Booker T Believes Tony Khan Will Make Samoa Joe A World Champion

(Photo Credit: ROH)

Two-time WWE Hall of Famer Booker T recently took to an episode of his “Hall Of Fame” podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including how he believes AEW President and CEO Tony Khan will make Samoa Joe a World Champion someday.

Booker T said, “It’s very, very simple why Joe falls short. [It’s] because he’s not the guy that they chose to be the guy. That’s all it is. It’s been in Joe’s position, not the chosen one. Joe will tell you that himself. Hey, man, I’m not the guy who was most likely to succeed in this business. I think Joe will tell you that Joe made all of his breaks. And, you know, do I wish Joe would win the big one? Of course. Will he win the big one? Perhaps. Think Joe is going to have his time in the sun. I really believe that just because Tony Kkhn is that type of guy. but as far as. Joe is one of those guys that is tailor-made to go out there and work with anybody and you’re going to believe what’s happening in that ring. And when that guy wins, that guy will be elevated to another level by beating Joe. And there again, I hope Joe gets his props one day because I work with Joe. Samoa Joe is right here in Houston. And it was one of the best matches I ever had. And it was perhaps the best match I had in TNA.”

You can check out Booker T’s complete podcast in the video below.