Impact Wrestling Review – September 28, 2023

Impact Wrestling Review – September 28, 2023

X Division Title Match
Chris Sabin (c) vs. Alan Angels

Chris Sabin whips Alan Angels to the ropes but Angels reverses it into a headscissors into an armbar. Sabin gets out of it but Angels grabs his arm and springboard off the ropes and gets an arm lock but Sabin gets his foot on the ropes.

Angels gets the X Division Title but the referee gets it out of the way and Angels hits a low blow for a two count then Sabin hits a dropkick to the back of the neck followed by Cradle Shock for the win.

Winner & Still X Division Champion: Chris Sabin (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

A promo is shown on the video screen which shows that Kenta will be at Bound For Glory.

Backstage Gia Miller is with Impact World Champion Alex Shelley and he says that he respects the standard that Josh Alexander has set but he needs to respect that Shelley is the face now so he tells Alexander to step up to the plate at Bound For Glory.

Rhino vs. Jack Price

Rhino chops Jack Price and whips him into the ropes and hits clotheslines and spears him in the corner then he sets up for the Gore and hits it for the win.

Winner: Rhino

After the match Steve Maclin runs down to the ring and attacks Rhino from behind but Rhino fights back and hits a belly 2 belly suplex and goes for a Gore but Maclin gets out of the ring.

Tasha Steelz is backstage and says that every single night she is going to bring back the full flavor and Deonna Purrazzo comes up and welcomes her. Purrazzo says she’s looking towards the future that they can build together. Steelz says she likes the idea. Purrazzo says they can watch each other’s back.

Eddie Edwards is backstage with Alisha Edwards and Eddie says Traci Brooks beat Alisha Edwards but Frankie Kazarian did not beat Eddie Edwards and that this is not over. Kazarian walks up and says he’s right and that he wants to put an end to this in the Impact Wrestling ring and that he is going to walk up to Impact management and ask for a match.

Yuya Uemura comes out with Joe Hendry. Joe Hendry talks about Uemura getting the pink slip. Joe Hendry says he has no regret about teaming with Yuya Uemura. Joe Hendry says he speaks for everyone when he says Thank you Yuya. Joe Hendry says it’s time we heard what Uemura has to say. Uemura says Thank you fans.

Impact World Tag Team Champions The Rascalz music hits. Trey Miguel says Uemura got an excuse on why they never became champion. Wentz says if they got the Impact World Tag Team Title briefcase as they would’ve challenged for the Impact World Tag Team Titles and lost. Hendry says they know a lot about losing since they’re the 2nd and 3rd best Rascal. Miguel says Hendry talks a lot for someone who will be alone in a week’s time. Hendry says that may be true but he is not alone tonight then both teams brawl.

Santino Marella comes out and books a Tag Team match and if Joya wins Yuya Uemura keeps his job

Non Title Match
Impact World Tag Team Champions The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) vs. JOYA (Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura) 

If JOYA wins Yuya Uemura can stay in Impact Wrestling.

Joe Hendry hits a stalling suplex on Zachary Wentz for a two count then a tag to Yuya Uemura and they hits a double dropkick on Wentz. Wentz hits a dropkick on Uemura for a two count. Uemura hits a dropkick on Wentz.

He makes a tag to Hendry hits a double fallaway slam on both The Rascalz then they hit a superkick on Hendry and a stomp from the 2nd rope for a two count. JOYA hits One Hit Wonder on Wentz for a two count.

JOYA hits One Hit Wonder on Miguel and go for the cover but Wentz pulls Miguel out then Hendry chases Wentz outside the ring and while the referee is distracted Miguel hits a low blow and the spray paint in the face for the win.

Winners: Impact World Tag Team Champions The Rascalz (Since JOYA lost Yuya Uemura must leave Impact Wrestling)

Backstage Gia Miller is with Gisele Shaw and asks Shaw what it would mean to beat Trinity tonight. Shaw says she would go on to face Trinity at Bound For Glory for the Knockouts Title.

A vignette for The Design & Deaner says it’s not his fault but that of the liars. He says Eric Young is a liar and it his throne. Deaner says he will return to his throne with a man whom he can trust, Kon. He says they will rebuild the tower and it starts with Josh Alexander. Deaner says in Alexander’s story the hero dies. Kon says The Design will prevail.

