the referee.

Back in the ring Robinson hits a senton on El Idolo and got a two count. Robinson was in offensive control heading into a picture in picture break.

After the break El Idolo came back and hits some dragon screw leg whips then he hits moonsault and lands on his feet then went for a standing moonsault but Robinson puts his knees up.

Robinson knocks El Idolo down with a kick and then got a two count before El Idolo came right back and charged at Robinson in the corner but Robinson pulls the referee in front of him which stops El Idolo. Robinson pokes El Idolo in the eyes and then powerbombs him for a two count.

Robinson went up top and hits a crossbody but El Idolo rolls through and went for Robinson’s legs but Robinson countered in an inside cradle for a two count.

El Idolo fired up and put Robinson down and then set up for the figure 4 but Colten distracted the ref while Austin enters the ring but the ref caught Austin and ejected The Gunns from ringside.

Robinson took advantage of the distraction and rolls up El Idolo for a two count. El Idolo blasted him with a spinning back elbow for a near fall then he puts Robinson down with El Idolo to get the win.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo

Backstage Tony Schiavone interviewed Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho and noted that they would team together for the 1st time. Jericho said it was a big deal because AEW was founded on their rivalry. Jericho said they have to figure out if they can coexist. Omega said it’s not about going for the AEW World Tag Team Titles.

Omega said he doesn’t like Jericho and never will but he said that The Don Callis Family is bigger than what they have. Omega said he would have Jericho’s back and asked if Jericho would have his. Jericho said he would and said they would take out their opponents tonight and at WrestleDream.

After the break we get the 2nd part of RJ City’s interview with Toni Storm aired & she took his hand and delivered a speech that concluded with her saying that if the world forgot what a star looks like then chin up, tits out and she would remind them. Storm looks down and realized she was holding City’s hand and accused him of flirting with her. City denied her claim and then a graphic listed the interview as to be continued again.

Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Best Friends (Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor)

The Kingdom tried to attack Best Friends from behind but they saw them coming and shut that down.

The action spilled over to ringside as Trent Beretta charges at Mike Bennett but he sidesteps him and ran him into the barricade. Taylor superkicks Matt Taven then charged Bennett but he trips him so that he lands face first on a chair heading into a PIP break.

After the break Taylor ran Taven into the ring steps then Bennett drops Taylor and then moves the ring steps. Bennett brought Beretta onto the ring steps and wanted to give him a piledriver but Beretta countered into a Death Valley Driver on the steps.

Back in the ring Best Friends connects with a flying knee version of a Doomsday Device then rather than go for the pin they hugged.

Taven returns to the ring but Best Friends performed a double piledriver which only led to a two count when Bennett put his foot on the ropes.

Bennett punches Beretta in the wiener while the referee was distracted. Bennett did the same to Taylor then The Kingdom hits a spike piledriver on Taylor to score the win.

Winners: The Kingdom

After the match Bennett took the mic and spoke about wiener punches and piledrivers. Taven said they had to go. Taven said they were going right back to Roderick Strong. They had their luggage with them. Taven said that he knows Adam Cole delayed his surgery. He said that if they mean anything to Cole he should meet them at Strong’s house. Taven said they were just 6 hours away from Strong and told him to stay neck strong.

Alex Marvez stood backstage and said one of his sources told him that Prince Nana was right around the corner. Marvez found Nana speaking with Don Callis but he walks away when he saw Marvez. Nana said once the Gates Of Agony get through with Omega & Jericho they would be in the money.

After the break we get a video package aired on Julia Hart lying with a collection of white masks and then walking through the woods where masks hung. She mentioned being reborn and then footage aired of her feud with Kris Statlander

Julia Hart vs. Vert Vixen

Match ends when Julia Hart hits a Moonsault off the top rope to get the win.

Winner: Julia Hart

After the match Hart calls out Kris Statlander & she heads to the ring with Best Friends & Rocky Romero. Once everyone was in the ring Hart & Statlander had their allies leave the ring. Statlander fired up and then Hart smiled at her and exits the ring. Statlander took the mic and said Hart could run tonight but on Sunday she’ll be in the ring with the defeater of the undefeated.

We get a video package on Josh Barnett & Claudio Castagnoli.

Tag Team Match
Gates Of Agony (Toa Liona & Kaun) vs. Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega

Chris Jericho starts the match and plays to the crowd then he threw chops at Toa Liona but he no sold them then drops Jericho to his knees with one of his own.

Liona continued to no sell until Kenny Omega clotheslines him over the top rope then Omega hits a top rope crossbody onto Liona. Omega tried to follow up with a suplex but Liona stuffed it. Jericho ran in and kicks Liona before then executing a double suplex with Omega. Jericho & Omega smiled at one another and then bumped fists.

Prince Nana grabs the foot of Omega to stop him from running the ropes then Liona shoulder blocked Omega & he accidentally knocks Jericho off the apron.

Gates Of Agony isolated Omega then Kaun caught him with a backstabber then Liona drops an elbow on Omega and covered him for a two count heading into a PIP break.

After the break Jericho eventually took a hot tag and knocks Liona off the apron before working over Kaun. Jericho hits Lionsault and Jericho went for Walls Of Jericho but Kaun avoided it.