Tag Team Memphis Street Fight
Digital Media Champion Tommy Dreamer & Heath vs. Kenny King & Sheldon Jean

Kenny King hits a spinebuster on Tommy Dreamer into a trash can as Heath throws Sheldon Jean into the ring post. Heath hits a running knee followed by a powerslam on King for a two count then Heath hits a Wake Up Call to Jean.

Heath gets out a table from below the ring and sets it up in the corner then Heath gets Jean on his shoulders but King hits a spinning kick on Heath. King gets to the top rope but Dreamer gets him down.

Dreamer sets up a ladder onto 2nd rope and tries to superplex him but crotches himself and King hits a blockbuster then King clears Heath on the outside.

Kenny King runs towards Heath but Heath hits a back body drop on the ramp then in the ring Dreamer hits Dreamer Driver on Jean for the win.

Winners: Digital Media Champion Tommy Dreamer & Heath

After the match Crazzy Steve comes out without his facepaint and attacks Dreamer with his briefcase and poses with it.

Ace Austin says The Rascalz know they cannot beat ABC but the briefcase guarantees a shot at the Impact World Tag Team Titles. Chris Bey talks about settling things with The Good Hands and says they will have a Fan’s Revenge match in Memphis where fans will surround the ring. John Skyler shows up and says Jason Hotch is home to see the birth of his baby daughter so the match won’t happen. Bey tells him to find a partner in the locker room as he has friends.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

Mike Bailey goes to the top rope but Jonathan Gresham catches him with an atomic drop then sweeps his leg and gets him in a Boston Crab but Bailey gets to the ropes.

Gresham goes for a vertical suplex and Bailey tries to reverse it but Gresham hits it for a two count. Gresham gets Bailey in a chinlock but Bailey fights out of it.

Gresham hits a back elbow and gets two. Gresham pins him again and grabs the tights of Bailey for the win.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Most Professional Wrestling Gods are backstage and Moose says its been a long time since he was the greatest Impact World Champion in Impact history. He challenges anyone to step up to him next week.

Maclin finds Bully Ray backstage and he asks where was Bully and he tells Bully to take out Rhino. Bully says he’ll talk to Rhino. Maclin says Bully’s gone soft.

Non Title Match
Knockouts Champion Trinity vs. Gisele Shaw

Gisele Shaw takes Trinity in the corner then she hangs Trinity on the 2nd rope and hits a stomp from the top rope. Shaw hits a vertical suplex for one and Shaw gets a chinlock on Trinity. Trinity tries to fight of it but Shaw whips Trinity in the corner.

Trinity hits a single leg dropkick from the 2nd rope then Trinity hits forearms on Shaw and drops her with clotheslines. Trinity hits a Samoan Drop for a two count before Trinity hits a crossbody for a two count.

Trinity tries to go for an enzuigiri but Shaw hits Shock & Awe for a two count then Shaw goes for the knee strike but Trinity gets out of the way and hangs Shaw from the 2nd rope and hits a facebuster for a two count.

Shaw whips Trinity into the ropes but Trinity reverses and Jai Vidal accidentally trips Shaw then Trinity gets Shaw in the Starstruck for the submission win.

Winner By Submission: Knockouts Champion Trinity

After the match Jai Vidal & Savannah Evans attack Trinity but Mickie James runs to the ring and clears the ring. James says Trinity doesn’t need to thank her. James says there’s one place she’s never stood and that’s across the ring from Trinity. Mickie says she never lost that Knockouts Title and she has a rematch clause that she can invoke anytime she wants and she can’t think of a better time than at Bound For Glory.

Next Week’s Impact

Knockouts Tag Team Champion Killer Kelly vs. Tasha Steelz

Tag Team Country Ass Whoppin Strap Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. John Skyler & Jai Vidal

10 Person Tag Team Match
Champagne Singh, Jake Something, Jordynne Grace, Eric Young & Dirty Dango vs. Brain Myers, Bully Ray, Kilynn King, Jody Threat & Shera

Josh Alexander vs. Kon

Bound For Glory Card So Far (Oct 21st)

Will Ospreay vs. Mike Bailey

Impact World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Josh Alexander

X Division Title Match
Chris Sabin (c) vs. Kenta

Knockouts Title Match
Trinity (c) vs. Mickie James