Jericho went for Judas Effect but Kaun ducks it and Liona returns to drop Jericho with a discus lariat. Kaun follows up with a lung blower and had the pin until Omega broke it up.

Jericho knocks Liona off the apron with a springboard dropkick. Kaun rolled up Jericho for a two count. Jericho hits Codebreaker on Liona.

Omega nails Kaun with V Trigger then ran the ropes and hits a flip dive on Liona then Jericho puts Kaun in Walls Of Jericho for the submission win.

Winners By Submission: Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega

After the match Omega & Jericho shook hands. Jericho took the mic and said that they proved they can coexist. Omega said it’s not to be the greatest tag team in AEW history. He said it’s bigger than them it’s about Don Callis. Omega said he was brainwashed and blinded by Callis. Omega said he’s seen the light and all it took was for Callis to spend $30,000 to take a flight to Japan to hurt the ones he loves. Omega spoke of ending Callis at WrestleDream.

Jericho spoke about facing The Don Callis Family. Jericho received a line from Judas and said that Sammy Guevara is the ultimate Judas and calls him a little bastard. Jericho recalled Guevara referring to himself as the hero and calling Jericho the villain. You’re damn right I’m the villain Jericho said. He said the villain would take out all of his frustrations from teaming with Guevara out on him at WrestleDream.

The Righteous were featured in another outdoor vignette. Vincent said they would rip apart the bond that holds MJF & Adam Cole together by taking the ROH World Tag Team Titles.

A video package aired on the TNT Title match & Darby Allin said he wanted to be in the main event for so long but a voice in his head always said he didn’t deserve any of it. He said the only time he felt validated was when he won the TNT Title. Footage aired of Christian Cage’s comments from their sit down interview on Dynamite.

Tag Team Match
The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) vs. Sinner & Saint (Travis Williams & Judas Icarus)

Dutch put Judas Icarus down with a Blackhole Slam then Vincent follows up with an assisted cutter on Icarus to get the win.

Winners: The Righteous

After the match Vincent took the mic and leans on Dutch while he spoke. Vincent told Dutch to look at all of the paper people who were strung together. He said they were the same people who truly believe that AEW World Champion MJF is the devil. Vincent said MJF is the devil. Vincent referred to Adam Cole as a liar.

Vincent said that not only would The Righteous become ROH World Tag Team Champions, they would make sure that the devil leaves with one hoof just like his brochaco. Dutch headed to ringside and pulls a piece of wood out from underneath the ring. Dutch places the wood between the feet of Icarus and then Vincent slams a chair on his foot.

A video package aired on the NJPW Strong Openweight & ROH World Titles match at WrestleDream.

Backstage Tony Schiavone is with TMDK before Trios Champions The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn showed up and spoke about the teams meeting on the Pre Show. Anthony Bowens did the everyone loves The Acclaimed bit. Once Gunn & The Acclaimed left Shane Haste did an rap and Bad Dude Tito told him that he was making them look like nerds.

8 Man Tag Team Match
AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Wheeler Yuta) vs. Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher), Big Bill & Ricky Starks

Dax Harwood ends up down on the floor as Aussie Open, Big Bill & Ricky Starks put the boots to him before Cash Wheeler & Blackpool Combat Club ran over and referee Aubrey Edwards tried to keep the teams apart heading into a PIP break.

After the 1st break Aussie Open, Bill & Starks ended up isolating Wheeler Yuta heading into the final break.

After the 2nd break Starks & Yuta collided while going for simultaneous running crossbody then Bryan Danielson waited on the apron & Yuta made the hot tag. Danielson dropkicks Aussie Open off the apron then works over Starks with chops and kicks.

Danielson sends Starks to the floor and then hit him with a suicide dive. Danielson rolls Starks back inside the ring and then performed a missile dropkick from the top rope. Danielson follows up with 2 dropkicks in the corner. Danielson went for a 3rd but Starks cut him off with a clothesline. Starks hits a tornado DDT then tags out.

Big Bill enters the ring and taunted the crowd with yes arm gestures before flipping them off. Bill reached down to grab Danielson but he took him to the mat and applied a submission hold that was broken up by Kyle Fletcher then both teams ended up in the ring and the babyfaces all threw simultaneous kicks at the kneeling heels.

Danielson & Wheeler held up Bill while Yuta hit him with a missile dropkick then Harwood followed up with a top rope headbutt and went for the pin, but Aussie Open & Starks broke it up.

Most of the wrestlers brawled to ringside leaving Harwood & Bill in the ring as Bill charged at Harwood but he moves causing Bill to go over the turnbuckle and have his head hit the ring post.

Bill recovered quickly and grabs Harwood by the throat then tags in Starks. Bill chokeslams Harwood while Starks simultaneously spears him to get the win.

Winners: Aussie Open, Big Bill & Ricky Starks

After the match both teams continued to brawl. Danielson put Bill down with a running knee strike. Yuta dove onto Starks at ringside and threw punches at him. Danielson points at Zack Sabre Jr & he removes his headset and joins Danielson in the ring. ZSJ went face 2 face with Danielson and they jawed at one another. ZSJ shoves Danielson then slaps him. ZSJ points at his chin. Danielson slaps ZSJ but he smiles then grabs Danielson by the throat. Danielson grabs ZSJ’s arm and tried to take him down but ZSJ quickly fled the ring.